Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






Use Case

Dashlets are reporting widgets that can be embedded in any contextual workflow - whether on a consumption, creation or administration screen. Any solution that needs to use dashlets can configure the dashlet with a data source, type of visualisation (bar, line, pi, table, map etc), legends, filters etc.


This generic component/widget will be used to render a chart, table, dataset, map or any other report type. It can make use of multiple libraries & also support building custom components with a common interface.

🧐 Interface Design

Interface Diagrams


IBase<T> if the base interface providing common properties and behaviours.


Code Block
interface IBase <T <T>extends object> {

    reportType: IReportType;

    readonly _defaultConfig: object; // default configurations as per the reportType

    height?: string; 
    width?: string;
    id: string;
    config: object; // input configuration for the dashlets component. It should be as per the report type. Refer to next sections for more details as per the report Type

    data: <T>obejct[] | IDataLocation; // input
either in JSON format, url or API configurationstate: EventEmitter<IReportState>;
     stateevents: EventEmitter<IReportState>EventEmitter<CustomEvent>;

    initialize(config: object, data: T[]InputParams); // Get the initialisation options used for rendering.

    reset(): void; // resets the component to initial view

    destroy(): void; // performs cleanup post the component is destroyed;

    update(config: UpdateInputParams); // updates and re renders the view

    fetchData<T>(config: IData): Promise<T[]> | Observable<T[]>;

for*. addition and removal of data;    depenedent interfaces    addData();

*.         depenedent interfaces are are as follows:-

type IReportType = "chart" | "table" | "etc"

type methodType = "GET" | "POST";

interface IApiConfig {
  body: object url:| stringnull;
  headers?: {
        [header: string]: string | string[];
  params?: {
methodType: methodType;
    params: {
        [param: string]: string | string[];
    responseresponseType?: {'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'json' | 'text';
  pathreportProgress?: stringboolean;
 //Gets the value at path of response object response: {
    path: string;
  [key: string]: }any

interface IDataSchema {
    type: string,
    enum?: string[],
    default?: string,
    format?: string; //url, date etc
    items?: IDataSchema // if type is array

interface IDataLocationIData {
  values?: unknown[];
  location?: {
    options?: Partial<IApiConfig>;
  apiConfig  url?: IApiConfigstring;
        urlmethod?: string;
    dataSchema?: {
        [key: string]: IDataSchema;

type IReportState = "initialized" | "rendered" | "destroyed" | "etc";  // pending or done state;

interface EventEmitter<T>{
    emit(value? : T);
    subscribe(next?: (value: T) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription;

IChart Interface - Base Interface for Chart Components. <ReportType = Chart>


type InputParams = {
  type: string;
  config: object;
  data: IData

type UpdateInputParams = {
  type: string;
  config: object;
  data: object[]


IChart Interface - Base Interface for Chart Components. <ReportType = Chart>

  • This is the interface that every chart component should implement and extends the IBase interface

  • config takes the required metadata to render a chart like label datasets/series, tooltips legend, title, axes detailes etc. Please refer to the below . image to know most commonly used chart concepts. Interface also allows additional metadata if required.

  • labelExpr - refers to the column name or key in the JSON which can be used as x axis labels

  • dataExpr - refers to the key in the JSON to be used on y axis as dataset.


Code Block
interface IChart extends IBase {
    readonly reportType: IReportType = "chart"
    readonly _defaultConfig: IChartConfig; // default config for tooltips colors legend etc.
    type: IChartType;

    config: IChartConfigIChartOptions; 

    chartClick: EventEmitter<any>;
    chartHover: EventEmitter<any>;

    chartBuilderbuilder(config); // (prepares / converts) input chart config as per the underlying chart library used.
    update(input: Partial<UpdateInputParams>);
    refreshChart(); // refreshes and updates the chart either at specific interval or explicitly triggerd

    addData({ label, data, config }); //appends the label and data at the end;

    removeData(); //pops the last data and label
    removeData(label: string) // removes a specific label


    // mergeData(data1, data2, ...dataN): any[];

    exportAs(format: string);
    getDatasetAtIndex(index: number);

