Map a custom domain to an Azure Blob Storage endpoint with HTTPS enabled

This approach involves below steps:

  1. Enable Azure CDN on your blob or web endpoint. For a Blob Storage endpoint, Integrate an Azure storage account with Azure CDN.

  2. Map Azure CDN content to a custom domain.

  3. Enable HTTPS on an Azure CDN custom domain.


1. Enable Azure CDN on your blob or web endpoint.

  • Create a new CDN profile, In the Azure portal, select Create a resource (on the upper left). The Create a resource portal appears.

  • Search for and select Front Door and CDN profiles, then select Create:

  • Select Explore other offerings then select Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic). Select Continue.

  • In the Basics tab, enter the following values:

sunbscription, resourcegroup, resourcegroup region, Name, region, Pricing tier.

  • Select Review + Create then Create to create the profile.

Create a new CDN endpoint

  • In the Azure portal, select the CDN profile that you created, On the CDN profile page, select + Endpoint.

  • The Add an endpoint page appears. Enter the following setting values:






Enter name for your endpoint hostname. This name must be globally unique across Azure; if it's already in use, enter a different name. This name is used to access your cached resources at the domain <endpoint-name>

Origin type

Select Storage.

Origin hostname

Select the host name of the Azure Storage account you're using.

Origin path

Leave blank.

Origin host header

Leave the default value (which is the Origin hostname).


Leave the default HTTP and HTTPS options selected.

Origin port

Leave the default port values.

Optimized for

Leave the default selection, General web delivery.

  • Select Add to create the new endpoint. After the endpoint is created, it appears in the list of endpoints for the profile. (The time it takes for the endpoint to propagate depends on the pricing tier selected when you created the profile. Standard Akamai usually completes within one minute, Standard Microsoft in 10 minutes, and Standard Verizon and Premium Verizon in up to 30 minutes.)

2.Map Azure CDN content to a custom domain.

Create a CNAME DNS record, Before you can use a custom domain with an Azure CDN endpoint, you must first create a canonical name (CNAME) record with Azure DNS or your DNS provider to point to your CDN endpoint.

DNS Provider:

Map the temporary cdnverify subdomain

  • Sign in to the web site of the DNS provider for your custom domain.

  • Create a CNAME record entry for your custom domain and complete the fields as shown in the following table (field names may vary):








  • Source: Enter your custom domain name, including the cdnverify subdomain, in the following format: cdnverify.<custom-domain-name>

  • Type: Enter or select CNAME.

  • Destination: Enter your CDN endpoint hostname, including the cdnverify subdomain, in the following format: cdnverify.<endpoint-name>

  • Save your changes.

Map the permanent custom domain

  • Sign in to the web site of the domain provider for your custom domain.

  • Create a CNAME record entry for your custom domain and complete the fields as shown in the following table (field names may vary):








  • Source: Enter your custom domain name.

    • For example:

  • Type: Enter or select CNAME.

  • Destination: Enter your CDN endpoint hostname in the following format: <endpoint-name>

    • For example:

  • Save your changes.

3.Enable HTTPS on an Azure CDN custom domain.

To enable HTTPS on an Azure CDN custom domain, you use a TLS/SSL certificate. You choose to use a certificate that is managed by Azure CDN or use your certificate.

Enable HTTPS with a CDN managed certificate

  • Go to azure portal and select your CDN profiles.

  • In the list of CDN endpoints, select the endpoint containing your custom domain.

  • The Endpoint page appears.

  • In the list of custom domains, select the custom domain for which you want to enable HTTPS.

  • Under Certificate management type, select CDN managed.

  • Select On to enable HTTPS.

  • Validate the domain.