Applicability/configuration of terms and conditions will be based on chosen approach.
We can have Terms & Conditions definition per installation.
In this case a simple table will be created:
true means in force,
false - means past
When user updates the terms and conditions
- a new row will be inserted with content as well as date/user/status
- old row status will be marked to false.
- flag in user table for terms & conditions will be marked to false.
Approach 2:
We can create terms & conditions per channel basis.
If called without user-token
We can create terms & conditions manually and inserts the version information in system settings.
We need to create TAC table which will contain column
Column Name Purpose id Primary key of the table, auto-generated version version of TAC
contentchannel channel-id text html content created oncreatedOn created date created by createdBy user- who created it updatedOnlastUpdatedOn last updated onupdated by lastUpdatedBy user- who updated it - We need system setting which contains the latest version id of TAC
- We need to add ( tacStatus, tacAcceptedDate, tacVersionId) columns in user table and we can drop (tcstatus, tcupdateddate) as we are not using them
- Accept TAC
POST /v1/tac/accepts/{ "request": {
"tacVersionversion":"v1", "userId": "userId",
"status": true } }
2. Get TAC
GET /v1/tac/read read
{ "response": {
"text":"html content",
For fetching TAC we will get the current version of the TAC from system setting and then fetch the particular TAC from table