Sunbird - Ansible variables
Ansible inventory structure in private repo
└── inventory
└── dev
├── Core
│ ├── common.yml
│ ├── hosts
│ └── secrets.yml
├── DataPipeline
│ ├── common.yml
│ ├── hosts
│ └── secrets.yml
└── KnowledgePlatform
├── common.yml
├── hosts
└── secrets.yml
Same directory structure needs to be followed in Jenkins jobs aswell. ex: Build/Core/jobname, Artifcatupload/Core/jobname, Deploy/dev/Core/jobname.
common.yml : Any variables which needs to be overriden or if its a private variable we need update this variables in common.yml. ex: ingress ip, env name, domain name etc
secret.yml: secrets variables are updated in this file. ex: storage keys, api keys, postgress pasword, registry secrets etc. secrets.yml is encrypted with ansible vault. below are the command to edit, encrypt, decrypt vault file.
ansible-vault <edit/encrypt/decrypt> ansible/inventory/dev/KnowledgePlatform/secrets.yml --vault-password-file <vault-password-file>
Ansible Variables
Read about Ansible variables and its precedence from Ansible documnet
default variables: added in ansible roles defaults file
group variables: its added in all.yml and private repo common.yml
extra variables are passed from jenkins file, while running the ansible playbooks