API Specification : API should take the course details , certificate name and the metadata of the certificate template which has to be attached for that particular course. Course creator can add new certificate template to the course by specifying the filter criteria for issuing the the certificate, in the filters field of the API. The filters field will be added as a new entry in the metadata section of the certificate. All the certificate templates for a particular course will be stored in the database as a Key-Value pair where certificate name would be the key and its metadata would be the value.
Add Certificate Template API
Code Block POST /v1/course/batch/cert/add Request : { "params": {}, "request": { "courseId": "do_12347787978775440", "certificateName": "Merit-Certificate", "templatemetadata": { "issuer": { "name": "Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training", "url": "https://gcert.gujarat.gov.in/gcert/", "publicKey": [ "7", "8" ] }, "signatoryList": [ { "name": "CEO Gujarat", "id": "CEO", "designation": "CEO", "image": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/09/08/06/signature-523237__340.jpg" } ], "keys": { "id": "9" }, "htmlTemplate": "https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=1&id=1ryB71i0Oqn2c3aqf9N6Lwvet-MZKytoM&export=download", "notifyTemplate": { "subject": "Course completion certificate for Course 03092019 Course", "stateImgUrl": "https://sunbirddev.blob.core.windows.net/orgemailtemplate/img/File-0128212938260643843.png", "regardsperson": "Chairperson", "regards": "Minister of Gujarat", "emailTemplateType": "defaultCertTemp" }, "filters": { "status": "2", "assessmentScore": { "<": "0.8" } } } } }
Delete Certificate Template API
Code Block DELETE /v1/course/batch/cert/delete Request : { "params": { }, "request":{ "courseId": "do_12347787978775440", "certificateName": "Merit-Certificate" } }