Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To be able to handle the above design problems, we have analyzed how similar products (like netflix) track everything what a user does (or views) and that too at scale. Based on the analysis we have broken down the APIs into more granular APIs with a single DB update so that each API can be scaled independently. In addition we have designed the APIs as a general purpose service (similar to asset service/graph engine) on which various use-cases can be mapped.

Following are few of the Cassandra scale issues for various approaches:


Once the view ends, the progress and score will be updated asynchronously by the flink jobs.

Extended Enrolment Consumption:

  • Every new instance adapting the sunbird platform will have to select one of the option from 3 context modes, this would allow the application to mange the user in avoiding the consumption of content more than once based of specific predefined rules

  • Mode for any instance will be one to one mapping

  • With the extended design , tracking and monitoring of the user consumption can be done for any new context like program, event etc


Following are the different modes provided to new instance:




Write Request


Read Request


Carry Forward Consumption

  • The content consumed is marked as complete irrespective of context


Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>"
    "collectionid" : "<<courseid>>",
    "contentid" :"<<contenid>>"

Note: Progress will be captured directly under the context

Code Block
  "userId": "<<userid>>",
  "collectionId": "<<courseid>>",
  "contentId": "<<contentid>>"


Copy Forward Consumption

  • The content consumed is marked as complete along with new entry in the database for the context

Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid": "<<courseid>>",
    "contextid": "<<programid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contentid>>"
Code Block
  "userId": "<<userid>>",
  "collectionId": "<<courseid>>",
  "contentId": "<<contentid>>"


Strict Mode Consumption

  • The content will be consumed as new one every time

Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid": "<<courseid>>",
    "contextid": "<<programid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contenid>>"

Viewer-Service - Content Consumption Scenarios:

The user can consume a content by searching it in our platform (organically) or via a collection when the user enrolled to a course.

With Viewer-Service, we will support tracking individual content consumption also. Below details explain how the data will be stored for a content consumption in different scenarios.


The below table has various scenarios considering the current and future use cases. Here we defined the database read/write logic to support these use case and fetch the save or fetch the required data from user_content_consumption table.

Table - user_content_counsumption

PRIMARY KEY (userid, collectionid, contextid, contentid) [userid, courseid, batchid, contentid]

Key words used in below table:

  • Carry forward content consumption - Considering the content consumed in any context to compute the progress or completion percentage (any collection, batch or individual content consumption).




Write Request


Read Request(Condition)


Read Query


User consuming individual content. [New]


Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid": "<<contentid>>",
    "contextid": "<<contentid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contentid>>"
Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contentid>>"


WHERE userid='<<userid>>' and collectionid ='<<contentid>>' and contentid = <contentid> and contextid = <contentid>


User consuming a content with in a collection. [Existing]


Viewer Service - Database Design

The user can consume a content by searching it in our platform (organically) or via a collection when the user enrolled to a course.

With Viewer-Service, we will support tracking individual content consumption also. Below details explain how the data will be stored for a content consumption in different scenarios.


The below table has various scenarios considering the current and future use cases. Here we defined the database read/write logic to support these use case and fetch the save or fetch the required data from user_content_consumption table.

Code Block
user_content_consumption (
    userid text,
    collectionid text, // currently labelled as courseid
    contextid text, // currently labelled as batchid
    contentid text,
    last_access_time timestamp,
    last_completed_time timestamp,
    last_updated_time timestamp,
    progressdetails json,
    status int,
    PRIMARY KEY (userid, collectionid, contextid, contentid)

assessment_aggregator (
    user_id text,
    collection_id text, // currently labelled as courseid
    context_id text, // currently labelled as contextid
    content_id text,
    attempt_id text,
    created_on timestamp,
    grand_total text,
    last_attempted_on timestamp,
    questions list<frozen<question>>,
    total_max_score double,
    total_score double,
    updated_on timestamp,
    PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, collection_id), context_id, content_id, attempt_id)

user_activity_agg (
    activity_type text,
    activity_id text,
    user_id text,
    context_id text,
    agg map<text, int>,
    content_status frozen<map<text,int>>,
    agg_last_updated map<text, timestamp>,
    PRIMARY KEY ((activity_type, activity_id, user_id), context_id)


API & DB details


User consuming individual content.

