Sunbird cloud-storage-sdk is a utility which provides methods for cloud upload/download operations.
Link to cloud-storage-sdk git repo: https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-cloud-storage-sdk/tree/scala-2.12-with-latest
It provides an interface IStorageService which should be implemented for new cloud storage provider.
Once the cloud-storage-sdk new version is published in maven central, we need to update the version in jobs-core module https://github.com/Sunbird-inQuiry/data-pipeline/blob/58d52be036712eff2e90a3842a1885d36d4473a7/jobs-core/pom.xml#L84
If required, Make Code Changes to CloudStorageUtil
Configuration Changes:
Override value for below variables under private devops repo (file path: ansible/inventory/<env_name>/Knowledge-Platform/secrets.yml) for new storage account: