For example: The Collection component would expect CollectionType, Board, Class, Medium, Subject, Framework to list the textbook.
Similarly, ChapterList component would expect CollectionId and List of content types
If we put together all the component and its required configurations, actions and possible enhancements into a module/highlevel component the following would be the overall component hierarchy and configuration.
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{ "pageAssemblyId":"", "scopeboard":"", { "class":"", "classessubject":"", "subjectmedium":"", }"framework":"", "collectionType":{ "name": "Collection type", "type": "string", "enum": "Textbook, Course" }, "contentTypes": { "name": "List of contentTypes", "type": "List", "enum": ["PracticeQuestionSet", "Lessonplan", "ExperientialResource", "FocusSpot", "CuriosityQuestionSet", "ExplanationResource"] }, "questionCategories":{ "name": "List of AssessmentItem Categorys", "type": "List", "enum": ["VSA", "SA", "LA", "MCQ", "CuriosityQuestion"], "hints": "When PracticeQuestionSet is set for contentTypes AssessmentItem Categorys must be" }, "ckEditorConfig": {} } |
With this basic set of configurations, a program can be created by an admin of the program.