- Minimum windows version - Windows 7
- Minimum RAM required - 2GB(Should show warning if the RAM size is less than 2GB)
- Minimum disk space required for installation 400MB
- Minimum disk space required for running the app 10GB
Below are the error messages when the pre-requisites are not met while installing
- windows 7 - windows 7 or greater is required to install the app
- Disk space - Minimum 400MB space is required to install the app.
Registry Variables
${APP_NAME}_APP_WORKING_DIR - which is used to add the installation location. Example: SUNBIRD_APP_WORKING_DIR="c:\\sunbird"
- ${APP_NAME}_DB_PORT - which is used to install couchdb couch DB default to 5984 if that port is not available then whatever is auto-selected port which is available in system used for couchdb couch DB installation. Example: SUNBIRD_DB_PORT=5984
- ${APP_NAME}_APP_PORT - default to 9000 if it is occupied whatever available. Example: SUNBIRD_APP_PORT=9000
- Installation
- If the windows is pirated version show the warning messagemessage → (The operation system is pirated, app may not work as expected)
- Request for the application directory to install. This should be defaulted to "C://Diksha${APP_NAME}/”? Add this path to the windows registry in the variable “DIKSHA“{APP_NAME}_APP_WORKING_DIR"
- Couch DB installation
- Check if couch db is already installed.
- If “yes” - check the version. If version matches the installer version check if the service is running and start the service. If installed version doesn’t match the version to be installed, uninstall the older version
- if “no” then proceed with the installation
- Before installation check if port 5984 is under use. If under use switch to another port
- Update the port in to the windows registry in the variable “DIKSHA“{APP_NAME}_DB_PORT"
- Silent install couch DB on the given port.
- The couch db configuration should be updated to use the <application-dir>/data as the db path
- Restart service
- Electron app installation
- Uninstall app if the older version exists
- check port 9000 is available if not available get the available port for app
- Update the port in to the windows registry in the variable “DIKSHA“{APP_NAME}_APP_PORT"
- Install the latest app
- Add the app to all windows shortcuts
- Launch the app
- Any errors during installation should written to a log file that can be transferred to the server with device id(read reference section below for device id)
- All the error messages should be read from a file so that they can be changed easily
- APP_NAME should be read from file as well
- Uninstall
- Uninstall link to the desktop app should be available under the installed programs context menu
- Uninstall should uninstall both couch db and electron app
- Data directory to be cleaned up.
- Windows registry variables should be removed