Program-service: wrapper API for open-saber to reduce API calls


This document is to provide information about the user list API’s request and response.


To get the user profile details currently three API’s getting called

  • First API calls to get the organization open-saber id by Diksha organization id.

  • The second API call to get the user's open-saber ids which are associate with an organization.

  • The third API call to get the user's profile.


Write a wrapper function in the program service that will provide user profile details. The wrapper function will take care of calling the needful APIs.


POST: program/v1/contributor/search



{ "request": { "filters": { "user_org": { "orgId": { "eq": "18180aff-07ba-4f50-bf4a-04ace80f303b" // Org Opensaber id }, "roles": [ "sourcing_reviewer", "sourcing_admin" ] }, "user": { }, }, "fields": [], "limit": 250, "offset": 0 } }



{ "id": "", "ts": "2021-03-10T17:07:23.352Z", "params": { "resmsgid": "14dc4d80-81c3-11eb-bb37-31df32e2bbb0", "msgid": "14dc2670-81c3-11eb-bb37-31df32e2bbb0", "status": "successful", "err": null, "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "contributor": [ { "lastName": null, "tcStatus": null, "maskedPhone": null, "rootOrgName": "15 Aug", "roles": [ "PUBLIC" ], "channel": "15Aug123", "updatedDate": null, "prevUsedPhone": "", "stateValidated": true, "isDeleted": false, "organisations": [ { "updatedBy": null, "organisationId": "013088773085405184115", "orgName": "15 Aug", "addedByName": null, "addedBy": null, "roles": [ "CONTENT_REVIEWER", "PUBLIC" ], "approvedBy": null, "updatedDate": null, "userId": "0f1bd420-8712-48a5-a902-389f697e2339", "approvaldate": null, "isDeleted": false, "parentOrgId": null, "hashTagId": "013088773085405184115", "isRejected": null, "position": null, "id": "013088776329543680162", "orgjoindate": "2020-08-18 11:33:03:158+0000", "isApproved": null, "orgLeftDate": null } ], "managedBy": null, "provider": null, "flagsValue": 6, "maskedEmail": "15*************", "id": "0f1bd420-8712-48a5-a902-389f697e2339", "tempPassword": null, "recoveryEmail": "", "email": "15*************", "identifier": "0f1bd420-8712-48a5-a902-389f697e2339", "thumbnail": null, "updatedBy": null, "accesscode": null, "profileSummary": null, "phoneVerified": false, "tcUpdatedDate": null, "locationIds": [], "registryId": null, "recoveryPhone": "", "userName": "", "rootOrgId": "013088773085405184115", "userId": "0f1bd420-8712-48a5-a902-389f697e2339", "prevUsedEmail": "", "firstName": "15augreviewer45", "lastLoginTime": null, "emailVerified": true, "tncAcceptedOn": null, "framework": {}, "createdDate": "2020-08-18 11:33:02:904+0000", "phone": "", "createdBy": "95e4942d-cbe8-477d-aebd-ad8e6de4bfc8", "currentLoginTime": null, "userType": "OTHER", "tncAcceptedVersion": null, "status": 1, "name": "15augreviewer45 ", "User": { "lastName": "", "osUpdatedAt": "2020-08-18T13:03:56.272Z", "firstName": "15augreviewer45", "osCreatedAt": "2020-08-18T13:03:56.272Z", "enrolledDate": "2020-08-18T13:03:50.870Z", "@type": "User", "channel": "013088773085405184115", "osid": "17e2ba62-2d73-4944-bfc1-7ade3bbb6ac6", "userId": "0f1bd420-8712-48a5-a902-389f697e2339" }, "User_Org": { "osUpdatedAt": "2020-08-18T13:53:39.765Z", "osCreatedAt": "2020-08-18T13:53:39.765Z", "@type": "User_Org", "roles": [ "user", "sourcing_reviewer" ], "osid": "2eee7982-2eda-42df-8bca-2da9ade69514", "userId": "17e2ba62-2d73-4944-bfc1-7ade3bbb6ac6", "orgId": "18180aff-07ba-4f50-bf4a-04ace80f303b" }, "selectedRole": "sourcing_reviewer" } ], "count": 1 } }