- Created by Sajesh Kayyath, last modified on May 22, 2023
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This document explains about the various error responses the inQuiry micro service currently throws. The intent of this document is to look through the errors and classify it and propose any changes in terms of error reporting.
Broadly classified, there are three types of error responses that are coming out of the APIs.
Error Classification | HTTP Status Code | Description / Usage |
CLIENT_ERROR | 400 | The client sends a bad request that resulted in service validating and throwing the error. |
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | 404 | The client request for a resource that is not found in the server. |
SERVER_ERROR | 500 | Service resulted in unexpected results while processing the client request. |
Reference : org.sunbird.common.exception.ResponseCode
Sunbird Exception Hierarchy
Current Scenarios of various exceptions
Class ServerException Usages in All Places (56 usages found) Local variable declaration (1 usage found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.common.exception (1 usage found) ServerExceptionTest (1 usage found) testServerException_6() (1 usage found) 37 ServerException exception = new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable")); New instance creation (30 usages found) assessment-actors (3 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (3 usages found) AssessmentManager.scala (1 usage found) 207 } else throw new ServerException("ERR_QUESTION_SET_HIERARCHY", "No hierarchy is present in cassandra for identifier:" + rootNode.getIdentifier) CopyManager.scala (2 usages found) 107 throw new ServerException("ERR_QUESTIONSET_COPY", "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again") 116 throw new ServerException("ERR_QUESTIONSET_COPY", "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again") qs-hierarchy-manager (4 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (4 usages found) HierarchyManager.scala (3 usages found) 488 throw new ServerException("ERR_WHILE_FETCHING_HIERARCHY_FROM_CASSANDRA", "Error while fetching hierarchy from cassandra") 493 throw new ServerException("ERR_WHILE_FETCHING_HIERARCHY_FROM_CASSANDRA", "Error while fetching hierarchy from cassandra") 575 throw new ServerException("SERVER_ERROR", "Invalid response from search") UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 128 throw new ServerException(HierarchyErrorCodes.ERR_HIERARCHY_NOT_FOUND, "No hierarchy is present in cassandra for identifier:" + rootNode.getIdentifier) Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (9 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.external.store (5 usages found) ExternalStore.scala (5 usages found) 49 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Saving The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 92 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Reading The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 110 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Reading The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 150 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Reading The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 181 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Saving The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.relations (2 usages found) AbstractRelation.scala (1 usage found) 66 throw new ServerException(GraphErrorCodes.ERR_RELATION_VALIDATE.toString, "Error occurred while validating the relation", e) SequenceMembershipRelation.scala (1 usage found) 25 throw new ServerException(GraphErrorCodes.ERR_RELATION_VALIDATE.toString, e.getMessage, e) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema (1 usage found) CategoryDefinitionValidator.scala (1 usage found) 65 } else throw new ServerException(resp.getParams.getErr, resp.getParams.getErrmsg + " " + resp.getResult) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (1 usage found) FrameworkValidator.scala (1 usage found) 152 throw new ServerException("ERR_GRAPH_PROCESSING_ERROR", "Unable To Fetch Nodes From Graph. Exception is: " + e.getMessage) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (13 usages found) org.sunbird.common (7 usages found) HttpUtil (7 usages found) post(String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, String>) (2 usages found) 33 throw new ServerException("ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_BODY", "Request Body is Missing!"); 38 throw new ServerException("ERR_API_CALL", "Something Went Wrong While Making API Call | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); get(String, String, Map<String, String>) (1 usage found) 58 throw new ServerException("ERR_API_CALL", "Something Went Wrong While Making API Call | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); getMetadata(String, Map<String, String>) (1 usage found) 84 throw new ServerException("ERR_API_CALL", "Something Went Wrong While Making API Call | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); validateRequest(String, Map<String, String>) (2 usages found) 90 throw new ServerException("ERR_INVALID_URL", "Url Parameter is Missing!"); 92 throw new ServerException("ERR_INVALID_HEADER_PARAM", "Header Parameter is Missing!"); getResponse(HttpResponse<String>) (1 usage found) 100 throw new ServerException("ERR_DATA_PARSER", "Unable to parse data! | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); org.sunbird.common.exception (6 usages found) ServerExceptionTest (6 usages found) testServerException_1() (1 usage found) 11 throw new ServerException(ResponseCode.SERVER_ERROR.