Release Notes for cQube v5.0.3
Release Highlights
Installation on AWS, On Premise and Oracle: State deployer will be able to install on AWS , On Premise and Oracle.
Data Ingestion and processing:
i. Splitted the cli commands to run the grammars & dimensions data separately
ii. Added filter feature for a specific grammar n dimension data ingestion
iii. Removed the Database clearing functionality
iv. 95 % Code Coverage
v. Unit Testing for ingestion -ms and spec-ms
vi. Unit Testing for NIFI processor group
vii. Unit Testing for adapters
viii. Created Dimension API for creating dimension grammar & ingest dimension data
UI Architecture level and Functional level Changes
i. Drill Down feature standardized across all reports
ii. Map element standardized across all reports
iii. Enabled adding Filters to the existing reports
Testing - E2E
i. Functional testing of On Premise cQube Installation.
ii. Functional testing of Spec , Ingestion , Dimension and Schedule API’s
iii. Functional testing of Nifi processing for VSK , Teacher Attendance input data files.
iv. Functional testing of Visualization - login , dashboard , all program wise dashboard functionality testing and resolutions with alignments testing activities.
Master document is created for the Deployment, Data ingestion and Visualization
Something exciting is coming in the next release. Stay tuned to know more!