[inQuiry] NPM package release automation
This document describes the problem statement and how to automate the process of releasing an NPM package.
Background & Problem Statement
Currently, to release an NPM package, a developer must update the package version in the source code, create a pull request (PR), and wait for the PR to be merged. Once the PR is merged, CircleCI will automatically publish the new version to the NPM repository. However, the developer cannot be sure that the package has been published until they manually check the NPM repository. This release process is also not transparent and it can be difficult to track if the package has failed.
Also manually releasing NPM packages can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to problems such as releasing the wrong version of the package or releasing the package to the wrong repository. so to solve this problem we are proposing the below solution.
A simple solution is to automate the release process using Jenkins. This will ensure that releases are always done in a consistent and reliable manner.
The design of the NPM package release automation through the Jenkins process is as follows:
Bumps the version number of the package.
Commits the changes to the package's source code.
Pushes the changes to the repository.
Publishes the package to the NPM registry.
This Jenkins job can be configured to run on a schedule or it can be triggered by manually or a changes to the package's source code.
The NPM package release automation through the Jenkins process can be implemented by following these steps:
Create a new Jenkins job.
In the "Script" field, add the below code snippet.
In the "Branches to build" section, select the branch that we want to release the package from.
In the "Parameters" section, add a parameter called "version". The value of the parameter should be the version number of the package that we want to release.
Once the Jenkins job is saved, we can trigger it to run. If the job succeeds, the NPM package will be released to the NPM registry.
(Note: In the "Parameters" section of the Jenkins job, we need to add two parameters named branchName
and version
with types of String
and String
Here is an example of a script that can be used to automate the release of an NPM package:
Code snippet
node {
// Get the branch name from the Jenkins job parameters
def branchName = params.branchName
// Get the NPM package version from the Jenkins job parameters
def version = params.version
// Change directory to the package's directory
sh 'cd projects/questionset-editor-library'
// Validate the package version
def validateVersion = sh(script: "npm version ${npmPackageVersion} --verify", returnStdout: true).trim()
// If the version is not valid, exit the script
if (!validateVersion) {
echo "The NPM package version is not valid."
exit 1
// Check if the current version is already published
def publishedVersions = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'npm view <package-name> versions --json').trim()
def publishedVersion = publishedVersions.split(',')[0]
// Check if the package is already published
// def isPublished = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'npm list --depth=0 | grep ${npmPackageVersion}')
// If the current version is not published, bump the version and commit it to GitHub
if (version != publishedVersion) {
// Bump package version
sh 'npm version ${version}'
// Build the application
sh 'npm run build'
// Go back to the root directory
sh 'cd ../..'
// Commit the changes to the source code
sh 'git add package.json'
sh 'git commit -m "Bump version to ${version}"'
// Push the changes to the repository
sh 'git push origin ${branchName}'
// Change directory to the package's dist directory
sh 'cd dist/questionset-editor-library'
// Publish the package to the NPM registry
sh 'npm publish --access public'
} else {
echo "The NPM package is already published."
exit 1
This script will first get the
parameters from the Jenkins job parameters.If the version is valid, bump the version.
Then, it will check if the current version of the NPM package is already published. If it is not, the script will bump the version and commit it to GitHub.
Finally, the script will publish the package to the NPM repository.
Show a status to the user about the status of the release.
The benefits of NPM package release automation through Jenkins include:
Increased consistency: Releases will always be done in a consistent and reliable manner.
Reduced errors: The risk of human error is minimized.
Improved efficiency: The time and effort required to release packages is reduced.
Improved visibility: The release process is more transparent and easy to track.
Shell script:
# Get the branch name and NPM package version from Jenkins parameters
# Change directory to the project root
cd /path/to/project
# Check if the NPM package is already published
if curl -s $npm_package_url > /dev/null; then
echo "The NPM package is already published."
# Commit the NPM package version to GitHub
git add package.json
git commit -m "Bumping NPM package version to $npm_package_version"
git push origin $branch_name
# Publish the NPM package to the repository
npm publish
./publish_npm_package.sh master 1.0.0