Graylog on Sunbird

Graylog on Sunbird


  • Graylog is used to process and view the logs on Sunbird.

  • In the log stack, we have filebeats agents running on Kubernetes and VM’s These agents send the logs to Graylog.

  • Graylog process the logs and stores it in Elasticsearch

  • Graylog is used to view the logs also, so it also acts as a visualization tool

  • Graylog uses mongodb to store the configurations. Mongodb runs in the same node as graylog and requires minimum resources.

  • Graylog and mongodb both run as a cluster if more than one node is provisioned.

Jenkins Jobs

  • The following are the jenkins jobs related to log stack

    • Provision/Core/LogEs

      • Provision elasticsearch for storing the logs

    • Provision/Core/Graylog

      • Installs graylog, mongodb and openjdk

    • Opsadministration/Core/GraylogMongoImport

      • Imports the dashboards, alerts and other configurations for graylog into mongodb

    • Opsadministration/Core/GraylogGeoIP

      • Imports the GeoIP db into graylog

    • The below jobs install filebeats on the VMs

      • Deploy/Core/LoggingVMFlilebeats

      • Deploy/KnowledgePlatform/LoggingVMFlilebeats

      • Deploy/DataPipeline/LoggingVMFlilebeats

    • Deploy/Kubernetes/Logging

      • oauth-proxy chart - This install oauth proxy and allows graylog to be behind google authentication

      • filebeats chart - This installs filebeats in Kubernetes

Ansible Roles

Steps to export data from Graylog

  • In case you want to create / modify any data on graylog, you can do so by following the below steps

  • Login to graylog admin page by using the IP:9000 port

  • Make your changes on the Graylog UI

  • SSH into the graylog VM

  • Export the required table / db data using the below command

mongoexport --db=graylog --collection=inputs --out=inputs.json
while read -r line; do mongoexport --db=graylog --collection=$line --out=$line.json; done < collection.txt
  • Contents of collection.txt

cat collection.txt access_tokens alarmcallbackconfigurations alarmcallbackhistory alerts cluster_config cluster_events collectors content_packs content_packs_installations event_definitions event_notification_status event_notifications event_processor_state grants grok_patterns index_failures index_field_types index_ranges index_sets inputs lut_caches lut_data_adapters lut_tables nodes notifications pipeline_processor_pipelines pipeline_processor_pipelines_streams pipeline_processor_rules processing_status roles scheduler_job_definitions scheduler_triggers searches sessions sidecar_collectors sidecar_configuration_variables sidecars streamrules streams system_messages traffic users views
  • Commit the json file to github and test the changes by running the job in another environment and verify the changes are present

Accessing graylog and Variables

Using graylog

Scaling up / down Graylog, Mongo and Log ES

  • Scaling up operation is straightforward.

  • Adding the new set of IPs in the inventory and run the Provision/Core/Graylog and Provision/Core/LogES jobs

  • We will need to modify the graylog, log-es and mongo_master and mongo_replicas groups

  • After this you should be able to see the new nodes in ES cluster and Graylog cluster

  • Scaling down graylog is also straightforward. Just remove the IPs of graylog and mongo from the inventory and rerun the Provision/Core/Graylog job

  • Scaling down ES is straightforward if you have replicas for your indices. If you do not have replicas, there will be data loss on removing a ES node.

  • If you are ok with data loss, you can just remove the log-es IP from inventory and rerun the Provision/Core/LogES job.

  • If you are not ok with data loss, you need to enable the replica for the indices and then remove the node after replication is complete. This will increase the disk size on each node due to replication. For more details on this process, refer to the ES docs - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/add-elasticsearch-nodes.html

Graylog Monitoring Dashboard and Alerts

Upgrading Graylog

  • Upgrading graylog is straight forward. Just update the version in the ansible playbook - https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-devops/blob/release-5.1.0/ansible/graylog.yml#L6-L9

  • We will need to ensure the mongodb and ES versions are supported. If support is not available, we will need to upgrade those components also

  • We also need to ensure that post upgrade all the dashboards, inputs and other exported json data are compatible and are supported. If not supported, then we will need to update those exported json data as per compatbility.

  • We also need to ensure the metrics, dashboard and alerts work as expected post upgrade. If not, we will need to update them and ensure they work as expected.

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