Seek assets NOT for target collections

Seek assets NOT for target collections

This page details the workflows of seeking assets that are not for any target collections.


Seeking assets not for any target collection consists of only three stages as described in the following sections. The flow is exactly same as that of seeking assets for target collections - without the stages of preparing target collections and publishing target collections.

Note: Currently, only sourcing of non-collection assets is supported.

The high level flows of this functionality are described in this page

Detailed Workflows

Project creation

  1. Sourcing org admin logs into the system and starts creating a sourcing project

  2. The system provides option to select the project scope (the exact labels to be decided)

    1. Seek content for certain target collections

    2. Seek content for a certain framework

  3. If user selects the option “Seek content for certain target collections”, the existing flow for “Seeking content for target collections” is triggered.

  4. If user selects the option “Seek content for certain framework”, following flow is triggered.

  5. The use has following options to select as the project scope:

    1. Framework Type - Available list of framework types in the system. Example: “K-12 Curriculum”, “Continuous Professional Development”. There will be a default framework selected as per system configuration - say “K-12 Curriculum” by default. Selecting framework type is mandatory. Only one framework type can be selected per project.

    2. When a framework type is chosen, the framework available in the tenant of the selected framework type is taken as the framework to be used for the project. The assumption is that there is maximum one framework of given type is configured in the tenant. In case there is no framework of the selected type configured at tenant level, the framework of that type configured at system level is taken. The assumption is that there is maximum one framework of a given type is configured at the system level. In case there are no framework of the selected found either at tenant or system level, system shows an error message “Incorrect framework configuration. Please check with system administrator”.

    3. A set of framework attributes per framework type are configured per tenant to be shown during project creation. The framework attributes are shown based on this configuration. For example, for a “K-12 Curriculum” type of framework, typically the attributes configured will be - Board, Medium, Class, Subject

    4. Dependency of attributes should be taken care when showing the attribute values. For example, if Subject is dependent of Class, the values of Subjects should be populated based on the selected Class.

    5. User can select one or more values from the framework attributes. None of the attributes are mandatory. User also has option to select all.

    6. User has option to select one or more content types - this should show all primary categories of all the non-collection object types (content, question set).

  6. Apart from the project scope, user enters other project details that are same as existing project creation flow, except selecting target collections.

  7. User can save the project as draft.

  8. User can reopen a saved project in draft state. The saved values are displayed. User can modify any values and save.

  9. User can publish the project once all required details are provided.

  10. The “My Projects” table shows the created project. Below the Project name, instead of “<<>> Digital Textbooks”, it shows “<<framework type>>”, where <<framework type>> is the type of the framework chosen as part of the project scope.

Contributor Nomination

  1. Individual Contributor or Contrib Org admin logs into the system

  2. The user sees list of projects in the “All Projects” page.

  3. For projects that are not for any target collection, below the Project name, instead of “<<>> Digital Textbooks”, it shows “<<framework type>>”, where <<framework type>> is the type of the framework chosen as part of the project scope.

  4. User opens a project not for any target collection.

  5. Project nomination screen is opened. It is similar to project nomination screen of a project for target collections, except for the following changes:

    1. The screen will show following details:

      1. Framework type

      2. The framework attribute values of the project as selected by the project creator

    2. The screen will have option to select content types (same as that of project for target collection)

    3. The screen will not have table showing list of collections.

    4. Instead it will have an option of “Create/Upload Sample”. This will open the content types selection popup showing all the content types (categories) given in that project. User can select a content type and create/upload content.

    5. It will also a list of created/uploaded sample content as a table. The table will have the following columns

      1. Name - Name of the content

      2. Framework attributes (as configured in the project) - This shows the values of these attributes for the given content

  6. When user selects one or more content types, the nomination is saved with “Initiated” state.

  7. The user creates or uploads samples using “Create/Upload Sample” option.

  8. User can nominate to the project - with or without any samples.

Nomination Review

  1. Sourcing org admin or reviewer logs into the system

  2. The user opens a project not for any target collection and goes to Nominations tab

  3. The page show list of nominations. The table is same as that of existing, except that it will not have the column “Digital Textbooks” and “Digital Textbooks” count on top of the table.

  4. User opens the nomination. Nomination page is shown. The page is same as that of existing (for project with target collections) except the table of Digital Textbooks is not shown. Instead, it shows the table of sample content with the columns - Title and framework attributes as configured for the project. There is an option to view sample content, which will show the content page.

  5. Rest of the nomination review flow is same as that of the project with target collections.

  6. User can Accept or Reject the nomination.

  7. Once approved,

    1. The nomination page shows the list of content contributed by that contributor (instead of the collections list). The table of contributions shows the following columns - Title, Framework attributes of the project, Status of the content.

