Introduction and Overview
Sunbird currently supports Question Sets and Videos separately. However, we have learned that engagement with videos is much higher if questions can be placed inside videos. Once the videos are made interactive, the learning experience is much more enjoyable for the end user.
With support for Interactive Videos in Sunbird, we will have the capability to:
Make any video interactive: The goal is to design this in such a way what any available video can be made interactive by adding any question set at any timestamp in the video.
Publish interactive videos as a new form of content: This will enable teachers to leverage interactive videos to improve the experience for learners
Analyse interactions at a deeper level: The interactive video platform will provide an exhaust for telemetry and analysis which will allow data about engagement at a very detailed level.
To enable interactive videos on Sunbird, we will leverage as many existing components as possible to enable quick and efficient development. Currently, we envision these main workstreams:
Asset Model: An asset model will be enhanced to support interception points in content. We will start with videos, but this work will be done keeping in mind that in the future, we will extend this concept to support interactive content of any kind. For example, a PDF intercepted with questions, or a Question Set intercepted with a videos, and so on.
Creator: A new content creation UI will be created to enable any user of Sunbird to create interactive videos. They will pick from any preexisting video, and be able to add any existing question sets at any timestamp in the video. A possibility here is to allow for creation of new question sets inside the creation process.
Player: We do not need a new consumption experience for interactive videos. The current video player can be enhanced to support the interactive video content models
Telemetry and Analysis: Detailed interaction events will be captured when an interactive video is consumed. This will include, but is not limited to video playback quality, scrubbing (Pause, Rewind and Fast Forward) behaviour, question events (answering, skipping, etc) and score related data.
Requirement Specifications
Here are the use cases we are currently targeting
Interactive Video Creation: As a creator, I need a simple interface with good User Experience to be able to create interactive videos.
Interactive Video Consumption: As a learner/viewer, I would like to be able to view interactive videos similar to any other content type on Sunbird. When I log in and navigate to my available content, I should be able to find interactive videos easily. When I choose an interactive video, the experience should be engaging and rewarding.
Associated user stories
Non-functional requirements
Localization requirements
Telemetry requirements
Impact on other products
Impact on existing data
Interactive Video Creation
The process to create interactive videos should be smooth and seamless. For V1, users cannot upload interactive videos, but can only use existing videos to enhance them with question sets for interactivity
Srl. No. | User Action | Expected Result |
1 | User navigates to creation interface | An option to create interactive videos is available for the user |
2 | User creates interactive video | User is able to select one video from available videos. With the video available, user can select timestamps to add question sets. |
3 | User publishes interactive video for review | The interactive video can be reviewed in the same way as other new content on Sunbird |
4 | Video is reviewed and published | The interactive video is immediately available on content pages for consumption |
Interactive Video Consumption
This scenario describes the MVP for a user playing an interactive video. The expectation here is that users can find and consume interactive videos similar to any other sort of content on Sunbird.
Srl. No. | User Action | Expected Result |
1 | User navigates to available content |
2 | User clicks on interactive video |
3 | Question set shows up on interactive video | User can answer, skip, or re-attempt questions in the question set depending on the properties of the question. Feedback is provided to the user on their performance |
4 | User finishes interactive video | Feedback is provided to the user on their score |
<Alternate Scenario 1>
Exception Scenarios
For Future Release
In future releases, we will aim to enhance all types of content with interactivity. So instead of just an “interactive video”, we will have “interactive content”, which will be a very powerful learning tool for the user.
Localization Requirements
This task does not have any special localization requirements. The level of localization supported will be the same as the level of localization of the underlying tools: video player, QuML player, and Video Creation.
Telemetry Requirements
We will collect click level interaction when an interactive video is played. Some basic events are listed here, but this list will grow as we implement
Event Name | Description | Purpose |
User attempts a question | User clicks/attempts to answer, for example, clicking a choice in an MCQ | To capture user behaviour while answering questions |
User submits their response to a question | User clicks on the submission button to store their answer | To capture user behaviour while answering questions |
User navigates in the video | User pauses, rewinds, or forwards in a video | To capture engagement of different segments in the video |
User finishes the interactive video | User reaches the final timestamp of the video | To capture percentage of users finishing the interactive video |
Impact on other Products/Solutions
Product/Solution Impacted | Impact Description |
Key Metrics
The main metric to track here will be engagement with the interactive video. The goal will be to understand which interactive videos are working better, which are not doing so well, and in general, understand what makes for a good interactive video. Some of the metrics we can use for this purpose are listed below
Srl. No. | Metric | Purpose of Metric |
| Video watch duration | To know what percentage of the video is watched by a user, and on aggregate what percentage of users have watched different portions of the video |
2 | Number of questions answered |
3 | Score | On an aggregate level, this will help us understand users' performance, and also the level of the questions in the video. |
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