- Created by Devesh Mehta, last modified on May 19, 2020
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Use cases for signup flow :
1.when signup form is loading
{ "eid": "START", "ets": 1589873004306, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "START:cd239af7f09bbf692b93e0bcd88a1dbf", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "signup", "sid": "7a33c191-8086-e016-72a1-d82fac1ad545", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "view", "pageid": "signup", "mode": "self", "uaspec": { "agent": "Chrome", "ver": "79.0.3945.130", "system": "unknown", "platform": "Linux", "raw": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36" }, "duration": 1589873004.436 } }
2. Impression event for sign up page load
{ "eid": "IMPRESSION", "ets": 1589873004351, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "IMPRESSION:c3e106b4506ab38789f9ca2681a31cd1", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "signup", "sid": "7a33c191-8086-e016-72a1-d82fac1ad545", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ { "type": "signup", "id": "639363e3-de50-5edb-5e2c-bf68ce10a457" } ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "view", "pageid": "signup", "uri": "/signup", "duration": 0.44 } }
3. Fetching of terms and conditions log event .
A. If successfully fetched TNC data.
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1589873004377, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:98831c8fc68acdc2d96ab87044435d3a", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "7a33c191-8086-e016-72a1-d82fac1ad545", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "fetch-terms-condition", "level": "SUCCESS", "message": "fetch-terms-condition success" } },
B. Error in fetching term and condition data
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1589873004377, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:98831c8fc68acdc2d96ab87044435d3a", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "7a33c191-8086-e016-72a1-d82fac1ad545", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "fetch-terms-condition", "level": "ERROR", "message": "fetch-terms-condition failed" } },
4. User Selects terms and condition check box-
A. If user selects terms and condition check box
{ "eid": "INTERACT", "ets": 1589873019509, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "INTERACT:e441999f571e12943227883f8379e115", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "7a33c191-8086-e016-72a1-d82fac1ad545", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ { "id": "user:tnc:accept", "type": "Feature" }, { "id": "SB-16663", "type": "Task" } ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "id": "user:tnc:accept", "type": "click", "subtype": "selected", "pageid": "self-signup" } },
B. If user has not selects terms and condition check box.
{ "eid": "INTERACT", "ets": 1589873019509, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "INTERACT:e441999f571e12943227883f8379e115", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "7a33c191-8086-e016-72a1-d82fac1ad545", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ { "id": "user:tnc:accept", "type": "Feature" }, { "id": "SB-16663", "type": "Task" } ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "id": "user:tnc:accept", "type": "click", "subtype": "unselected", "pageid": "self-signup" } }
User clicks on register button
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User clicks on submit otp button
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Invalid otp entered error
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Create user Flow
If create user API success
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1589875003461, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:18a009ff521ecfda52209cff4be38fed", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "abd0af50-6a4a-decf-901f-fc07290cbee4", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "sign-up", "level": "SUCCESS", "message": "sign-up success" } },
If create user API fails
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1589875003461, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:18a009ff521ecfda52209cff4be38fed", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "abd0af50-6a4a-decf-901f-fc07290cbee4", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "sign-up", "level": "ERROR", "message": "sign-up failed" } },
Accept TNC success
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1589875006685, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:3e16cff169b3227ec4c53456a2c9d933", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "abd0af50-6a4a-decf-901f-fc07290cbee4", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "accept-tnc", "level": "SUCCESS", "message": "accept-tnc success" } },
Accept TNC API error
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1589875006685, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:3e16cff169b3227ec4c53456a2c9d933", "actor": { "id": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", "pdata": { "id": "prod.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.8.12", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "self-signup", "sid": "abd0af50-6a4a-decf-901f-fc07290cbee4", "did": "db707c34785f86f30979eef0993e5991", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d" ], "edata": { "type": "accept-tnc", "level": "ERRORED", "message": "accept-tnc failed" } },
- No labels