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null."); testServerException_2() (1 usage found) 16 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", Arrays.asList("Message one ", "message 2")); testServerException_3() (1 usage found) 21 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", "message1", "message2"); testServerException_4() (1 usage found) 26 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable"), "message1", "message2"); testServerException_5() (1 usage found) 32 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable")); testServerException_6() (1 usage found) 37 ServerException exception = new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable")); Maven: org.sunbird:schema-validator:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.schema (1 usage found) SchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) getExternalStoreName(String, String) (1 usage found) 39 throw new ServerException("ERR_KEYSPACE_NOT_DEFINED", "Key space for " + name + " is not configured."); Usage in .class (10 usages found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (9 usages found) org.sunbird.common (4 usages found) HttpUtilTest (4 usages found) testValidateRequestWithEmptyUrl() (1 usage found) 50 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testValidateRequestWithEmptyHeader() (1 usage found) 60 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testPostWithInvalidRequest() (1 usage found) 93 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testGetResponseWithInvalidBody() (1 usage found) 140 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) org.sunbird.common.exception (5 usages found) ServerExceptionTest (5 usages found) testServerException_1() (1 usage found) 9 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_2() (1 usage found) 14 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_3() (1 usage found) 19 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_4() (1 usage found) 24 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_5() (1 usage found) 30 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) Maven: org.sunbird:schema-validator:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.schema (1 usage found) TestSchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) getExternalStoreNameInvalid() (1 usage found) 44 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) Usage in import (14 usages found) assessment-actors (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) AssessmentManager.scala (1 usage found) 8 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} CopyManager.scala (1 usage found) 8 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ServerException} qs-hierarchy-manager (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) HierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 10 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ErrorCodes, ResourceNotFoundException, ResponseCode, ServerException} UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 9 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ErrorCodes, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (5 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.external.store (1 usage found) ExternalStore.scala (1 usage found) 14 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ErrorCodes, ResponseCode, ServerException} src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.relations (2 usages found) AbstractRelation.scala (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{MiddlewareException, ServerException} SequenceMembershipRelation.scala (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema (1 usage found) CategoryDefinitionValidator.scala (1 usage found) 11 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ResourceNotFoundException, ResponseCode, ServerException} src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (1 usage found) FrameworkValidator.scala (1 usage found) 10 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (3 usages found) org.sunbird.common (3 usages found) HttpUtil (1 usage found) 11 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; HttpUtilTest (1 usage found) 21 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; HttpUtilTests (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; Maven: org.sunbird:schema-validator:1.0-SNAPSHOT (2 usages found) org.sunbird.schema (2 usages found) SchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; TestSchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) 7 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; Usage in instanceof (1 usage found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.common.dto (1 usage found) ResponseHandler (1 usage found) setResponseCode(Response, Throwable) (1 usage found) 176 } else if (e instanceof ServerException) {
Class ResourceNotFoundException Usages in All Places (34 usages found) Local variable declaration (1 usage found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.common.exception (1 usage found) ResourceNotFoundExceptionTest (1 usage found) testResourceNotFoundException_6() (1 usage found) 37 ResourceNotFoundException exception = new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: ", "do_1234"); New instance creation (14 usages found) qs-hierarchy-manager (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (2 usages found) 267 throw new ResourceNotFoundException("ERR_UPDATE_QS_HIERARCHY", s"No node found with id: $nodeId") 288 } else throw new ResourceNotFoundException(HierarchyErrorCodes.ERR_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND, "Content not found with identifier: " + nodeId) Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (6 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema (2 usages found) CategoryDefinitionValidator.scala (2 usages found) 56 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(resp.getParams.getErr, resp.getParams.getErrmsg + " " + resp.getResult) 62 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(channelCatResp.getParams.getErr, channelCatResp.getParams.getErrmsg + " " + channelCatResp.getResult) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (4 usages found) FrameworkValidator.scala (3 usages found) 182 throw new ResourceNotFoundException("ERR_VALIDATING_CONTENT_FRAMEWORK", s"Nodes not found for Id's $ids ") 195 throw new ResourceNotFoundException("ERR_VALIDATING_CONTENT_FRAMEWORK", s"No nodes found for $termName with ids: ${node.getMetadata.get(termName)}") 197 throw new ResourceNotFoundException("ERR_VALIDATING_CONTENT_FRAMEWORK", s"No nodes found for $termName with ids: ${node.getMetadata.get(termName)}") VersioningNode.scala (1 usage found) 44 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(GraphErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_NODE.toString, "Node Not Found With Identifier : " + identifier) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (6 usages found) org.sunbird.common.exception (6 usages found) ResourceNotFoundExceptionTest (6 usages found) testResourceNotFoundException_1() (1 usage found) 11 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: "); testResourceNotFoundException_2() (1 usage found) 16 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: ", Arrays.asList("Message one ", "message 2")); testResourceNotFoundException_3() (1 usage found) 21 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: ", "message1", "message2"); testResourceNotFoundException_4() (1 usage found) 26 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: ", new Throwable("message throwable"), "message1", "message2"); testResourceNotFoundException_5() (1 usage found) 32 throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: ", new Throwable("message throwable")); testResourceNotFoundException_6() (1 usage found) 37 ResourceNotFoundException exception = new ResourceNotFoundException(ResponseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.name(), "Node not found with identifier: ", "do_1234"); Type parameter (2 usages found) Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (2 usages found) src.test.scala.org.sunbird.graph.nodes (2 usages found) TestDataNode.scala (2 usages found) 150 recoverToSucceededIf[ResourceNotFoundException](DataNode.create(request)) 274 recoverToSucceededIf[ResourceNotFoundException](DataNode.update(req)) Usage in .class (5 usages found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (5 usages found) org.sunbird.common.exception (5 usages found) ResourceNotFoundExceptionTest (5 usages found) testResourceNotFoundException_1() (1 usage found) 9 @Test(expected = ResourceNotFoundException.class) testResourceNotFoundException_2() (1 usage found) 14 @Test(expected = ResourceNotFoundException.class) testResourceNotFoundException_3() (1 usage found) 19 @Test(expected = ResourceNotFoundException.class) testResourceNotFoundException_4() (1 usage found) 24 @Test(expected = ResourceNotFoundException.class) testResourceNotFoundException_5() (1 usage found) 30 @Test(expected = ResourceNotFoundException.class) Usage in import (7 usages found) assessment-actors (1 usage found) org.sunbird.managers (1 usage found) AssessmentManager.scala (1 usage found) 8 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} qs-hierarchy-manager (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) HierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 10 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ErrorCodes, ResourceNotFoundException, ResponseCode, ServerException} UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 9 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ErrorCodes, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (4 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema (1 usage found) CategoryDefinitionValidator.scala (1 usage found) 11 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ResourceNotFoundException, ResponseCode, ServerException} src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (2 usages found) FrameworkValidator.scala (1 usage found) 10 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} VersioningNode.scala (1 usage found) 9 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ResourceNotFoundException src.test.scala.org.sunbird.graph.nodes (1 usage found) TestDataNode.scala (1 usage found) 9 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException} Usage in instanceof (3 usages found) Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (2 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (2 usages found) VersioningNode.scala (2 usages found) 57 if (e.getCause.isInstanceOf[ResourceNotFoundException]) 82 if (e.getCause.isInstanceOf[ResourceNotFoundException]) { Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.common.dto (1 usage found) ResponseHandler (1 usage found) setResponseCode(Response, Throwable) (1 usage found) 178 } else if (e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) { Value read (2 usages found) qs-hierarchy-manager (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) HierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 197 }).flatMap(f => f) recoverWith { case e: ResourceNotFoundException => { UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 137 }) recover { case e: ResourceNotFoundException => TelemetryManager.log("No hierarchy is present in cassandra for identifier:" + rootNode.getIdentifier) }
Class ServerException Usages in All Places (56 usages found) Local variable declaration (1 usage found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.common.exception (1 usage found) ServerExceptionTest (1 usage found) testServerException_6() (1 usage found) 37 ServerException exception = new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable")); New instance creation (30 usages found) assessment-actors (3 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (3 usages found) AssessmentManager.scala (1 usage found) 207 } else throw new ServerException("ERR_QUESTION_SET_HIERARCHY", "No hierarchy is present in cassandra for identifier:" + rootNode.getIdentifier) CopyManager.scala (2 usages found) 107 throw new ServerException("ERR_QUESTIONSET_COPY", "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again") 116 throw new ServerException("ERR_QUESTIONSET_COPY", "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again") qs-hierarchy-manager (4 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (4 usages found) HierarchyManager.scala (3 usages found) 488 throw new ServerException("ERR_WHILE_FETCHING_HIERARCHY_FROM_CASSANDRA", "Error while fetching hierarchy from cassandra") 493 throw new ServerException("ERR_WHILE_FETCHING_HIERARCHY_FROM_CASSANDRA", "Error while fetching hierarchy from cassandra") 575 throw new