    2. User can view the contributions and Approve, Reject, Send back for corrections.

  8. Reject nomination will not have any further options.

Content Contribution

  1. Contributor (individual contributor or contributor of a contrib org) logs in and goes to “My Projects” list.

  2. The user opens a project not for any target collection for which the nomination is approved.

  3. The project page is similar to the existing project page (with target collections) except for the following changes:

    1. The top portion of the page shows the framework type of the project

    2. Instead of “Digital Textbooks” tab, the tab is named as “Contents”

    3. Instead of Digital Textbooks, the table show listed of contents contributed. The table has following columns - Title, Framework attributes of the project, Content Status, Open button

    4. There is an option to filter content. The option shows a dialog with all the framework attributes of the project. User can select one or more attributes and filter the content.

    5. There is an option to Create/Upload content - in case the contribution date has not passed, this is enabled, else it is disabled.

    6. When user selects Create/Upload content option, user is shown the content types popup dialog. It shows all the content types to which the contributor nominated. User can select a content type and create the content.

    7. User can open an existing content by clicking on “Open”. The content can be modified if it is in draft or pending corrections state.

    8. Creation of a content is similar to existing process, except for view and edit metadata which is described in the section below.

    9. There is an option to “Bulk upload content”. Bulk upload content is described in the section below.

    10. Lifecycle of a content is same as that of content contributed to a target collection. The only difference is that this content is not added to any collection by default.

View and Edit Content Metadata

There is no change in functionality of the common set of fields for a content such as Name, Attributions, Author, License, Additional Categories. The set of fields should be configurable for each primary category and the View and Edit form should show the configured fields.

Edit content metadata

For fields related to framework attributes, following is the functionality. Note this functionality is only for “Organization framework” of the content. As of now, the content will not be tagged to any target framework values.

  1. For each primary category, the edit and view forms configuration should have the set of framework attributes that can be edited for each framework type. The configuration should also mandatory or optional for each attribute. The attributes can also have dependency with other attributes.

  2. When the fields are populated, system should check the framework type and framework value of the given project. The same has to be set as the organization framework type and value for that content.

  3. System should take the list of framework attributes configured as per step 1 for the given framework type and display them on the from.

  4. The values of each attribute has to be populated using the following logic:

    1. The list of all values of the given attribute in the given framework have to be taken

    2. The list of values have to be shortlisted based on the dependent attribute. For example, if Subject is dependent on Class, if Class 5 is selected, take the list of all Subjects related to only Class 5.

    3. In case the attribute has one or more values defined in the project scope, then take only the values from the project scope and remove other values.

    4. In case the attribute has no values defined in the project, take all the values as in step b. Note: There can be an attribute, say “Learning Outcomes” defined as part of edit form but is not even defined as part of project scope. The values should be all the “Learning Outcomes” values based on the dependent attributes - say Subject(s) selected.

    5. Populate the final list of values based on the above logic.

  5. In case there is only one value in the list for a field, select it by default.

  6. In case there is no configuration given for the given framework type, throw an error “Error in system configuration. Please contact system administrator”.

  7. In case there are attributes part of project scope but are not configured as part of edit configuration, throw an error “Error in system configuration. Please contact system administrator”.

  8. User can select zero or more values for each framework category as configured. Note: As of now, assume “Board” will be only single select.

Here are few examples to make it more clearer (these are only examples and the functionality is not restricted to this alone):

Example 1

  1. Project has the framework type “K-12 Curriculum” and framework value “Andhra Pradesh K-12 Curriculum”.

  2. The project scope defined following framework attributes

    1. Board - State Andhra Pradesh

    2. Medium (s) - Telugu, English

    3. Class (es) - Class 6, Class 7, Class 8

    4. Subject - No values defined

  3. The primary category of “Learning Resource” has following attributes configured its Edit form config

    1. For framework type “K-12 Curriculum” - Board, Medium, Class, Subject, Learning Outcome

    2. For framework type “Continuous Professional Development” - Subject, Topic

  4. When edit form is launched, it shows the following attributes as part of framework attributes:

    1. Board - The only values is “State Andhra Pradesh” and is selected by default

    2. Medium (s) - The values are Telugu, English

    3. Class (es) - The values are Class 6. Class 7, Class 8

    4. Subject (s) - The values are not populated by default. When user selects a Class, all the Subjects related to the selected Class are populated

    5. Learning Outcome (s) - The values are not populated by default. When user selects a Subject, all the Learning Outcomes related to the selected Class and Subject are populated.

  5. User can select one or more values from the above and save.

Example 2

  1. Project has the framework type “K-12 Curriculum” and framework value “Andhra Pradesh K-12 Curriculum”.

  2. The project scope defined following framework attributes

    1. Board - State Andhra Pradesh

    2. Medium (s) - Telugu, English

    3. Class (es) - Class 6, Class 7, Class 8

    4. Subject - Mathematics, English, Social Studies, Biology (say Biology is specific to Class 8 and others are common across the three classes)

  3. The primary category of “Learning Resource” has following attributes configured its Edit form config

    1. For framework type “K-12 Curriculum” - Board, Medium, Class, Subject, Learning Outcome

    2. For framework type “Continuous Professional Development” - Subject, Topic

  4. When edit form is launched, it shows the following attributes as part of framework attributes:

    1. Board - The only values is “State Andhra Pradesh” and is selected by default

    2. Medium (s) - The values are Telugu, English

    3. Class (es) - The values are Class 6. Class 7, Class 8

    4. Subject (s) - The values are not populated by default. If user selects Class 6 or 7, the Subjects “Mathematics”, “English” and “Social Studies” are populated. If user selects Class 8, all the four subjects in 2d are populated.

    5. Learning Outcome (s) - The values are not populated by default. When user selects a Subject, all the Learning Outcomes related to the selected Class and Subject are populated.

  5. User can select one or more values from the above and save.

Example 3

  1. Project has the framework type “Continuous Professional Development” and framework value “CPD - Andhra Pradesh”.

  2. The project scope defined following framework attributes

    1. Subject - No values defined

    2. Topics - No values define

  3. The primary category of “Learning Resource” has following attributes configured in its Edit form config

    1. For framework type “K-12 Curriculum” - Board, Medium, Class, Subject, Learning Outcome

    2. For framework type “Continuous Professional Development” - Subject, Topic

  4. When edit form is launched, it shows the following attributes as part of framework attributes:

    1. Subject (s) - All Subjects in “CPD - Andhra Pradesh” framework

    2. Topic (s) - The values are not populated by default. When user selects a Subject, all the Topics related to the selected Subject are populated.

  5. User can select one or more values from the above and save.

Example 4 - Error Scenario

  1. Project has the framework type “Continuous Professional Development” and framework value “CPD - Andhra Pradesh”.

  2. The project scope defined following framework attributes

    1. Subject - No values defined

    2. Topics - No values define

  3. The primary category of “Explanation Resource” has following attributes configured its Edit form config

    1. For framework type “K-12 Curriculum” - Board, Medium, Class, Subject, Learning Outcome

  4. When edit form is launched, since the project has “Continuous Professional Development” framework type but the edit form config of “Explanation Resource” primary category doesn’t have this, system shows an error.

Example 5 - Error Scenario

  1. Project has the framework type “Continuous Professional Development” and framework value “CPD - Andhra Pradesh”.

  2. The project scope defined following framework attributes

    1. Board - State Andhra Pradesh

    2. Medium (s) - Telugu, English

    3. Class (es) - Class 6, Class 7, Class 8

    4. Subject - No values defined

  3. The primary category of “Explanation Resource” has following attributes configured its Edit form config

    1. For framework type “K-12 Curriculum” - Medium, Class, Subject, Learning Outcome

  4. When edit form is launched, since the the edit form config of “Explanation Resource” primary category is missing “Board” attribute which is present in project scope, system shows an error.

View content metadata

Same as the edit content metadata flow. Except, most of the fields will be configured read only.

Bulk upload content

The bulk upload process is same as that of bulk upload for a target collection, except the contents are not linked to any target collection. Hence the bulk upload file format is slightly different. Each framework type will have a sample bulk upload file with the set of framework attributes that can be tagged to a content. Following is a sample bulk upload file for uploading content for a K-12 Curriculum framework type.


Users should use different bulk upload files to upload content for different framework types.

In addition to the existing validations, following are the two additional validations to be done:

CSV file level validation

In case the csv file doesn’t have framework attribute column that corresponds to a framework attribute in the project scope, show an error “Invalid csv file format. Required framework attribute column <<column name>> is missing. Please check if you are using the correct sample file format”.

Content level validation

System should check if the values of a given framework attribute are in the set of values defined for that attribute in that project scope. If the project doesn’t have any values defined, system will check against all the values of the given framework.. In case the given values are not part of project scope, give an error against that specific content as “The given framework attributes of the content are not in project scope. Please correct the values and upload again”.

Contributor Org Review

The reviewer process is same as that of project with target collections. The only difference is that the project page shows list of contents instead of list of collections. This is similar to the page shown for a contributor (as described in “Content Contribution” section).

User can directly click “Open” on a content from the project page, view the content, send for approval, reject or send for corrections.

Sourcing Org Review and Publish

The reviewer process is same as that of project with target collections. The only difference is that the project page shows list of contents instead of list of collections. This is similar to the page shown for a contributor (as described in “Content Contribution” section).

User can directly click “Open” on a content from the project page, view the content, publish, reject or send for corrections.

Project Modification

Same as modification of project with target collection. User cannot modify the project scope of a published project.

Project Closure

Same as that of project with target collections.


Organization Level Reports

Project level funnel report

Project level funnel report should include sourcing projects that seek content NOT for any target collections. The columns are same as that of sourcing projects that seek content for target collections.

Content details report

Content details report should include sourcing projects that seek content NOT for any target collections.

The columns related to target collection - column G (“Textbook Name”), column H (“Textbook ID”), column I (“Chapter ID”) will be empty for content that is contributed to such projects.

The framework attribute columns (Board, Medium, Grade, Subject) should show the corresponding attribute values of the content.

Project Level Reports

As of now there are no project level reports for sourcing projects that seek content NOT for any target collections.

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