This page details the functionality of “My Contents” page for contributors.
Currently there is no way for a contributor to view assets that are contributed by him/her across sourcing projects in a single place. Due to this, the contributor doesn't have visibility of how many assets contributed are used, how much they are used.
"My Contents" page provides the above details for a contributor (individual or organization)
all the assets contributed by the contributor
the status of the assets - whether they are published for consumption
Usage details of the assets published for consumption
This level visibility will encourage contributors to contribute more and better assets.
“My Contents” page
When a contributor (individual contributor or contributor org admin) logs into contribution portal, there is a “My Contents” page. This page and subsequent pages from here show the details of all contents contributed by the contributor.
For an individual contributor - it is all the contents that he/she has submitted to sourcing org for approval and publishing.
For a contributor org admin and reviewer - it is all the contents that any of their contributors have created and the contents are submitted to sourcing org for approval and publishing.
For a contributor org contributor - it is all the contents that he/she has created and the contents are submitted to sourcing org for approval and publishing.
UI Screens:
This page has the following sections:
Contribution Details
This section has following counts
Total contributed: <<count>> | Published for consumption: <<count>> | Not published: <<count>>
Total contributed = Number of contents that are sent to sourcing org for publishing
Published for consumption = Number of contents that are published on consumption repo
Not published = Total contributed - Published for consumption
Usage Details
This section has following counts
Total plays <<count>>| Average plays per content <<count>>| Average Rating - <<start rating>>
Publisher Details
This section has the list of sourcing organizations that have published the content for consumption.
Contributed Contents
This section has one table each for one framework type - example one table for “K-12 Curriculum Content” one table for “Continuous Professional Development Content”.
The frameworks to display should be driven by configuration
In the first iteration, this will be only showing “K-12 Curriculum Content”
Each table shows a set of configured framework attributes as columns. Note:
In the first iteration, the framework attributes will be Board, Medium, Grade, Subject
The table also shows “Content Count” column. This will have counts of Total contributed, Published for consumption, Not published
Each row in the above table has a link to open “Contributed Contents” page
“Contributed Contents” page
This page shows the list of content contributed for the selected set of framework attribute values in “My Contents” page.
It shows the framework attributes along with overall numbers: Published for consumption, Not published.
It also shows a table of all contents with the following details:
Title - Name of the content
Created by - User name who created the content
Status - Published or Not Published
Published by - Sourcing organization which published the content, in case the status is published
Published date - Date on which the content was published for consumption by a sourcing org, in case the status is published
Open button - Clicking this will open the “content” page.
UI Screens:
“Content” page
“Content page” shows content preview along with Usage Details of that content. It also shows the content status “Published” or “Not published”. In case it is published, we should have a link to the content in consumption repo (similar to how we have in the content page for sourcing org).
UI Screens:
Published Content
Unpublished content