ServerException("SERVER_ERROR", "Invalid response from search") UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 128 throw new ServerException(HierarchyErrorCodes.ERR_HIERARCHY_NOT_FOUND, "No hierarchy is present in cassandra for identifier:" + rootNode.getIdentifier) Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (9 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.external.store (5 usages found) ExternalStore.scala (5 usages found) 49 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Saving The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 92 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Reading The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 110 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Reading The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 150 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Reading The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) 181 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name, "Exception Occurred While Saving The Record. Exception is : " + e.getMessage) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.relations (2 usages found) AbstractRelation.scala (1 usage found) 66 throw new ServerException(GraphErrorCodes.ERR_RELATION_VALIDATE.toString, "Error occurred while validating the relation", e) SequenceMembershipRelation.scala (1 usage found) 25 throw new ServerException(GraphErrorCodes.ERR_RELATION_VALIDATE.toString, e.getMessage, e) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema (1 usage found) CategoryDefinitionValidator.scala (1 usage found) 65 } else throw new ServerException(resp.getParams.getErr, resp.getParams.getErrmsg + " " + resp.getResult) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (1 usage found) FrameworkValidator.scala (1 usage found) 152 throw new ServerException("ERR_GRAPH_PROCESSING_ERROR", "Unable To Fetch Nodes From Graph. Exception is: " + e.getMessage) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (13 usages found) org.sunbird.common (7 usages found) HttpUtil (7 usages found) post(String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, String>) (2 usages found) 33 throw new ServerException("ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_BODY", "Request Body is Missing!"); 38 throw new ServerException("ERR_API_CALL", "Something Went Wrong While Making API Call | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); get(String, String, Map<String, String>) (1 usage found) 58 throw new ServerException("ERR_API_CALL", "Something Went Wrong While Making API Call | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); getMetadata(String, Map<String, String>) (1 usage found) 84 throw new ServerException("ERR_API_CALL", "Something Went Wrong While Making API Call | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); validateRequest(String, Map<String, String>) (2 usages found) 90 throw new ServerException("ERR_INVALID_URL", "Url Parameter is Missing!"); 92 throw new ServerException("ERR_INVALID_HEADER_PARAM", "Header Parameter is Missing!"); getResponse(HttpResponse<String>) (1 usage found) 100 throw new ServerException("ERR_DATA_PARSER", "Unable to parse data! | Error is: " + e.getMessage()); org.sunbird.common.exception (6 usages found) ServerExceptionTest (6 usages found) testServerException_1() (1 usage found) 11 throw new ServerException(ResponseCode.SERVER_ERROR.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null."); testServerException_2() (1 usage found) 16 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", Arrays.asList("Message one ", "message 2")); testServerException_3() (1 usage found) 21 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", "message1", "message2"); testServerException_4() (1 usage found) 26 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable"), "message1", "message2"); testServerException_5() (1 usage found) 32 throw new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable")); testServerException_6() (1 usage found) 37 ServerException exception = new ServerException(ErrorCodes.ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.name(), "Failed to create node object. Node from database is null.", new Throwable("message throwable")); Maven: org.sunbird:schema-validator:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.schema (1 usage found) SchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) getExternalStoreName(String, String) (1 usage found) 39 throw new ServerException("ERR_KEYSPACE_NOT_DEFINED", "Key space for " + name + " is not configured."); Usage in .class (10 usages found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (9 usages found) org.sunbird.common (4 usages found) HttpUtilTest (4 usages found) testValidateRequestWithEmptyUrl() (1 usage found) 50 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testValidateRequestWithEmptyHeader() (1 usage found) 60 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testPostWithInvalidRequest() (1 usage found) 93 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testGetResponseWithInvalidBody() (1 usage found) 140 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) org.sunbird.common.exception (5 usages found) ServerExceptionTest (5 usages found) testServerException_1() (1 usage found) 9 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_2() (1 usage found) 14 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_3() (1 usage found) 19 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_4() (1 usage found) 24 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) testServerException_5() (1 usage found) 30 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) Maven: org.sunbird:schema-validator:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.schema (1 usage found) TestSchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) getExternalStoreNameInvalid() (1 usage found) 44 @Test(expected = ServerException.class) Usage in import (14 usages found) assessment-actors (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) AssessmentManager.scala (1 usage found) 8 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} CopyManager.scala (1 usage found) 8 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ServerException} qs-hierarchy-manager (2 usages found) org.sunbird.managers (2 usages found) HierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 10 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ErrorCodes, ResourceNotFoundException, ResponseCode, ServerException} UpdateHierarchyManager.scala (1 usage found) 9 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ErrorCodes, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} Maven: org.sunbird:graph-engine_2.11:1.0-SNAPSHOT (5 usages found) src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.external.store (1 usage found) ExternalStore.scala (1 usage found) 14 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ErrorCodes, ResponseCode, ServerException} src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.relations (2 usages found) AbstractRelation.scala (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{MiddlewareException, ServerException} SequenceMembershipRelation.scala (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema (1 usage found) CategoryDefinitionValidator.scala (1 usage found) 11 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ResourceNotFoundException, ResponseCode, ServerException} src.main.scala.org.sunbird.graph.schema.validator (1 usage found) FrameworkValidator.scala (1 usage found) 10 import org.sunbird.common.exception.{ClientException, ResourceNotFoundException, ServerException} Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (3 usages found) org.sunbird.common (3 usages found) HttpUtil (1 usage found) 11 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; HttpUtilTest (1 usage found) 21 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; HttpUtilTests (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; Maven: org.sunbird:schema-validator:1.0-SNAPSHOT (2 usages found) org.sunbird.schema (2 usages found) SchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) 5 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; TestSchemaValidatorFactory (1 usage found) 7 import org.sunbird.common.exception.ServerException; Usage in instanceof (1 usage found) Maven: org.sunbird:platform-common:1.0-SNAPSHOT (1 usage found) org.sunbird.common.dto (1 usage found) ResponseHandler (1 usage found) setResponseCode(Response, Throwable) (1 usage found) 176 } else if (e instanceof ServerException) {
API Error Responses from inQuiry microservice
API Functionality | HTTP Error Code | Existing Error Response | Proposed Error Response |
Question Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:27:33ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "c34e2d4f-779b-49fc-9d6a-db4466c8de3a", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata name not set" ] } } | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:27:33ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "c34e2d4f-779b-49fc-9d6a-db4466c8de3a", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "errors": [ { "identifier": "name", "message": "Required Metadata name not set" } ] } } |
Question Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:26:17ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "e45e51ca-8c4e-4585-ab03-75ab8b131bb5", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata code not set" ] } } |
Question Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:26:27ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "0020dd04-65ad-4e8a-9194-bb927025d3e0", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata mimeType not set" ] } } |
Question Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:51:49ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "3814749d-47a0-4e38-a040-6d32e8e4cbcf", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata primaryCategory not set" ] } } |
Question Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:26:35ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "4ab85c6e-3ee4-4dc3-bcbf-0292b734dfdc", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Metadata mimeType should be one of: [application/vnd.sunbird.question]" ] } } | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:26:35ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "4ab85c6e-3ee4-4dc3-bcbf-0292b734dfdc", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "errors": [ { "identifier": "mimeType", "message": "Metadata mimeType should be one of: [application/vnd.sunbird.question]" } ] } } |
Question Update | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:29:03ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "d43a4913-d662-4a8a-8859-9add9a04da52", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Invalid version Key" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } | { "id": "api.question.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:29:03ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "d43a4913-d662-4a8a-8859-9add9a04da52", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Invalid version Key" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "errors": [ { "identifier": "version key", "message": "Invalid version Key" } ] } } |
Question Review | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:20ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "fd89269b-36f9-4673-8af4-db41b5f60716", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [body] Missing for do_21379593928588492814142" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } | { "id": "api.question.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:20ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "fd89269b-36f9-4673-8af4-db41b5f60716", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [body] Missing for do_21379593928588492814142" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "errors": [ { "identifier": "body", "message": "Mandatory Fields [body] Missing for do_21379593928588492814142" } ] } } |
