Prometheus PV Backup and Restore on Kubernetes

Prometheus PV Backup and Restore on Kubernetes

Adding the Dockerfile used to build the custom prometheus image with azcopy on ubuntu for reference

FROM quay.io/prometheus/prometheus:v2.17.2 FROM ubuntu:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget vim curl && wget https://aka.ms/downloadazcopy-v10-linux -O /tmp/downloadazcopy-v10-linux && tar -xf /tmp/downloadazcopy-v10-linux && mv azcopy_linux_amd64_10.16.1/azcopy /bin/ && chmod ugo+x /bin/azcopy COPY --from=0 /prometheus /prometheus COPY --from=0 /bin/prometheus /bin/prometheus COPY --from=0 /etc/prometheus /etc/prometheus COPY --from=0 /bin/promtool /bin/promtool COPY --from=0 /usr/share/prometheus /usr/share/prometheus RUN ln -f -s /usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries /usr/share/prometheus/consoles/ /etc/prometheus/ WORKDIR /prometheus USER nobody EXPOSE 9090 VOLUME [ "/prometheus" ] ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/prometheus" ] CMD [ "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml", \ "--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus", \ "--web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries", \ "--web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles" ]


Prometheus PV Backup and Restore

On first cluster run the following (cluster where we need to take the backup)

kubectl -n monitoring get prometheus kubectl -n monitoring patch prometheus sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"enableAdminAPI":true}}' kubectl -n monitoring get sts prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus -o yaml | grep admin kubectl port-forward -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 9090:9090 snapshot=$(curl -XPOST http://localhost:9090/api/v2/admin/tsdb/snapshot) snapshot_dir=$(echo $snapshot | jq -r .data.name) kubectl exec -it -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 -c prometheus -- du -shx /prometheus/snapshots/$snapshot_dir kubectl scale deployment -n monitoring sunbird-monitoring-operator --replicas=0 kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value": "keshavprasad/prometheus-ubuntu:0.0.4"}]' kubectl get pod -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 --watch kubectl exec -it -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 -c prometheus -- bash -c "HOME=/tmp azcopy cp /prometheus/snapshots/$snapshot_dir 'https://STORAGE_ACCOUNT_URL/prometheus?SAS_TOKEN' --recursive=true" kubectl scale deployment -n monitoring sunbird-monitoring-operator --replicas=1


On second cluster run the following (cluster where we need to restore the backup)

kubectl scale deployment -n monitoring sunbird-monitoring-operator --replicas=0 kubectl scale statefulset -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --replicas=0 kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/3"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/2"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/1"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/livenessProbe"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/readinessProbe"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/command", "value": ["sleep", "infinity"]}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value": "keshavprasad/prometheus-ubuntu:0.0.4"}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/securityContext/runAsNonRoot", "value": false}]' kubectl patch statefulsets.apps -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --type=json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/securityContext/runAsUser", "value": 0}]' kubectl scale statefulset -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus --replicas=1 kubectl get pod -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 --watch kubectl exec -it -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 -c prometheus -- bash -c "rm -rf /prometheus/*" kubectl exec -it -n monitoring prometheus-sunbird-monitoring-prometheus-0 -c prometheus -- bash -c "azcopy cp 'https://STORAGE_ACCOUNT_URL/prometheus/$snapshot_dir/*?SAS_TOKEN' /prometheus --recursive=true" kubectl scale deployment -n monitoring sunbird-monitoring-operator --replicas=1


Addition information (for knowledge / debugging purpose only)

To manually start prometheus, use the below command (ensure you create the prometheus.env.yaml file in /tmp directory by copying from old pod)


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