Write API Request

Code Block
  userid: "<userid>",
  contentid: "<contentid>"

Write DB Query

Code Block
INSERT into ucc(userid, collectionid, contextid, contentid, status) 

Read API Request

Code Block
  userid: "<userid>",
  contentid: "<contentid>"

Read DB Query

Code Block
from ucc where userid='<contentid>' and collectionid='<contentid>' 
and contextid='<contentid>' and contentid='<contentid>'

User consuming a content with in a collection.

Write API Request

Code Block
  userid: "<userid>",
  collectionid: "<collectionid>",
  contentid: "<contentid>"

Write DB Query

Code Block
INSERT into ucc(userid, collectionid, contextid, contentid, status) 

Read API Request

Code Block
  userid: "<userid>",
  collection: "<collectionid>"

Read DB Query

Code Block
from ucc where userid='<contentid>' and collectionid='<collectionid>' 
and contextid='<collectionid>'

User consuming a content with in a collection with a context (A batch, A program or a program batch)

Write API Request

Code Block
  userid: "<userid>",
  collectionid: "<collectionid>",
  contextid: "<contextid>", // batchId, programId, programBatchId
  contentid: "<contentid>"

Write DB Query

Code Block
INSERT into ucc(userid, collectionid, contextid, contentid, status) 

Read API Request

Code Block
  userid: "<userid>",
  collectionid: "<collectionid>",
  contextid: "<contextid>" // batchId, programId, programBatchId

Read DB Query

Code Block
from ucc where userid='<contentid>' and collectionid='<contentid>' 
and contextid='<contextid>'

Mapping Usecases

Extended Enrolment Consumption:

  • Every new instance adapting the sunbird platform will have to select one of the option from 3 context modes, this would allow the application to mange the user in avoiding the consumption of content more than once based of specific predefined rules

  • Mode for any instance will be one to one mapping

  • With the extended design , tracking and monitoring of the user consumption can be done for any new context like program, event etc


Following are the different modes provided to new instance:

User consuming a content with in a collection. [New]

Carry forward content consumption

User consuming a content within a course part of a program

Don't carry forward content consumption


Write Request

Read Request


Carry Forward Consumption

  • The content consumed is marked as complete irrespective of context

Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid" : "<<courseid>>",
    "contextidcontentid": "<<batchid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contentid>><<contenid>>"

WHERE userid='<<userid>>' and collectionid ='<<courseid>>' and contextid ='<<batchid>>' and contentid='<<contentid>>'


Note: Progress will be captured directly under the context

Code Block
  "useriduserId": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid": "<<courseid>>",
    "contextid""collectionId": "<<courseid>>",
    "contentidcontentId": "<<contentid>>"

Note: When it is consumed with in this context.

WHERE userid='<<userid>>' and collectionid ='<<courseid>>'
WHERE userid='<<userid>>' and collectionid ='<<courseid>>' and contextid ='<<courseid>>' and contentid='<<contentid>>'



Copy Forward Consumption

  • The content consumed is marked as complete along with new entry in the database for the context

Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid": "<<courseid>>",
    "contextid": "<<programid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contentid>>"

Code Block
  "userId": "<<courseid>><<userid>>",
  "contextidcollectionId": "<<batchid>><<courseid>>",
  "contentidcontentId": "<<contentid>>"

WHERE userid='<<userid>>' and collectionid ='<<courseid>>' and contextid in (select batchId from program where collectionid='<<courseid>>')


User consuming a content within a course part of a program

  • Carry forward content consumption


Strict Mode Consumption

  • The content will be consumed as new one every time

Code Block
    "userid": "<<userid>>",
    "collectionid": "<<courseid>>",
    "contextid": "<<courseid>><<programid>>",
    "contentid": "<<contentid>><<contenid>>"
WHERE userid='<<userid>>' and collectionid ='<<courseid>>' and contextid = ='<<courseid>>'

Content View Lifecycle:

When the user view the content in context of a collection and batch, for the first time its start, progress update and end triggers are processed. Revisit (2nd - nth view) of the content will be ignored to process and update the DB.
