Course Creator should be able to attach more than one certificate template to a course so that users receive different certificates based on the defined filter criteria for each template. The creator should also be able to delete one or more certificate templates from the course. After addition or deletion of certificates, the course creator should also be able to view the list the certificate templates attached to a particular course.
Solution Approach :
1. Add Certificate Template
API Specification : API should take the course details and name of the certificate which the course creator wants to delete.
3. Get Certificate Template
API Specification : API should take the course details and return the list of certificate templates attached to the course.
API Design :
Add Certificate Template API
Code Block POST /course/batch/cert/v1/template Request : { "params": {}, "request": { "courseId": "do_12347787978775440", "certificateName":"100PercentCompletionCertificate", "metadata": { "weight":1, // For providing weight to a certificate template in order to avoid issue of more than one certificate "issuer": { "name": "Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training", "url": "https://gcert.gujarat.gov.in/gcert/", "publicKey": [ "7", "8" ] }, "signatoryList": [ { "name": "CEO Gujarat", "id": "CEO", "designation": "CEO", "image": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/09/08/06/signature-523237__340.jpg" } ], "keys": { "id": "9" }, "htmlTemplate": "https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=1&id=1ryB71i0Oqn2c3aqf9N6Lwvet-MZKytoM&export=download", "notifyTemplate": { "subject": "Course completion certificate for Course 03092019 Course", "stateImgUrl": "https://sunbirddev.blob.core.windows.net/orgemailtemplate/img/File-0128212938260643843.png", "regardsperson": "Chairperson", "regards": "Minister of Gujarat", "emailTemplateType": "defaultCertTemp" }, "filters": { "status": "2", "assessmentScore": { "<": "0.8" } } } } }
Delete Certificate Template API
Code Block DELETE /course/batch/cert/v1/template Request : { "params": { }, "request":{ "courseId": "do_12347787978775440", "certificateName": "Merit-Certificate" } }
Get Certificate API
Code Block GET /course/batch/cert/v1/template/:courseId