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titleWorking on

Outcome & Benefit

Action ItemsBenefit


Contributor (Who?)

AMJ '23

JAS '23

OND '23

JFM '24


Enable course assessment through ED (for any training use-case).

  • Identify gaps in inQuiry for powering assessment use case (eg. visibility, diverse question types etc.,)

  • Power all the missing capabilities that are required for course assessment

    Today it is one of the leading use-cases for ED adopters (DIKSHA & otherwise), but powered through ECML. Hence enabling this through QuML will help expose capabilities of inQuiry.

    Identify value propositions for independent software vendors (or IT teams)
    1. MCQ / MMCQ, FTB, MTF (P2)

    Value Proposition

    1. Question reusability: Create within a QueSet, use in another (Visibility private (P3), Old ECML (P3)). Review question lifecycle.

    2. Attach audio

    3. Support 25k TPS scale


    Pooja, Kartheek


    Value Proposition

    Become more specific about who will find it more valuable, what will be their reason to believe in the benefits offered and thus having clarity on the right to play.

    Identify value propositions for independent software vendors (or IT teams)


    Suren, Pooja


    Ease of use

    Gives the ability for anyone (including ED) to leverage inQuiry with minimal support and know monitor the health this giving confidence to the adoptors
    •Saves the team's time is debugging issues.
    •Helps in Faster Resolution"

    1. Simplify installation

    2. Installation process is completely open-sourced

    3. Local & Server Installation Script & its documentation

    4. Make it cost-effective for any one to use

    5. Enable health-monitoring

    6. Create a Tech FAQ and document steps to debug incase of commonly occuring issues

    Gives the ability for anyone (including ED) to leverage inQuiry with minimal support and know monitor the health this giving confidence to the adoptors
    •Saves the team's time is debugging issues.
    •Helps in Faster Resolution"


    Gauraw, Kartheek


    Experience and learn inQuiry. Help users imagine and visualise the possibilities using inQuiry

    1. Prototypes in experience centre, Microsite upgrade, completeness, and simplification

    2. Reference solution packages

    Help users imagine and visualise the possibilities using inQuiry

    P2Testing Automation & Benchmarking


    Testing Automation

    Performance Testing

    & Benchmarking

    Promise that it works with minimal time/effort spent every release by implementing test automation for all components

    Ensures that microservice is Scale-ready; Get more confident about scale-readinessP2

    1. Functional Testing Automation: Today the coverage is x/total APIs and x%. We want to achieve >90% coverage across all APIs.

    2. Performance Testing & Benchmarking: Today we don’t know this. We want to achieve <5% error rate. Expected scale: 25k TPS.


    Gauraw, Kartheek


    Easy to ensure QuML compliance (Validate & Generate).

    Ensures that inQuiry follow the QuML spec and hence allow resability, interoperability and longetivity of its assets

    We caught gaps in validation (by chance) and fixed them. Need to put a check so that it is always compliant.

    Ensures that inQuiry follow the QuML spec and hence allow resability, interoperability and longetivity of its assets



    Light-weight/low-code inQuiry package

    •Lower cloud infrastructure
    •Simpler tech stack
    •Easy to swap-out/swap-in dependencies (i.e. Knowlg).



    Market studyUnderstand potential inQuiry adoptions FTSO creating products/solutions.

    •Will give the ability to target the the right market
    •Will be able Guide the product in the required direction

    P3Understand potential inQuiry adoptions FTSO creating products/solutions.



    Out-of-the-box capabilities for visibility of learning outcomes.

    Out-of-the-box analytics for question usage, performance, and other question/question set related metrics.

    •This will generate necesssary information for questions and question set's analytics and hence make maximun use of the generated data and inQuiry's capabilities
    •The users will be able to make informed decisions based the analytics data

    Out-of-the-box analytics for question usage, performance, and other question/question set related metrics.



    Activate Community engagement•Co-created roadmap
    •Regular community huddles
    •Design thinking session.................................

    More contribution and support form the community, hence refining the product betterP3

    •Co-created roadmap
    •Regular community huddles
    •Design thinking session


    V1 Roadmap

    Last updated |

