Table of Contents | ||||
While comparing the existing inQuiry question and question set metadata and schema with QuML schema specs we found few difference which is mentioned in the below sheet:
Question & Questionset QuML compliant difference
Also currently we are not storing some of the metadata properties with language code.
Question set properties which should have language code are:-
instructions, feedback, hints
Question properties which should have language code are:-
body, answer, hints, solutions, interactions , instructions ,feedback
Problem Statements
How to make existing metadata properties QuML complaints :-
Multi-lingual support
Some of the properties are supposed to be stored in i18nData form i.e language code and it’s value
example :
en: ‘What is the capital of India?’
But currently with the editor we are able to store this data in string format
Simply storing it as: ‘What is the capital of India?’
The properties of question set which is to be stored in i18n form are:
instructions (text)
feedback (currently not in use)
hints (currently not in use)
The properties of question which is to be stored in i18n form are:
body (text or text+ image)
answer (text or text + image)
hints (text)
solutions (text or text+ image/video)
interactions (text or text+ image)
instructions (currently not in use)
feedback (currently not in use)
Solution For multi-Lingual support:
For adding instructions in question set with language code, we will add a language drop down field in the question set form.
The default value of the drop down should be ‘English’ this default value and range of options will be set from form configuration where we will give default value as ‘English’ and other languages can be added to it in the configuration:
Code Block | ||
| ||
"code": "languageCode",
"name": "Language Code",
"label": "Select Language for instruction",
"placeholder": "Select Language",
"description": "It's the Language of instruction",
"dataType": "text",
"inputType": "select",
"output": "identifier",
"default": "en",
"range": [{
"identifier": "en",
"label": "English"
"identifier": "hi",
"label": "Hindi"
"editable": true,
"required": false,
"visible": true,
"renderingHints": {
"class": "sb-g-col-lg-1"
} |
Same config we will have in question creation page to have a language drop down field and based on selection we can transform the data while question creation/ update.
Time limits is currently being stored in the question set metadata in below format:
Code Block | ||
| ||
timeLimits: {
"maxTime": "360",
"warningTime": "120"
But as per the QuML schema it should be stored in this format:
language | json |
a few gaps. Below are the properties having some differences from the QuML specs:
Question metadata which has some differences from the QuML specs are:-
Currently, the responseDeclaration
is stored in the below format but maxScore
is not allowed in it and outcomes
property is not allowed inside correctResponse
Code Block |
"responseDeclaration": { "response1": { "maxScore": 1, // maxScore is not allowed here "cardinality": "single", "type": "integer", "correctResponse": { "value": "0", min: number, max"outcomes": number{ }, question: { min"SCORE": number,1 max: number } // } } |
Solution for timeLimits
Timer feature is developed for complete question set and not for the individual question.
We can store the time limits as:
Code Block | ||
| ||
timeLimits: { questionset: { outcome is not allowed here, only property ‘value’ is allowed min: number}, max: number"mapping": [] } } |
If the timer feature is developed for question in future we can store the timer data to question metadata as:
language | json |
Proposed Solution for responseDeclaration
Editor Changes:
Instead of keeping maxScore
and outcomes
in responseDeclaration
we can store maxScore
in outcomeDeclaration
as below:
Code Block |
"outcomeDeclaration": { question "maxScore": { "cardinality": "single", min "type": number"integer", "defaultValue": 3 max: number} } } |
Note: The above field is part of the common form so in the form config we will be using maxTime
and warningTime
and in editor code we will handle maxTime
with max
and warningTime
with min
, |
We will not store outcomes.score
inside correctResponse
because maxScore
and outcomes.score
holds the same value.
For newly created single select MCQ question responseDecleration
and outcomeDeclaration
will be stored in the below format:
Code Block |
"responseDeclaration": { "response1": { "maxScore": 1, // maxScore is not allowed here "cardinality": "single", "type": "integer", "correctResponse": { "value": 2 "value": "0" }, "mapping": [ "outcomes": { "value": 2, "SCOREscore": 13 } }] // outcome is not allowed} here, only property}, ‘value’ is allowed"outcomeDeclaration": { "maxScore": { }, "cardinality": "single", "type": "mappinginteger":, [] "defaultValue": 3 } } } |
Solution for responseDeclaration
Instead of keeping maxScore
and outcomes
in responseDeclaration
we should store it in responseProcessing
as belowFor multi-select MCQ, responseDecleration
and outcomeDeclaration
will be in the below format:
Code Block |
responseProcessing"responseDeclaration": { "templateresponse1": [{ "cardinality": "MAP_RESPONSEsingle", ], "mappingConfigtype": [{"integer", "SCOREcorrectResponse": 1,{ "outcomesvalue": [2,1] { }, "SCOREmapping": 1 [ { } }] } |
For newly created question responseDecleration
will be like this:
Code Block |
"responseDeclaration": {"value": 2, "response1score": { 0.5 }, "cardinality": "single", { "typevalue": "integer"1, "correctResponsescore": { 0.5 } ] } }, "valueoutcomeDeclaration": { "0maxScore",: { "cardinality": "single", }, "type": "integer", "mappingdefaultValue": [] 1 } }, |
We will store the maxScore
inside the outcomeDeclaration
property for new question creation using v2 API.
