Easy Installer Database Restores

Easy Installer Database Restores

As we are using kubernetes to host databases, so approach is different to restore database

Refer the following link to take backup of the databases:

Neo4j Restore

  1. copy backup folder from the azure storage account to the pod which you will create with the below manifest, this pod will mount same pv where data is present of neo4j.

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ubuntu-deployment labels: app: ubuntu spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: ubuntu template: metadata: labels: app: ubuntu spec: containers: - name: ubuntu image: ubuntu command: ["sleep", "123456"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: neo4j-data volumes: - name: neo4j-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: neo4j-claim
  1. scale neo4j deployment to 0

    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/neo4j -n sunbird
  2. Go inside the pod which you created with the manifest, navigate to /data/databases, rename graph.db to graph.db.backup and paste the graph.db folder at same location. Exit from the pod

    kubectl exec -it neo4j -n test -- /bin/bash cd /data/databases mv graph.db graph.db.backup go to your backup file and move graph.db to /data/databases mv yourbackup_graph.db /data/databases (make sure directory name shoudl remain graph.db)
  3. Scale again neo4j pod to 1 which will load the data from the backup data

  4. Remove deployment which was created to restore neo4j backup


Elasticsearch Restore

As we took elasticsearch backup with help of azure plugin

create repository with following command

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "type": "azure", "settings": { "container": "<blob_name>", "base_path": "<storage_account_name>"} }'


restore the snapshot with below command

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup/snapshot_1/_restore'


checking status of the snapshot restore

curl -s "http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup/snapshot_1/_status?pretty"


Cassandra Restore

  1. Download restore script from below url

  2. Download backup from storage account and untar the backup

  3. Copy backup folder to pod at location /bitnami/cassandra

  4. Copy restore script also which you have downloaded from the url to the pod and place it to /bitnami/cassandra

  5. Restore schema got to backupfolder eg. /bitnami/cassandra/cassandrabackup, you will find db_schema.cql. Use below command

  6. Use below command to restore

  7. Restart the statefulset once operations is done

  8. Validate data by using cqlsh

  9. Delete backup folder which you have copied earlier you can delete restore.py script

Redis Restore

  1. Download required backup from azure storage account and uncompress file

  2. Copy backup to redis pod at location /data

  3. go to /data/appendonlydir you will see one rdb file eg. appendonly.aof.1.base.rdb , take copy of that file or rename same by appending backup to file name

  4. rename downloded rdb file with the same name eg if the file name inside appendonlydir is appendonly.aof.1.base.rdb then rename your dump.rdb to the same name

  5. Past that rdb to the /data/appendonlydir

  6. restart statefulset

Postgres Restore

  1. Download required backup from azure storage account and uncompress backup file

  2. Copy backup to /bitnami/postgresql directory inside file or you can connect database remotely and do a restore

  3. Use below command to restore inside the postgres pod

  4. Validate databases

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