scale neo4j deployment to 0
Code Block kubectl commandscale --replicas=0 deployment/neo4j -n sunbird
Go inside the pod which you created with the manifest, navigate to /data/databases, rename graph.db to graph.db.backup and paste the graph.db folder at same location. Exit from the pod
Code Block kubectl command to login cd exec -it neo4j -n test -- /bin/bash cd /data/databases mv graph.db graph.db.backup go to your backup file and move graph.db to /data/databases mv yourbackup_graph.db /data/databases (make sure directory cpname shoudl remain graph.db)
Scale again neo4j pod to 1 which will load the data from the backup data
Code Block kubectl command to setup replicas to 1scale --replicas=1 deployment/neo4j -n sunbird
Remove deployment which was created to restore neo4j backup
As we took elasticsearch backup with help of azure plugin
Code Block |
Commands to login to the podkubectl exec -it eleasticsearch-0 -n sunbird -- /bin/bash |
create repository with following command