2. User found with status as inactive/deleted then what need to be done?
** Open Questions:
* What should be userName in this case?
Resp: As discussed username will be auto-generated - internally system will make sure that auto-generated username will be related to user and not very hard to remember.
* Does system need to generate password for Google signup user?
Resp: As per discussion , no need to generate password.
* Do we need to send any welcome email to user? if yes then what should be content?
Resp: As per discussion, for Google user creation no need to send any email.
* What will happen if some old Google user won't have firstName or name itself?
* There might be scenario user already exist but his status is deleted?
Resp: As per discussion, user creation will fail.
* Do we need to carry loginId as well?
* In Old implementation during user create we have to send phoneVerified as true?
* User external Id workflow?(In old )