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Content Sourcing of ETB is the step of ETB process where states pool existing content from various sources or create new content relevant to the textbooks that are part of their ETB program scope. 

Following are the different ways content is sourced for ETB:

  1. Upload existing content (pdfs, videos or html)
  2. Reuse existing DIKSHA content
  3. Create new content

However this content sourcing process is not textbook driven. The content is uploaded/created, reviewed and published outside the scope of ETB. Once published, they are linked to the relevant textbooks. This results in multiple issues:

  1. Content contributors  do not have the right context when they create or upload content, resulting in content that may not be very relevant.
  2. Content contributors have to explicitly tag the content with relevant board, medium, class,  subjects and topics based on the textbook for which the content is created.
  3. ETB program administrators cannot track the progress of ETB - number of contents that are getting created, reviewed for each textbook.

To solve the above problems, the solution is to enable content contributors to contribute content (upload existing or create new) based on Textbooks under program scope. This process has been enabled as an experiment for CBSE. The same has to be enabled for all the states.


  • Jobs To Be Done: 
    1. As a content contributor I want to contribute relevant content for the textbooks under program scope.
    2. As a content reviewer I want to review the content contributed for textbook under program scope.
    3. As a program admin I want to see the over all content dashboard for monitoring.
  • User Personas: This story is relevant for Content contributor, content reviewer, program admin.

Requirement Specifications


  1. A state sets up an ETB program and defines the scope from back-end (same as existing functionality for CBSE).
  2. The state configures textbook creators, textbook reviewers, content contributors and content reviewers for the program through back-end.
  3. Textbook creators create or add ETBs to the program scope (as defined in the story: SB-16761 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). As long as mentioned story is not implemented, it can also be done form back-end.

Contribution can be done either by contributing content to respective node of the textbook or through bulk upload.

<Use Case 1> Content contribution for a textbook through bulk upload.

Bulk upload option shall be available for a textbook under program. Bulk upload will be done only for a textbook at a time. Bulk upload can be done only by a user who has both content contributor and review roles in the program. Textbook for which the bulk upload is being done must be in draft state. Upon successful upload content would be created, published and linked to relevant section of the textbook as mentioned in input file. A textbook must not be published unless it has any of the linked content in draft state. It should through an error mentioning "Kindly publish all the linked content".

Overall Process Workflow

User Story 1: User access Diksha platform

Main Scenario: Authorized user having valid content creator and reviewer rights for a program under state tenant access Diksha.

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

User enters Diksha URLDiksha page opens with sign in option.

User enters valid credentialsUser sign in and land on tenant home page

User Story 2: User selects required textbook under program for which bulk upload has to be done

Main Scenario: Valid user having content creator and reviewer rights for a program access relevant textbook under program for which bulk upload has to be done.

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

User clicks on "Contribute"Program list page opens which has all the programs created for the state.

User selects required programUser lands on the textbook page. Page has all the books displayed under program scope.

User selects the required textbookTextbook structure (TOC) page opens which has contribution options both either to contribute at each node one by one or to bulk upload.

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

In case user does not has contributor right for any of the programUser will not see "Contribute" option on Diksha tenant home page on top

In case user clicks on any of the other program for which he does not has accessError message should be displayed "Unauthorized Access"

User Story 3: User selects bulk upload option

Main Scenario: Valid user having content creator and reviewer rights for a program selects bulk upload option on textbook level.

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

On Textbook level user clicks on "Upload CSV for Bulk Upload"Dialogue box opens with option to upload file

User clicks on "Sample File" option in dialogue box

Sample file gets downloaded

Link to sample file:

Alternate Scenario:

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

User clicks on "Last Uploaded File"

This should display the upload status of the last upload.

  1. Start Time
  2. End Time
  3. Total number of content
  4. Content successfully processed
  5. Content failed
  6. Link to download status report "Download Report"

For the first time it would not be there since there is no previous bulk upload.

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

If user does not has reviewer rights for the program.Bulk upload option shall not be available for such users on textbook level. They can only contribute content one by one for respective node.

User Story 4: Populate sample file and upload 

Main Scenario: Valid user having content creator and reviewer rights for a program populate the sample file and upload 

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

User populates the bulk upload sheet in the required format.File should not have any validation errors.

User selects ""Upload CSV for Bulk Upload"Dialogue box opens with an option to select and upload csv

User click on "upload"User prompted to select the bulk upload file from local device.

Click on "Start Upload"Upload should start

Alternate Scenario:

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

In dialogue box, After selecting the file from local device, an option should display "Change File".  Upon clicking on it, user should be prompted to again pick up file from local machine.

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

In case file contains validation errorsError dialogue box should appear with listed validation errors (Refer validation error section in the last of this PRD for detail).

User Story 5: Rectification of validation errors and upload again

Main Scenario: User will rectify validation errors identified and upload again.

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

User rectify the errors identified.File should not have any validation errors.

User upload rectified file.Successful upload starts and user should be redirected to textbook level page.

While upload is in progress and user clicking on "View Report
  1. User should be redirected to bulk upload status dialogue box, where user should see the following fields:
    1. Start Time
    2. End Time - Currently there wont be end time since upload still in progress
    3. Total number of content
    4. Content successfully processed
    5. Content failed
    6. Link to download status report "Download Report"
  2. Status report would have the following additional fields (apart from input bulk sheet fields) for each row (representing each content)
    1. Upload Status: Success, Fail
    2. Content Do_Id: If success, than do id of the created content
    3. Reason of Failure:  If fail, than reason of failure. In case there are multiple reasons for failure, display each of them by numbering them in the same cell for each row.

Once upload is complete

1. Once upload is complete,  "Upload csv file" button will be enabled. Now user can start a new upload.

2.There will be two type of complete status - would be displayed depending upon contents upload status:

    1. Completed : When there is no content failure in status report 
    2. Completed with errors : When there are content which got failed because of some error. In this case user to check the details and download status report.

3.Till the new upload is started, "Last uploaded file" will show the status of previous upload.

4. User would be required to rectify the reason of failure and upload the failed content again

5. Once Bulk Upload is completed successfully, all the contents are published and linked to the textbook for the respective sections as given in the upload csv file.

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

While upload is in progress, user tries to click on "Upload CSV"Button should be disabled for next upload while upload is in progress

Localization Requirements


Telemetry Requirements

Event NameDescriptionPurpose

Click on button "Upload CSV for Bulk Upload"Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any
Click on "Browse" button in upload dialogue box to upload input fileParameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any
Click on "Start Upload" input fileParameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any
Download of sample template fileParameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any
Click on "View Report" Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any
Download of "Status Report"Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any
Click on "Last Uploaded File"Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Non-Functional Requirements

Performance / Responsiveness RequirementsLoad/Volume RequirementsSecurity / Privacy Requirements

Every sheet can have maximum 3000 contents which should take approximately 8 hours for creation. 9.6 seconds per content.

Further every content should take 3 sec for publishing, means 2.5 hours approximately for 8000 content to publish.

Hence total in 11 hours, a sheet with 8000 content should be processed (creation + Publish).

Impact on other Products/Solutions

Product/Solution ImpactedImpact Description
Current bulk upload sheetUpdate the bulk upload sheet as per new asks, refer the sample file: Link to sample file:

Impact on Existing Users/Data 

User/Data ImpactedImpact Description

Key Metrics

Srl. No.MetricPurpose of Metric

Number of content successfully uploaded on following parameters:

  • Total number of bulk upload contents for a Textbook
  • Total number bulk upload contents for a subject under program scope (can have more than one textbook)
  • Total number bulk upload contents for a Grade (can have multiple subject and multiple textbook)
  • Total number bulk upload contents for a program
To have clear view and understanding about the content being uploaded for a textbook and subsequently for a program. It would help to achieve target driven contribution objectives.

Overall Exception Scenarios

Prerequisite for bulk upload:

  1. Textbook for which the bulk upload is being done must be in draft state.
  2. A textbook must not be published unless it has any of the linked content in draft state. It should through an error mentioning "Kindly publish all the linked content".
  3. Before any validation/processing, space trimming should be done for preceding and trailing value of each cell.
  4. Validation must be done before the content creation for each row. For example system should read the entire row, in case any mandatory cell value is missing, fail the content creation for that row and display with error message in status report.  
Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

Validations at the time of bulk sheet upload (Results in Validation Errors)

In case any mandatory column is missing, validation error should be thrown. Mandatory columns: Name of the content,  Audience, Author, Copyright, Icon, File Format, File path, content type, Level 1 Textbook Unit

Error Message to Display:

"Following mandatory columns are missing in input sheet: XXX, YYY, ZZZ."

Number of content in input sheet should not be more than 3000. 

Error Message to Display:

Input sheet should not have more than 3000 content.

Validations while processing each row for creating each content (Results in Content Creation Failure)

In case already successfully uploaded content is being uploaded again. Duplication of content shall be checked on the basis of following parameters:

Content Name

System should fail the upload of such content with following error message: "Duplicate Content"  

Validation regarding mandatory fields should be checked while processing each row, in case cell value is missing fail that creation of that content

Error message should be displayed in cell of the column "Reason For Failure" as:

"Following mandatory fields are missing: XXX, YYY."

Videos should be in mp4 format only.

Error message should be displayed in cell of the column "Reason For Failure" as:

"Invalid video format"

Each content should not be more than 50 mb.

Error message should be displayed in cell of the column "Reason For Failure" as:

"File size is more than 50 MB"

Icons and files to be put in google drive and to share google drive links in the respective field. Please ensure Google Drive links are having view access to all permissions.

Error message should be displayed in cell of the column "Reason For Failure" as:

"Error while accessing file path google link" OR

"Error while accessing icon google link"

Input sheet should not have two content with same following values:

Content Name

In case already created content is found again in further rows of the same input sheet, treat it as duplicate and display following error as reason for failure:

"Duplicate Content"

Multiple contents in one single row is strictly not allowed. Only one content must be shared in one row.

Error message should be displayed in cell of the column "Reason For Failure" as:

"Multiple content values in a single row"

Topic field values should follow the framework/taxonomy of the tenant.

Error message should be displayed in cell of the column "Reason For Failure" as:

"Invalid Topic"

<Use Case 2> Creation of interactive practice questions and linking to ETBs under program scope

Currently interactive practice questions (MCQs, FTB etc) can be created and published by content editor through work space. We are heading towards program driven content contribution approach where we look forward to create such interactive content under program scope. This use case defines creation, review and linking of interactive contents under program. User having contribution role for a program can create such content. User having review role for a program can review such content. Upon successfull review 

<Use Case 2 Overall Process Workflow>

<Use Case 2 - User Story 1> 

<Main Scenario> 

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

<Alternate Scenario 1>

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

<Use Case 2 - User Story 2> 

<Main Scenario> 

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

<Alternate Scenario 1>

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

Localization Requirements


Telemetry Requirements

Event NameDescriptionPurpose

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Parameters to be captured for this events are: Time stamp, user details, event status (fail/success), Reason for failure if any

Non-Functional Requirements

Performance / Responsiveness RequirementsLoad/Volume RequirementsSecurity / Privacy Requirements

Impact on other Products/Solutions

Product/Solution ImpactedImpact Description

Key Metrics

Srl. No.MetricPurpose of Metric


.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

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