Schedule as a Building Block

Schedule as a Building Block


Sunbird as on today focuses on following parameters to be referred as building block :
a) User Registry : User & Org
b) Asset Distribution : Knowledge Platform

Intent of this document is to propose a building block (i.e. Schedule which is time series) as part of Sunbird Architecture.


“Schedule“ can be time of interest for one or more entities in the system. Different Example of Schedule:

  1. Solar Irradiance Data Captured Every Hour

  2. School Timetable

  3. Individual Calendar

  4. Vaccination TimeSlot

  5. Doctor’s Appointment

  6. Team Meeting

  7. Travel Itinerary of a Person

  8. Financial Analysis of Sales and Revenue of a Company

  9. Smart Meter Reading

  10. Timesheet

Vision of Schedule as a Building Block is intended to provide:

SchemaLess : Schema less store of time series data

Specification intended to solve the problem of time series

Infra to manage the timeseries data in project agnostic way

Self Managed Micro Services to manage the time series data


Ex: Model can be as follows:

{ time: ““,//PrimaryKey startTime : '', endTime : '', duration : '', //SearchableIndexes Attr1-ClientKey,Attr2-ClusteringKey, Attr3,Attr4,Attr5-CustomIndexes, SubKey1: “Attr1+Attr2“, // Cluster Key SubKey2: “Attr1+Attr2+Attr3“, // Identification Key SubKey3: “Attr1+Attr2+Attr3+Attr4“, // Sub Identification Key SubKey4: “Attr1+Attr2+Attr3+Attr4+Attr5“, // Order Key metadata: { }//JSONObject }

Structure Diagram:

DB Table of Data Clusters

Flow Diagram:

Use Cases and API required

Use Case: Time table of a class

a) Create a Time Table Entry for an hour by teacher

b) View Time Table by User for each day/ configured set of days

c) Repeat Schedule for Prescribed days.

d) Fetch the TimeTable of a class
