DRAFT - Design in Progress
Bulk Content Upload API
HTTP Method - POST
API Endpoint - v1/bulkupload/content
Request Headers
Content-Type | multipart/form-data |
Authorization | Bearer {{api-key}} |
x-authenticated-user-token | {{keycloak-token}} |
x-channel-id | {{channel-identifier}} |
x-framework-id | {{framework-identifier}} |
Request Body
content: [contentUploadFile.csv]
Response : Success Response - OK (200)
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.content", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": null, "status": "success", "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "processId": "012813442982903808142" } }
Response : Failure Response - BAD REQUEST (400) - Corrupt File
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.content", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": "CORRUPTED_FILE", "status": "CORRUPTED_FILE", "errmsg": "Bulk content upload failed due to corrupt file" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { } }
Response : Failure Response - BAD REQUEST (400) - Invalid File Format(Only CSV files are supported)
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.content", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": "INVALID_FILE_FORMAT", "status": "INVALID_FILE_FORMAT", "errmsg": "Bulk content upload failed due to invalid file format" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { } }
Response : Failure Response - BAD REQUEST (400) - Invalid File Template (Columns Missing)
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.content", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": "INVALID_FILE_TEMPLATE", "status": "INVALID_FILE_TEMPLATE", "errmsg": "Bulk content upload failed due to invalid file template" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { } }
Response : Failure Response - BAD REQUEST (400) - Too many rows
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.content", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": "MAX_ROW_COUNT_EXCEEDED", "status": "MAX_ROW_COUNT_EXCEEDED", "errmsg": "Max row count allowed is 3000" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { } }
Bulk Content Upload Status Check API
HTTP Method - GET
API Endpoint - v1/bulkupload/status/:processId
Request Headers
Accept | application/json |
Authorization | Bearer {{api-key}} |
x-authenticated-user-token | {{keycloak-token}} |
Response : Success Response - OK (200) - In Queue
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.status", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": null, "status": "success", "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "processId": "012813442982903808142", "status": "Queued", "totalCount": 500 } }
Response : Success Response - OK (200) - In Progress
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.status", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": null, "status": "success", "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "processId": "012813442982903808142", "status": "Processing", "totalCount": 500, "successCount": 100, "failedCount": 10, "startTime": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000" } }
Response : Success Response - OK (200) - Completed
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.status", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": null, "status": "success", "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "processId": "012813442982903808142", "status": "Completed", "totalCount": 500, "successCount": 450, "failedCount": 50, "startTime": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000" "endTime": "2019-07-26 12:28:42:315+0000", "report": "signedDownloadUrl" } }
Response : Failure Response - RESOURSE NOT FOUND (404) - ProcessId not found
{ "id": "api.bulkupload.content", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2019-07-26 11:28:42:315+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "cf5b2e8e-70cf-401c-af29-980bc3151c67", "err": "PROCESS_NOT_", "status": "PROCESS_NOT_FOUND", "errmsg": "Process Id xxx is not found in the system" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { } }