// About the event
"eid": , // Required.
"ets": , // Required. Epoch timestamp of event (time in milli-seconds. For ex: 1442816723)
"ver": , // Required. Version of the event data structure, currently "3.0"
"mid": , // Required. Unique message ID. Used for deduplication, replay and update indexes
// Who did the event
"actor": { // Required. Actor of the event.
"id": , // Required. Can be blank. Id of the actor. For ex: uid incase of an user
"type": // Required. Can be blank. User, System etc.
// Context of the event
"context": { // Required. Context in which the event has occured.
"channel": , // Required. Channel which has produced the event
"pdata": { // Optional. Producer of the event
"id": , // Required. unique id assigned to that component
"pid": , // Optional. In case the component is distributed, then which instance of that component
"ver": // Optional. version number of the build
"env": , // Required. Unique environment where the event has occured.
"sid": , // Optional. session id of the requestor stamped by portal
"did": , // Optional. uuid of the device, created during app installation
"cdata": [{ // Optional. correlation data
"type":"", // Required. Used to indicate action that is being correlated
"id": "" // Required. The correlation ID value
"rollup": { // Optional. Context rollups
"l1": "",
"l2": "",
"l3": "",
"l4": ""
// What is the target of the event
"object": { // Optional. Object which is the subject of the event.
"id": , // Required. Id of the object. For ex: content id incase of content
"type": , // Required. Type of the object. For ex: "Content", "Community", "User" etc.
"ver": , // Optional. version of the object
"rollup": { // Optional. Rollups to be computed of the object. Only 4 levels are allowed.
"l1": "",
"l2": "",
"l3": "",
"l4": ""
// What is the event data
"edata": {}, // Required.
// Tags
"tags": [""], // Optional. Encrypted dimension tags passed by respective channels
// Device metadata
"devicedata": {
"os": "", // OS name and version
"cpu": "", // processor name
"sims": , // number of sim cards, -1 if unknown
"idisk": , // total internal disk in GB, -1 if unknown
"mem": , // total mem in MB, -1 if unknown
"scrn": , // screen size in inches, -1 if unknown
"id": "", // physical device id if available from OS
"camera": "", // primary and secondary camera specs
"edisk": , // total external disk (card) in GB, -1 if unknown
"make": "" // device make and model
"country": "", // device country info
"city": "", // device city info
"countrycode": "", // device country ISO code
"state": "", // device state info
"statecode": "", // device state ISO code
"iso3166statecode": "", // device state code in ISO-3166 format
"firstaccess": , // first access time of the device
"uaspec": {
"agent": "", // user agent (mozilla, chrome, safari, ie)
"raw": "", // Raw user agent of server
"system": "", // System identification
"platform": "" // client platform,
"ver": "" // Agent version number
// User metadata - not applicable for actor.type other than user
"userdata": {
"district": "", // user district info
"state": "", // user state info
"subject": [], // list of subjects taught
"grade": [], // list of grades taught
"usertype": "", // type of user
"language": [] // list of languages known
// content metadata
"contentdata": {
"lastsubmittedon": "", // last submitted date of the content
"pkgversion": , // version of the content
"language": [], // list of languages in the content
"medium": "", // language medium of the content
"lastpublishedon": "", // last published date of the content
"contenttype": "", // type of resource
"lastupdatedon": "", // last updated date of the content
"framework": "",
"name": "", // name of the content
"mimetype": "", // mime type of the resource in the content
"objecttype": "", // type of content
"mediatype": "", // media type of the resource
"board": "", // board of affiliation
"status": "" // status of the content
//dialcode metadata - applicable only for SEARCH event
"dialcodedata": {
"channel": "", // channel for which dialcode is generated
"batchcode": "", // batch for which dialcode belongs to
"publisher": "", // publisher of the dialcode
"generatedon": "", // dialcode generated on
"publishedon": "", // dialcode published on
"status": "" // status of the dialcode