Question Review | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:24ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "851c2874-e6fe-42b0-8c4f-67c234154bc8", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [responseDeclaration] Missing for do_21379593932446105614143" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Review | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:29ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "23ee2a5c-6ad7-4bae-80c2-94d42f82546d", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [interactions] Missing for do_21379593936168550414144" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Review | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:34ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "3de1955f-c480-4903-ba17-05e59cf2dc43", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [answer] Missing for do_21379593940282572814145" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Publish | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:56ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "3c82e765-b5e0-4fec-8e5e-87d66f60b323", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [body] Missing for do_21379593958717030414146" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Publish | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:31:00ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "e54e1b92-98a8-46bb-a27c-f9790dffd713", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [responseDeclaration] Missing for do_21379593961955328014147" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Publish | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:31:04ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "80ab8746-8455-4d62-9bf9-886bd38851d8", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [interactions] Missing for do_21379593964663603214148" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Publish | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:31:07ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "7ec01a2a-3e35-46d7-8385-0dcc81780708", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [answer] Missing for do_21379593967552921614149" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question List | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questions.list", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:31:29ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "f76b3bb2-05f0-428a-b0ee-113609f12b6f", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Request contains invalid identifiers : [do_list_abc_123]." }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question List | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questions.list", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:31:34ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "9edb0e68-8a15-4219-a92a-902efcc786ee", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Request contains invalid identifiers : [do_list_abc_234, do_list_abc_123]." }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Import | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.import", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:00ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "b71e805f-5341-4e56-93ed-9f57fd293864", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_REQUIRED_PROPS_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Failed! Mandatory Properties Are [\"name\",\"code\",\"mimeType\",\"framework\",\"channel\"] | Required Property's Missing For [fb1aef22-88e4-4f91-8055-6086bf338bf1]" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Import | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.import", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:09ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "6a19eeec-b742-4057-a782-c5c1a6a73695", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_READ_SOURCE", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Received Invalid Response While Reading Data From Source. Response Code is : RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Reject | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.question.reject", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:19ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "1acd73e6-d400-492e-abf5-5654c3425934", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_QUESTION_REJECT", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Question is not in 'Review' state for identifier: do_21379594026542694414151" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:44ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "9ce43dcc-49c6-4b19-9285-1e4019bfbf30", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata name not set" ] } } |
QuestionSet Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:53ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "6ac7f1cc-a41a-4bf4-a5f7-49f16beece82", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata code not set" ] } } |
QuestionSet Create | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:56ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "6a4dc627-3593-49d5-adcf-d0c0a077cff6", "msgid": null, "err": "CLIENT_ERROR", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Errors" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": [ "Required Metadata mimeType not set" ] } } |
QuestionSet Update | 200 OK | ?? |
QuestionSet Update Hierarchy | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:33:44ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "948bf8e0-c33c-40ed-8e69-fdecace00b7d", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_INVALID_ROOT_ID", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Please Provide Valid Root Node Identifier" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Review | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:34:05ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "f90d747b-be39-4fad-992c-c5e2c8575806", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [responseDeclaration] Missing for do_21379594112953548814163" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Publish | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:34:33ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "25552ef2-1af5-4bbb-80cb-d68b8f229b1f", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_MANDATORY_FIELD_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Mandatory