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Current Release Tags and Jenkins Jobs Reference
Sunbird installation - Release 2.3.0
Sunbird installation - Release 2.0.0
Sunbird [Run | Scale | Secure] - 2019
Documentation for DevOps - Release 1.14.0
Details on advanced configurations and process
Creating new folders for Jenkins jobs
Removing folders for Jenkins jobs
Other Jenkins configurations
Jenkins scripts, Jenkins variable and Jenkins parameters details
Creating User and Organizations
Creating Frameworks
Creating and Publishing Contents
Jenkins job changes - Auto and Manual builds
OpsAdministration Jenkins Jobs
Release Upgrades
Keycloak Upgrade from 3.2.0-Final to 6.0.1
Keycloak Upgrade from 3.2.0 to 7.0.1
API Manager Kong BEST Practices Documentation.
Sunbird Storage Account Refactoring
Backup and Restore DBs
Non Devops Contents
Transition to Kubernetes
How to export Testcase coverage report to SonarCloud
Create SSL Certificate for SSL pinning
Automated Build and Deploy - Initial Design
Storage Account life cycle policy enablement
Scenarios tested for kong token and keycloak token handling
Kong JWT Tokens Design Proposal
Sunbird Pull Request and CI Process
How To's
Sunbird Upgrade Doc
Details on advanced configurations and process
Creating User and Organizations
Creating User and Organizations
Former user (Deleted)
Owned by
Former user (Deleted)
Jun 28, 2019
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{"serverDuration": 11, "requestCorrelationId": "0d6facebd07c42d88ec9104bb69572cb"}