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Instructions to use this template:

  • Use this template to write the Product Requirements Document (PRD) for a single User JTBD or Initiative. 
  • Each workflow within the PRD will correspond to an Epic in JIRA. Each User Story will correspond to a Story in JIRA that will be part of the Epic.
  • Each section in the template has instructions, with examples explaining the type of content to be written in that section. 
  • You may start typing into the section by eliminating the instructional text, or delete the instructional text after you have entered all content for the section.
  • Repeat from section <Use Case 1> Overview for every use case in the User JTBD or Initiative

    Table of Contents


    Why Certificates?

    Teachers deem a certificate provided by a valid authority as an important artefact:

    • serves as an evidence of completing a training

    • collection of multiple certificates can potentially build teachers' learning profile

    • permanence of the certificate since it is in a digitised format

    Hence, the value of including this use case as an integral part of the teacher's online course journey.  

    Further, awarding a certificate is a common mechanism used to recognise people with a set of skills and accomplishments:

    • Helps to create a standard system of recognition across organisations. A certificate is recognisable and verifiable. It brings in Trust
    • Helps teachers to showcase their skills and achievements to others to get a sense of Satisfaction and Recognition. It can also lead to material benefits such as, monetary rewards, promotions, recommendations etc.


    • Jobs To Be Done: 
    Who is the user and what is the user trying to do which is currently a struggle
    What is the context
    Functional Goal
    Emotional/Social Goal
    Teachers, who have attended in-person trainings, do not have record/recognition for the trainings attended by them and hence struggle to plan their next learning path/journeyOnline Training

    Ability for state to provide training completion certificate to participants who have completed the online training program

    Recognition for the teachers for completing the online training progra

    • User Personas:
      • Content Creator: Role which has access to create courses
      • Content Reviewer: Role which has access to review and publish courses
      • Course Mentor: Role which has access to create batches and monitor batches via course dashboard
      • Badge Creator: Role which has access to create badges

    All the above roles are envisioned as admin activities and hence typically are carried out by state admin or authorised personnel from SCERT office.

      • User: End user who consumes the course - typically a state teacher
    • System or Environment: 
      • Admin related functionalities - course creation and review, batch creation and monitoring of batches - are designed to work on desktop/laptop form factor. Consumption experience is designed to work on mobile, tablet and desktop/laptop form factors.


      1. Min. internet speed (download): 1 Mbps
      2. Time to load any webpage (first meaningful paint): 3 seconds
      3. Max. time for any webpage to be interactive (consumption side): 5 seconds
      4. Max time to load a content slide in player (streaming/online play): 3 seconds
      5. Accessibility (basic level): All images with alt tags
      6. Cross-browser support: Chrome 50 + (desktop + mobile), UC Web (mobile only), Firefox (desktop only)
      7. Resolution:
        1. Desktop: Least resolution: 1024 * 768, Projector: 1920*1080
        2. Mobile phone (top list): Samsung SM-J200G (960x540, minimum 100 MB free space)
      8. Active devices per day: 70,000 (Predicted - 200,000 to 500,000)
      9. Concurrent users:  400 requests/sec, concurrent logins

      Mobile App:

      1. Time taken to show book details after downloading spine: <3 seconds
      2. Time taken to show ‘Play’ after downloading content: <3 seconds

    Requirement Specifications

    This section consists of requirement specifications for specific use cases in the User JTBD. The requirements for each use case are elaborated in detail through sub-sections for:

    • Use case overview
    • Overall process workflow
    • Associated user stories 
    • Non-functional requirements
    • Localization requirements  
    • Telemetry requirements
    • Dependencies
    • Impact on other products
    • Impact on existing data  

    Issue of Course Completion Certificate - Overview

    This use case is related to providing a course completion certificate to a user who has completed a course, if there is a certificate associated to it. Once a certificate is associated to a course all the batches created for that course within the tenant inherit the certificate. This certificate is a digitized completion certificate equivalent of an existing paper certificate which can be accessed from the user profile page.

    In-scope for this use case

    There are broadly two types of certificates:

    Digital certificates - certificates which are based on the principles of verifiability and portability

    Digitized certificates - pdf certificates which are equivalent of a paper based certificate which the users can download

    The scope for this use case is 'Digitized Certificates'. 

    Overall Process Workflow

    Epic JIRA Ticket ID

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

    User Story 1: Assertion of certificate to a course - Overview

    Main Scenario

    Assertion of a certificate to a course will be done using a API from the back end. API will be used to carry out the following functions:

    1) Associate a certificate to the course
    2) Update existing course certificate <if the certificate is already set>
    3) Remove association between certificate and the course

    These certificates will be modelled after the physical certificate currently issued by the state and will comprise of the following components:

    Issuerwill be the state body issuing the certificate (organization or institution)Mandatory
    Recipientwill be the teacher who has completed the courseSystem populated
    Training program namewill be the name of the course which they have completedSystem populated
    Signatorywill be name of the individual signing the certificate Optional
    Signaturewill be the digital signature image of the signatoryOptional
    Completion datewill be the <month, year> when the teacher completed the trainingSystem populated

    Mapping of the components

    • A state can have multiple unique issuers.
    • Each issuer will have single signatory and signature.
    • Each certificate will have a single issuer, signatory and signature.

    The structural model for certification infra needs to be built on Open badges model and add extensions where necessary.


    • Course is published

    • Certificate template is available

    • State has provided the details needed to assert the certificate

      • Issuing authority/Issuer name - The issuer will be an organisation or institution which is a competent authority to certify recipients. Note that the issuer is different from the signatory (i.e. the individual(s) who applies his/her signature to the credential). 