Fields [responseDeclaration] Missing for do_21379594136426086414168" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Retire | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.retire", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:35:05ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "b2e2a370-dee4-47cb-8fe6-a250cdc70f7c", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_QUESTION_SET_RETIRE", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "QuestionSet with identifier : do_21379594162091622414177 is already Retired." }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Reject | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.reject", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:38:57ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "ff2aac33-c257-487a-85a8-b44a013e2f71", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_QUESTION_SET_REJECT", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "QuestionSet is not in 'Review' state for identifier: do_21379594343893401614182" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Import | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.import", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:39:31ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "b8a1999b-5893-4ef5-801d-b7c73813119f", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_REQUIRED_PROPS_VALIDATION", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Validation Failed! Mandatory Properties Are [\"name\",\"code\",\"mimeType\",\"framework\",\"channel\"] | Required Property's Missing For [4f85db76-f8c4-41d0-b45c-a8cadba2f618]" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Import | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.import", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:39:36ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "45cd3ffc-205e-44cd-8017-40804711aa2a", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_READ_SOURCE", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Received Invalid Response While Reading Data From Source. Response Code is : RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Add Children | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.add", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:39:44ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "6f0aa0d2-6d4a-4788-8a22-0c68d8bb841a", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "children are mandatory" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Remove Children | 400 Bad Request | { "id": "api.questionset.remove", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:40:01ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "242d2006-4e0e-49d8-8edd-725e68fd6a16", "msgid": null, "err": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "children are mandatory" }, "responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR", "result": { "messages": null } } |
API Functionality | HTTP Error Code | Existing Error Response | Proposed Error Response |
Question Create | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:26:45ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "ae6a0c53-2e1b-40fd-8085-7a6463675a5b", "msgid": null, "err": "404", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Entry is not found in cassandra for content with identifier: obj-cat:random-category-name_question_all {}" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } | { "id": "api.question.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:26:45ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "ae6a0c53-2e1b-40fd-8085-7a6463675a5b", "msgid": null, "err": "404", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Entry is not found in cassandra for content with identifier: obj-cat:random-category-name_question_all {}" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "errors": [ { "identifier": "obj-cat:random-category-name_question_all", "message": "Entry is not found in cassandra for content with identifier: obj-cat:random-category-name_question_all {}" } ] } } |
Question Read | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.question.read", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:28:25ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "f8088bfa-ba98-49d0-ac9b-8cdc4d15f173", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_1111111" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Update | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.question.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:11ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "12a442d1-851b-4bd4-b664-878688497a55", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_abc_123" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Review | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.question.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:30:41ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "6d9184ee-1cb3-4c99-acd8-d05fb764aeca", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_abcq_1234" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Publish | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.question.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:31:12ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "486fabc5-9ca9-40c4-8aa9-48c4c493bc52", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_abcq_1234" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Question Reject | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.question.reject", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:32:24ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "49b848a4-17d1-43dd-9fe8-508f224dd6f5", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_abc_reject_1111" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Create | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.create", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:33:04ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "6b5f76da-2fbd-433b-9660-1d7913be0db6", "msgid": null, "err": "404", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Entry is not found in cassandra for content with