This wiki explains the design and implementation of pdf players for mobile devices..
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As of now we are experiencing pdf player as part of the knowlg portal in web view , any users or adapters can experience same. but we don’t have mobile view to experience the same.
Problem Statement:
Currently knowlg block doesn't provide pdf player experience for the mobile device (Experiencing Pdf player in mobile device)
Key design problems:
How to render the pdf player in new ionic app
How can we extend to add for another player
How to test with different sizes of contents
Where we need store this application code
How to handle portrait and landscape mode
How to distribute APK to tester/adapters
We are using the ionic framework to render the player and its link.
using ionic version of 6.1.9 and node js version is 14 onwards
We can have players like pdf ,video and epub and we can implement different components each.
In the players list component we can have the list of the players
In the content list component we can have hardcoded list contents as of now , based on player selected in player list component
The player component will load the player with selected content from the list.
The player component will be integrated with respected players and the pdf player will be integrated in the pdf player component and follow the steps.
We are handling landscape mode and portrait mode by using
plug in.As of now we can have one individual repository to store code or we can get details of new repo and store code.
We can have an apk link in the microsite so that it will be accessible to testers and adopters.
Its easy to implement
we can have different components for different players
We are supporting only landscape mode , not supporting portrait mode
As of now we are rendering a contents list from hardcoded data.