      • Signatory - will be the name of the individual/authority signing the certificate. 

      • Signature - will be the digital signature of the signatory. 

    Srl. No.User Action (API)Expected Result
    1Assert certificate to a course which does not have any certificates attachedAsserted certificate to be added to the course
    2Assert certificate to a course which already has a certificate attachedShould fail with proper error message
    3Update certificate to a course which has a certificate attachedThe updated certificate will be asserted to the course
    4Remove asserted certificate to a courseAsserted certificate will be disassociated
    5Update/Remove certificate when no certificate is attached to a courseShould fail with proper error message

    Alternate Scenario 1


    Exception Scenarios

    When the signatory changes?

    In this scenario, the digital signature image is updated with the new signature image by the DIKSHA implementation team. The new signature image is provided by the state.



    For Future Release

    • As a badge creator, I want to assert certificates to courses created within my tenant so that users receive the certificate upon course completion.

    JIRA Ticket ID

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

    User Story 2: Auto issue of certificate upon completion of course - Overview

    Users who complete the course which has an active completion certificate associated will be awarded the completion certificate. This awarded certificate will be made available for download to the user in their profile page. 


    • Course is published

    • Certificate is asserted to the course

    • User is enrolled into the course batch

    • User's course progress is 100%

    Srl. No.

    User Action

    Expected Result


    Step1: User enrolls into an open/invite-only batch

    Step2: Completion certificate is associated to a course

    Step3: User completes the course

    User receives the certificate


    Step1: User enrolls into an open/invite-only batch

    Step2: User completes the course

    Step3: Completion certificate is associated to the course at a later date

    User does not receive the certificate since they have completed the course before the certificate was associated


    Step1: User enrolls into an open/invite-only batch

    Step2: User completes the course which has a certificate associated

    Step3: The associated certificate is removed from the course

    User retains the certificate


    Step1: User enrolls into an open/invite-only batch

    Step2: User completes the course which has a certificate associated

    Step3: A new certificate is associated to the course

    User retains the old certificate


    Step1: User navigates to the profile page in the portal/mobile web view/mobile app

    Step2: User views the completed course under 'Trainings attended' section.

    Step3: User clicks on 'Certificate'

    Certificate opens up as a pdf file

    Alternate Scenarios

    Once a certificate is associated to a course all the batches created for that course within the tenant inherit the certificate. i.e., teachers enrolled into batches created by mentors from other tenant will not be receiving the certificates.

    Exception Scenarios

    Scenario 1

    If for some technical reason valid user(s) who should have received the certificate have not received it.

    • All these user details should be captured and shared with DIKSHA implementation team on a daily basis by an overnight batch job

    • DIKSHA implementation team to manually assert these certificates to these users

    Scenario 2

    Lets say a user has completed the course but for some reason has not received the certificate. However, before the certificate was manually provided to the user, the certificate was updated or removed. 

    In this scenario, the user should still be provided with the certificate that was active when the user completed the course.


    <Add UX links>

    For Future Release(s)

    • As a teacher, who'd want to enroll into courses, I want to be able to identify courses which offer completion certificates upon completion of the course so that I can decide whether to enrol into the course or not.

    • As a state admin, I want to be able to ensure certificates are to be awarded ONLY to teachers from my state so that teachers from other states do not receive my state authorized certificates.

    • As a state admin, I want to be able to view valid teachers who have not received certificates so that I can ensure that certificates are awarded to these teachers.

    • As a teacher, I want to be notified via an email or mobile as soon as I receive the completion certificate so that I'm aware that I can now download my certificate.

    JIRA Ticket ID

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

    Localization Requirements

    UI ElementDescriptionLanguage(s)/ Locales Required
    Certificate ButtonLocalization needed for 'Certificate' button in the user profile pageTo be translated in all languages currently in scope for DIKSHA

    Telemetry Requirements

    Event NameDescriptionPurpose
    Click 'Certificate' in the user profile pageUser can download the certificate by clicking on 'certificate' button in the user profile pageThis data will enable us to measure the scale at which this functionality is used.
    Click 'Download File' in the course dashboard pageMentor can download the report by clicking on 'Download File' button in the course dashboard pageThis data will tell us how many users are actually clicking on this button to download the progress report.

    Non-Functional Requirements

    Performance / Responsiveness RequirementsLoad/Volume RequirementsSecurity / Privacy Requirements
    • Certificates to be issued in real time to teachers upon completion of the course.
    • Support certificate download sizes upto 200kb.
    • Certificate will be in pdf format.
    • In case of network connectivity failure show appropriate messages when user clicks on 'Certificate' to download certificate.
    • Any certificate issue failures are to be captured and reported
    • Course batch size to be upto 1L
    • Download file to support batch size upto upto 1L
    • Downloaded file is sent as an email attachment to the requestors email ID. The time lapsed between the request and receipt of the email should not exceed 30 mins. 

    • Load time of the certificate < 3 secs.

    Impact on other Products/Solutions

    Product/Solution ImpactedImpact Description
    Teacher profile pageexisting profile page will be enhanced to capture the certificate details in the trainings attended section

    Impact on Existing Users/Data 

    User/Data ImpactedImpact Description

    Key Metrics

    Srl. No.MetricPurpose of Metric

    Portal + Mobile web + Mobile App:

    Certificate download ratio = no. of certificate downloads/total number of certificates issued

    This ratio to be monitored at the level of:

    • individual course and
    • all courses 

    This metric will provide insights on whether teachers are downloading the certificates awarded to them and hence will provide a objective feedback on the scale at which this functionality is used.