*.         depenedent interfaces are as follows:-

interfacetype IChartConfigIChartType {= "bar" | "line"  type: IChartType;
    options?: IChartOptions;
    [key: string]: any;

type IChartType = "bar" | "line" | "| "pie" | "etc";

type IChartOptions = {
    labels? : string[], // if labels are passed explicitely
    labelExpr ? : string; // column name to use as x-axis labels;
    datasets: IDataset[]; // datasets - y axis data
    tooltip?: object;
    legend?: object
    animation?: object;
    colors?: object;
    title?: string | object;
    description?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    caption?: object;
    filters?: IFilterConfig;
    scales?: {
        axes: any;
        [key: string]: any;
    [key: string]: any;

type IDataset  = {
    label: string;
    dataExpr?: string;
    data: any[];


Code Block
interface ITable extends IBase {

    readonly reportType: IReportType = "table"

    readonly _defaultConfiguration: ITableConfig;

    config: ITableConfig[];

    getRowsCount(); // rows count
    getRowAtIndex(index: number);   //get row at index number
    rowSelector(selectors); //fetch first row matching the config
    rowSelectorAll(selectors); // fetch rows matching a config

    addRow(data: object); // add a new row to the table by passing row configuration
    removeRow(index?: string); //removes row from the end or  at specific index;
    addColumn(config: ITableConfiguration); // adds a new column at the end
    removeColumn(columnName: string); // removes a column

    rowClick: EventEmitter<any>; // row click  event emitter
    rowHover: EventEmitter<any>; // mouse over event emitter

    exportTable(exportType: string); // exports the table into a type
    sortTable(sortByColumnName: string, orderBy: "asc" | "desc");

*.         depenedent interfaces are as follows:-

interface ITableConfig {
    title?paging: stringboolean;    // headerto nameshow forpagination below the columntable
    searchable?info: boolean; // if the column is searchable or not - will be used by the search bar at the topto show count or other info below the table
  [otherTableLevelConfig: string]: any;
  columnConfig: {
      orderabletitle?: booleanstring;    // header name iffor the column
can be ordered or sorted in asecending or descending fashion
    data?: string;  // key in the input JSON to be used as columnsearchable?: boolean; // if the column is searchable or not - will be used by the search bar at the top
      visibleorderable?: boolean;  // hides if the column can be ordered or shows a column within a tablesorted in asecending or descending fashion
      renderdata?: () => anystring;  // key in the input JSON to be used as column
      visible?: boolean; // hides or shows a column within a table
      render?: () => any;  // method to override the view and customise it like showing a button or chip instead of normal text
      autoWidth?: boolean;
      widthSize?: string; // customised width either in percentage or fixed width
      [key: string]: any; //any other metadata

Filters Config and Component Design <WIP>

This component and interface it to make a generic filter which will serve all for all the reportTypes.

This will also handle nested filters implementation or heirarchical filters implementation.

Code Block
abstract class Filter<T>


How To Pass Data Into The Component

There are 3 ways to pass data into the Components

  1. pass JSON directly into the component

  2. use a url to point to fetch the JSON file

  3. pass API config into the component

** The property implements the IData interface

Code Block
data: IData;
Code Block
interface IData <T extends object> {
     datavalues?: T[];
    location: {
 config: IFilterConfig[];      filteredDataEventEmitter: EventEmitter<T[]>apiConfig?: IApiConfig;
       abstract init(configurl?: IFilterConfig)string;
//Get the initialisation options to};
   render the filters;dataSchema?: {
     abstract filterData(data: T, config)[key: object[string]: IDataSchema;
}    }
Code Block
interface IFilterConfigIApiConfig {
    referenceurl: string;
    labelheaders: string;{
        placeholder:[header: string]: string | string[];
    controlType: "single-select" | "multi-select" | "date"};
    methodType: methodType;
    searchable?: boolean;params: {
        [param: filtersstring]: IFilterConfigstring | string[];
    default?response: string;{
  }  /* Questions   path: string;  Nested//Gets Filterthe Capability..value 

🧐 Implemenation Approach

Dashlet Main Component Proposed Structure

Selector - sb-dashlet

Description - This is the main component will exposes certain Input properties and events Handlers to the end user to render a. certain chart or table.

