Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
interface IBase <T extends object> {

    reportType: IReportType;

    readonly _defaultConfig: object; // default configurations as per the reportType

    height?: string; 
    width?: string;
    id: string;
    config: object; // input configuration for the dashlets component. It should be as per the report type. Refer to next sections for more details as per the report Type

    data: IDataobejct[]; // input data
in JSON format, url or API configurationstate: EventEmitter<IReportState>;
     stateevents: EventEmitter<IReportState>EventEmitter<CustomEvent>;

    initialize(config: object, data: T[]InputParams); // Get the initialisation options used for rendering.

    reset(): void; // resets the component to initial view

    destroy(): void; // performs cleanup post the component is destroyed;

    update(config: UpdateInputParams); // updates and re renders the view

    fetchData<T>(config: IData): Promise<T[]> | Observable<T[]>;

for*. addition and removal of data;    depenedent interfaces are as  addData();

*.         depenedent interfaces are as follows:-

type IReportType = follows:-

type IReportType = "chart" | "table" | "etc"

type methodType = "GET" | "POST";

interface IApiConfig {
  body: object url:| stringnull;
    headers?: {
        [header: string]: string | string[];
    methodType: methodType;
    paramsparams?: {
     [param: string]: string | string[];
    responseresponseType?: {'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'json' | 'text';
  pathreportProgress?: stringboolean;
  response: {
//Gets the value at path: ofstring;
 response object};
  [key: string]: }any

interface IDataSchema {
    type: string,
    enum?: string[],
    default?: string,
    format?: string; //url, date etc
    items?: IDataSchema // if type is array

interface IData<TIData extends{
object> {
    values?: Tunknown[];
    location?: {
    options?: Partial<IApiConfig>;
    apiConfigurl?: IApiConfigstring;
        urlmethod?: string;
    dataSchema?: {
    [key: string]: IDataSchema;

type IReportState = "initialized" | "rendered" | "destroyed" | "etc";  // pending or done state;

interface EventEmitter<T>{
    emit(value? : T);
    subscribe(next?: (value: T) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription;) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription;

type InputParams = {
  type: string;
  config: object;
  data: IData

type UpdateInputParams = {
  type: string;
  config: object;
  data: object[]


IChart Interface - Base Interface for Chart Components. <ReportType = Chart>


Code Block
interface IChart extends IBase {
    readonly reportType: IReportType = "chart"
    readonly _defaultConfig: IChartConfig; // default config for tooltips colors legend etc.
    type: IChartType;

    config: IChartOptions; 

    chartClick: EventEmitter<any>;
    chartHover: EventEmitter<any>;

    chartBuilderbuilder(config); // (prepares / converts) input chart config as per the underlying chart library used.
    update(input: Partial<UpdateInputParams>);
    refreshChart(); // refreshes and updates the chart either at specific interval or explicitly triggerd

    addData({ label, data, config }); //appends the label and data at the end;

    removeData(); //pops the last data and label
    removeData(label: string) // removes a specific label


    // mergeData(data1, data2, ...dataN): any[];;

    getCurrentSelectionexportAs(format: string);
     getDatasetAtIndex(index: number);

*.         depenedent interfaces are as follows:-

type IChartType = "bar" | "line" | "pie" | "etc";

type IChartOptions = {
    labels? : string[], // if labels are passed explicitely
    labelExpr ? : string; // column name to use as x-axis labels;
    datasets: IDataset[]; // datasets - y axis data
    tooltip?: object;
    legend?: object
    animation?: object;
    colors?: object;
    title?: string | object;
    description?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    caption?: object;
    filters?: IFilterConfig;
    scales?: {
        axes: any;
        [key: string]: any;
    [key: string]: any;

type IDataset  = {
    label: string;
    dataExpr?: string;
    data: any[];


Code Block
<sb-dashlet [type]="string" [config]="config" [data]="data | IDataLocation" , [id?]="string | uuid" [height]="string"
    [width]="string" (...anyOtherEventevents)="eventListener($event)">



Code Block
<sb-dashlet [type]="'map'" [data]="data" [config]="config" (featureClicked)="eventListener($event)">


    let config = {
        state: 'Tamil Nadu',
        districts: ['Ariyalur', 'Chennai', 'Coimbatore', 'Cuddalore', 'Dharmapuri'],
        metrics: ['Unique Devices on app', Unique Devices on portal],
        title: 'Tamil Nadu Weekly Usage'
        // country: 'India', // Optional - to show india map with states
        // states: ['Karnataka'], // Optional - list of states to show on the map
        // other Options 

  // default config can be overridden with new configurations...

    let otherOptions = {
        initialCoordinate: [20, 78],
        latBounds: [6.4626999, 68.1097],
        lonBounds: [35.513327, 97.39535869999999],
        initialZoomLevel: 5,
        controlTitle: 'Tamil Nadu Weekly Usage',
        tileLayer: {
            urlTemplate: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
            options: {
                attributions: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
        rootStyle: {
            fillColor: '#007cbe'
        otherOptions: any

Other Examples of using India map are as follows:-

Image AddedImage Added


Table Example using Dashlet Component


Code Block
<sb-dashlet type="'table'" [data]="data" [config]="config" (rowClickHandler)="eventListener($click)"> 


    let columnsConfiguration = {
        columnsConfiguration = {
  paging: true,       ...globalTableConfig, //optional to override info:certain true,config
          columnConfig: [
              { title: "District", data: "District", searchable: true, orderable: true, autoWidth: true, visible: true },
              { title: "Unique App Count", data: "Unique Devices on app", searchable: true, orderable: true, autoWidth: true, visible: true },
              { title: "Unique Portal Count", data: "Unique Devices on portal", searchable: true, orderable: true, autoWidth: true, visible: true },

