Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


IChart Interface - Base Interface for Chart Components. <ReportType = Chart>

  • This is the interface that every chart component should implement.

  • config takes the required metadata to render a chart like label datasets/series, tooltips legend, title, axes detailes etc. Please refer to the below. image to know most commonly used chart parts . Interface also takes additional metadata if required.

  • labelExpr - refers to the column name or key in the JSON which can be used as x axis labels

  • dataExpr - refers to the key in the JSON to be used on y axis as dataset.


Code Block
interface IChart extends IBase {

    readonly _defaultConfig: IChartConfig; // default config for tooltips colors legend etc.

    config: IChartConfig; 

    chartClick: EventEmitter<any>;
    chartHover: EventEmitter<any>;

    chartBuilder(config); // (prepares / converts) input chart config as per the underlying chart library used.

    refreshChart(); // refreshes and updates the chart either at specific interval or explicitly triggerd

    addData({ label, data, config }); //appends the label and data at the end;

    removeData(); //pops the last data and label
    removeData(label: string) // removes a specific label


    // mergeData(data1, data2, ...dataN): any[];

    getDatasetAtIndex(index: number);

interface IChartConfig {
    type: IChartType;
    options?: IChartOptions;
    [key: string]: any;

type IChartType = "bar" | "line" | "pie" | "etc";

type IChartOptions = {
    labels? : string[], // if labels are passed explicitely
    labelExpr ? : string; // column name to use as x-axis labels;
    datasets: IDataset[]; // datasets - y axis data
    tooltip?: object;
    legend?: object
    animation?: object;
    colors?: object;
    title?: string;
    description: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    caption?: object;
    scales?: {
        axes: any;
        [key: string]: any;
    [key: string]: any;

type IDataset  = {
    label: string;
    dataExpr?: string;
    data: any[];