No Data Migration (Recommended)
We will do these changes as part of the v2 API and will give the data in the above format.
If a user edits the old question using v2 API, We will store
inside theoutcomeDeclaration
and remove themaxScore
from theresponseDeclaration
Data Migration (Not Recommended)
We can do the data migration for the old questions and update the question metadata with
or making editor intelligent to check if the question have responseProcessing
. If responseProcessing
does not exists, update the question’s responseDeclartion
and responseProcessing
format on question update.
Open Questions for no data migration:-
Is updating the question format to be done on question set update( having n number of questions in question set) or to be updated on each question edit and update in Practise Question set?
How the editor and player should handle the old questions which are in review/live status?
Editor opened by reviewer in review mode: In this format is the editor/player is supposed to take care to pick the data from
and not fromresponseProcessing
What happens if reviewer tries to publish the question which is not having
the format mentioned above.
This solution is not recommended because, with the migration of old questions, the old mobile app will break.
Player Changes:
The player will check if the question is having the
in the metadata of the question and what’s themaxScore
value present in it.If the
property is found then the player will use it as is it.If the question does not have the
property in the metadata then the player will look for themaxScore
property in theresponseDeclartion
Currently, Question metadata contains media in the below format:
Code Block |
"media": [{ "id": "do_2136952965043896321346", "type": "image", //instead of ‘type’ it should be ‘mediaType’ "src": "/assets/public/content/assets/do_2136952965043896321346/mountain.jpeg", "baseUrl": "https://dev.inquiry.sunbird.org" }] |
New format to be used isAs per QuML specs, it should be stored in the below format:
Code Block |
"media": [{ "id": "do_2136952965043896321346", "mediaType": "image", "src": "/assets/public/content/assets/do_2136952965043896321346/mountain.jpeg", "baseUrl": "https://dev.inquiry.sunbird.org" }] |
Open Question:
Proposed Solution for media
Editor Changes:
Update QuML specs (Recommended)
If we can update the QuML spec then change will not be required in the editor and player.
No Data Migration (Recommended)
If we are not updating the QuML specs then we have to do the following changes:
For the new question creation, we will store the media in a new format using v2 API.
If the user edits the old question using v2 API, we will check if the
is present in the media object, and convert it tomediaType
while editing the question.
No migration (Not Recommended)
We can do the data migration for the old questions and update the question with the above-mentioned format.
This solution is not recommended because, with the migration of old questions, the old mobile app will break.
Player Changes:
(Note: Following changes will not be required if we are updating the QuML specs as mentioned above).
The player will first check if the question media have
property if not it will check intype
QuestionSet metadata which has some differences from the QuML specs is:-
Time limits are currently being stored in the question set metadata as below:
Code Block | ||
| ||
timeLimits: {
"maxTime": "240",
"warningTime": "60"
} |
The use of maxTime
is to show the timer on the QuML player and the use of warningTime
is to indicate the time remaining to complete the question set.
But as per the QuML schema, timeLimits
` should be stored in the below format:
Code Block | ||
| ||
"description": "Time limits for the complete set and/or for each question in the question set.",
questionset: {
min: number,
max: number
question: {
min: number,
max: number
} |
Proposed Solution for timeLimits
We can set the timeLimits
for the question set as:
Code Block | ||
| ||
questionset: {
min: number,
max: number,
warn: number // update the QuML specs
} |
If we have a time limit for each of the questions we will store the timeLimits
to the question set metadata as:
Code Block | ||
| ||
question: {
min: number,
max: number,
warn: number // update the QuML specs
} |
If we want to store max
and warn
value but don't want to store min
value we can store the data in the below format:
Code Block | ||
| ||
questionset: {
min: null,
max: 240,
warn: 60
} |
We will have to update the QuML spec so the warn time should be stored inside timeLimits
Editor Changes:
No Data Migration (Recommended)
For the new question creation, we will store the
in a new format using v2 API.If the user edits the old question using V2 API, we will check for the
if it's present in the old format we will convert it to the new format on save.
Data Migration (Not Recommended)
we can do the data migration for the old questions and update the question with the above-mentioned format.
Player Changes:
The player will first check if the question has timeLimits.questionset
it will take the min
and warn
value from there, if timeLimits.questionset
is undefined and timeLimits
directly contains maxTime
and warningTime
it will take the value from there.