identifier: obj-cat:test-questionset-category_questionset_all {}" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Read | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.read", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:33:10ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "9322f6f9-da7b-481f-9a67-281403c321f5", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: questionset_123_invalid" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Update | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:33:27ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "0f41b47c-7f8d-46dc-87dd-171ef4d8bfb6", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: invalid_questionset_id" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Update Hierarchy | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:33:49ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "d63ee9b1-1a49-455a-a9a0-accd6bc5a036", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_qs_12345" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Update Hierarchy | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.update", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:33:54ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "c9fdb65f-a071-41b9-a0eb-0f7a160329ee", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_q_123456" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Review | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.review", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:34:25ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "8050b405-6c9f-431a-a5ed-2465bd92aa3d", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_qs_12345" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Publish | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.publish", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:34:39ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "c08b8af9-5b03-47b0-b2be-1a37e840fae0", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_1234_publish" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Read Hierarchy | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.get", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:34:47ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "d229d131-d787-480a-bbfa-2800d59dcb5a", "msgid": null, "err": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "rootId do_21379594147649945614172 does not exist" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": {} } |
QuestionSet Read Hierarchy | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.get", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:34:51ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "3dceeaa5-13ad-400a-9470-869017e71239", "msgid": null, "err": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "rootId do_qs_123_abc does not exist" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": {} } |
QuestionSet Retire | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.retire", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:35:17ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "995b39d1-87fc-439e-992a-397175f77fb9", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_qs_1234" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Reject | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.reject", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:39:23ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "acd9ed0b-3aec-481c-ac52-3476b805f099", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_qs_123445" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Add Children | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.add", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:39:53ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "673887df-8c4d-4b84-90d5-874f3868d5ce", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_qs_12333333" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
QuestionSet Remove Children | 404 Not Found | { "id": "api.questionset.remove", "ver": "3.0", "ts": "2023-05-14T14:40:07ZZ", "params": { "resmsgid": "015b90c2-bb4c-4a24-a270-dba2acf21538", "msgid": null, "err": "NOT_FOUND", "status": "failed", "errmsg": "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_qs_1111223333" }, "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "result": { "messages": null } } |
Proposed Error Response
Solution 1
Recommendation is to use the error standards as specified in the http://jsonapi.org
: an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value.
: a short, human-readable summary of the problem that SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.
: a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. Like title
, this field’s value can be localized.
: an object containing references to the primary source of the error. It SHOULD include one of the following members or be omitted:
: a JSON Pointer to the value in the request document that caused the error
: a string indicating which URI query parameter caused the error.
header :
a string indicating the name of a single request header which caused the error.
{ "errors": [ { "code": "1000", "source": { "pointer": "/name" }, "title": "Name not set", "detail": "Required Metadata name not set." }, { "code": "1001", "source": { "pointer": "/code" }, "title": "Code not set.", "detail": "Required Metadata code not set." }, { "code": "1002", "source": { "pointer": "/mimeType" }, "title": "Required Metadata mimeType not set." } ] }
We can reserve error codes for the parent category of errors, something like outlined below,
CLIENT_ERROR - 10000 to 20000
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - 20001 to 30000
SERVER_ERROR - 30001 to 40000
Solution 2
Preparing a key / value of the field with the error and corresponding message.
{ "errors": { "name" : "Required Metadata name not set.", "code" : "Required Metadata code not set.", "mimeType" : "Required Metadata mimeType not set." } }
One limitation with this approach is if there are multiple errors to be returned on the same field, then it becomes difficult.
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