The Design Approach for Bundle Katex library only if Math formula is used in the question.

Bundling Katex Library only when Math Formula is used in Question.

Existing Behavior:
Currently, we are generating the QuestionSet ECML by using BasePlugin 'toECML' function, So we were bundling every Dependency by comparing String of

Stage-manager.js in content-editor,
Apply filter on toECML on stage-manager of content-editor, we have plugin object containing the questionBody,

  • Validation of question whether having math formula or not, using questionBody object which contains question text compare whether having 'data-math' && 'math-text'.


  • Validation of Question-options whether having math formula or not, using questionBody which contain

    • MTF question contain: optionsLHS & optionsRHS on questionBody

    • MCQ questions contain: options or sentence(Reordering questions)

    • FTB questions contain: answer objects
      apply filter for each options(MCQ), sentence(MCQ), answer(FTB), optionLHS & optionRHS containing 'data-math' && 'math-text'.

Once we validated having 'data-math' && 'math-text' on questions and options, we enable or disable
katex libraries on ECML. If 'data-math' && 'math-text' is available in questions or options we are enable them to load on manifest dependency on ECML, if they are not, removing Katex libraries from manifest dependency on ECML.
