Ensuring inQuiry BB should run on minimal scale and has the capability to auto scale as per adopters usage
Remove hard coding of B/M/G/S
Remove hard coding of functionalities to a certain primary category or question type (Ex: MCQs, SA, responseVariables etc)
Hard coding of content organisation and target frameworks in editors and other components to point to a specific framework has to be removed. For ex., any hard coding in editors to point to K-12 framework as the target framework.
Tools for configuration, operations & maintenance. For ex., tools to monitor health of the appliance, debugging basic issues and run daily operations.
Streamline BB code/ remove deprecated code etc. to ensure a clean offering that is fully understood by the team that owns it.
Proper error traceability with error codes has to be made available
Enhance question reusability across questionSets adhering to the visibility aspect. (IQ-299, IQ-100)
Enhance QuML editor and Player to support multiples Question sets. (IQ-295)
Enhance documentation / scripts to support build and deploying of inQuiry independently (IQ-241, IQ-192, IQ-186)
Benchmarking and load testing inQuiry services (IQ-88, IQ-222 , IQ-50)
​@Pooja Manjooran