Attributes -








chartType like bar, line, pie etc




config JSON as per the interfaces mentioned in the previous sections




data or API details as per the IDataLocation interface mentioned in the previous sections.


id <optional>


unique id. If not passed a uuid is assigned by the component


height or Width <optional>


If not passed 100% is assumed




at path of response object;
Code Block
interface interface IDataSchema {
    type: string,
    enum?: string[],
    default?: string,
    format?: string; //url, date etc
    items?: IDataSchema // if type is array

Attribute Name


values: Array<object>

if JSON needs to be passed directly

Ex- [{"<metric1>":"<value1>", "<metric2>":"<value2>"}]

apiConfig: IApiConfig

This property is used to pass API configuration like url, headers, params, methodType etc to the component.

Component will fetch the response and <reponse.path> is used to get the JSON value at the path of the response object

url: string

Url to point to the JSON file if apiConfig isn’t specified

dataSchema: IDataSchema

data schema can also be passed for the component for validation purposes.


Filters Config and Component Design

This component and interface it to make a generic filter which will serve all for all the reportTypes.

This will also handle nested filters implementation or heirarchical filters implementation.

<sb-dashlet [type]="string" [config]="config" [data]="data | IDataLocation" , [id]="string | uuid" [height]="string"
Code Block
abstract class Filter<T> {

    data: T[];

    config: IFilterConfig[];

    filteredDataEventEmitter: EventEmitter<T[width]="string" (...anyOtherEvent)="eventListener($event)">


Example of a Pie Chart using the Component


Code Block
<sb-dashlet [config]="config" (chartClick)="chartClickHandler($event)" (chartHover)="chartHoverHandler($event)"></sb-dashlet>





    abstract init(config: IFilterConfig); //Get the initialisation options to render the filters;

    abstract filterData(data: T, config): object[];

interface IFilterConfig {
    reference: string;
    label: string;
    placeholder: string;
    controlType: "single-select" | "multi-select" | "date";
    searchable?: boolean;
    filters: IFilterConfig[];
    default?: string;

/* Questions

    Nested Filter Capability..


🧐 Implemenation Approach

Dashlet Main Component Proposed Structure

Selector - sb-dashlet

Description - This is the main component will exposes certain Input properties and events Handlers to the end user to render a. certain chart or table.

Attributes -




chartType like bar, line, pie etc


config JSON as per the interfaces mentioned in the previous sections


pass data as per IData interface mentioned in the previous Section <How to pass data into the component>

id <optional>

unique id. If not passed a uuid is assigned by the component

height or Width <optional>

If not passed 100% is assumed


certain event listeners exposed by the component

Code Block
<sb-dashlet [type]="string" [config]="config" [data]="data | IDataLocation" [id?]="string | uuid" (events)="eventListener($event)">



Examples Of Using this component

** Please Note that for the next couple of examples we’ll be be passing data/JSON directly into the component.

The data will be as follows and has metrics for Tamil Nadu state Unique Devices Count <Portal and App> :-

Code Block
let data =  [
            "District": "Ariyalur",
            "Unique Devices on app": "6443.0",
            "Unique Devices on portal": "1332.0"
            "District": "Chennai",
            "Unique Devices on app": "81222.0",
            "Unique Devices on portal": "12349.0"
            "District": "Coimbatore",
            "Unique Devices on app": "49100.0",
            "Unique Devices on portal": "5690.0"
            "District": "Cuddalore",
            "Unique Devices on app": "4330.0",
            "Unique Devices on portal": "6524.0"


















    "District": "Dharmapuri",




      "Unique Devices on app": "7133.0",




         "Unique Devices on 







Example of a Line Chart using the Component

Brief Description:- In this chart we’ll plot District on the x-axis and Unique Devices on app & Unique Devices on portal keys on the y-axis from the above dataset.

