Kafka Topic
QR code image generation request will be published and consumed from the same kafka topic used by publish pipeline and image tagging jobs
Message Format
Message format of instruction event will be used for the QR image generation request. Object(optional parameter) will be excluded from this message format to make sure publish pipeline job doesn't pick the QR image generation requests
Sample Message
{ "eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST", "ets": 1543306743493, "mid": "LP.1543306743493.c41665e1-2f08-4d8a-a117-659d72d4bf0c", "actor": { "id": "QR Code Image Generator Samza Job", "type": "System" }, "context": { "pdata": { "ver": "1.0", "id": "org.ekstep.platform" }, "channel": "0125350797242122243", "env": "qa" }, "edata": { "action": "qrcodeimagegenerator", "processId": "574768558758", "qr": { "dialcodes": [ { "data": "https://diksha.gov.in/dial/ABCDEF", "text": "ABCDEF", "fileName":"ABCDEF_1543568148" }, { "data": "https://diksha.gov.in/dial/123456", "text": "123456", "fileName":"123456_1543568148" } ], "spec": { "errorCorrectionLevel": "H", "pixelsPerBlock": 2, "margin": 3, "font": { "name": "Verdana", "size": 11, "characterSpacing": 0.1 }, "image": { "format": "png", "colorModel": "Grayscale", "borderSize": 1 } } }, "storage": { "container": "dial", "path": "channel/publisher/" } } }