Chart with Config is as follows:-


Code Block
<sb-dashlet [type]="'line'" [data]="data" [config]="config" (chartClick)="chartClickHandler($event)" (chartHover)="chartHoverHandler($event)"></sb-dashlet>

Code Block
let config: IChartConfig = {
    "title": {
        "text": "Unique Count on App and Portal",
         id"display": 'y-axis-0'true,
        "fontSize": 16
              position: 'left',
    "legend": {
      }  "display": true
    "tooltips": {
  ]      "bodySpacing": 5,
     }   "titleSpacing": 5
    "responsive": true,
    "colors": [
                "backgroundColor": '"rgba(148,159,177,0.2)'",
                "borderColor": '"rgba(148,159,177,1)'",
                "pointBackgroundColor": '"rgba(148,159,177,1)',
     pointBorderColor: '#fff'],
    "datasets": [
          pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#fff',{
            "label": "Total unique plays  pointHoverBorderColor: 'rgba(148,159,177,0.8)'on App",
   "dataExpr": "Unique Devices on app"
    ],    },
      legends: true {
       }     }

Component specs:-


  • type: string - indicates the type of charts, it can be: line, bar, radar, pie, polar area, doughnut

  • datasets ({data: SingleDataSet, label: string}[]) - data see about, the label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips

  • labels (Label[]) - x-axis labels. It's necessary for charts: line, bar, and radar. And just labels (on hover) for charts: polar area, pie, and a doughnut. The label is either a single string, or it may be a string[] representing a multi-line label where each array element is on a new line.

  • options (ChartOptions) - chart options as per the IChartConfig for title, legend, tooltips configuration.

  • colors (Color[]) - data colors, will use the default and|or random colors if not specified (see below)

  • legend: (boolean = false) - if true show legend below the chart, otherwise not be shown


  • chartClick: fires, when click on a chart, has occurred, returns information regarding active points and labels

  • chartHover: fires when mousemove (hover) on a chart has occurred, returns information regarding active points and labels

Map Using Dashlet Component



    "label": "Total unique plays on Portal",
            "dataExpr": "Unique Devices on portal" 
    "labelsExpr": "District"

More Information :-

labelExpr - key in the JSON which will act as x-axis labels.

dataExpr - key in the JSON which will act as y-axis dataset/Series


Map Using Dashlet Component

Brief Description :- We’ll plot the districts and corresponding info on the Tamil Nadu state map.

Same can be extended to show complete India Map as well with different states information


Code Block
<sb-dashlet [configtype]="'map'" [data]="optionsdata" [mapDataconfig]="mapDataconfig" (featureClicked)="eventListener($event)">


    let mapDataconfig = {
        state: 'KarnatakaTamil Nadu',
        districts: ['Bengaluru'Ariyalur', 'Chennai', 'Coimbatore', 'Cuddalore', 'MysuruDharmapuri'],
        reportDatametrics: [{}, {}],
        reportLoc: 'url''Unique Devices on app', Unique Devices on portal],
        metricstitle: [''],Tamil Nadu Weekly Usage'
        // country: 'India', // Optional - to show india map with states
        // states: ['Karnataka'], // Optional - list of states to show on the map
        // other Options 

  // default config and can be overridden with new configurations...

     let optionsotherOptions = {
        initialCoordinate: [20, 78],
        latBounds: [6.4626999, 68.1097],
        lonBounds: [35.513327, 97.39535869999999],
        initialZoomLevel: 5,
        controlTitle: 'IndiaTamil Nadu HeatWeekly MapUsage',
        tileLayer: {
            urlTemplate: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
            options: {
                attributions: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
        rootStyle: {
            fillColor: '#007cbe'
        otherOptions: any

Table Example using Dashlet Component


Other Examples of using India map are as follows:-

Image AddedImage Added


Table Example using Dashlet Component

This Example will plot the same datasource in Table format as shown in the image below

Image Added

Code Block
<sb-dashlet type="'table'" [data]="[{}]data" [config]="columnsConfigurationconfig" (rowClickHandler)="eventListener($click)"> 


    let columnsConfiguration = [{
        title: string,
    ...globalTableConfig, //optional to override certain config
     searchable     columnConfig: boolean,[
        orderable: boolean,     { title: "District",  data: 'key'"District" },
        visible: boolean,     { title: "Unique App renderCount", data: () => {"Unique},
        paging:  boolean,    { title: "Unique Portal Count", infodata: boolean,"Unique Devices on portal", searchable: true, orderable: true, autoWidth: true, autoWidthvisible: booleantrue },
        others:  any]




  • If there are more charts in a single report, then each graph should be lazy-loaded to improve page performance.

  • client-side caching for the datasets.
