Question categories

List of categories of Question

Multiple Choice Question

  • Is Primary Category? Yes

  • displayLabel: Multiple Choice Question

  • objectType: Question

  • mimeType:

  • Interaction types: [“select“] ?

  • Name: (used to be title in Assessment Item spec)
    → Editor will auto-generate name so that it can be displayed in Question Search

  • Description: (used to be Short Description in Assessment Item spec)

  • Instructions: Not required, no default

  • Organisation Framework: derived from Question Set category definition

    • Board, Medium, Class, Subject, Topic, Learning Outcome - No default, Not mandatory. Tenant specific configuration might differ from each other.

  • Target Framework: will be mostly blank. Not required.

  • Audience: derived from Question Set category definition

  • Visibility: set by Question Set category definition

  • License: derived from Question Set category definition. Defaulted to default license of the tenant (user can change), Mandatory

  • Owner: set by system

  • Author: Defaulted to creator name (user can change), Mandatory

  • Copyright: Defaulted to Tenant Name (user can change), Mandatory

  • Attributions: No default, , Not Mandatory

  • Additional Categories: Not required, no default

  • Trackable: Not required, no default

  • Max Score: set by creator, no default, not required

  • Body: provided by creator, required, at least two options, no default

  • Feedback: not required, no default

  • Answer: not required, no default

  • Solution: not required, no default

  • Response declaration: at least two options

  • Response processing: award marks as per response mapping

  • Interactions: at least two options

  • Scoring Mode: default = system, can be none, derived from Question Set category definition

  • TimeLimit: not required, no default. TimeLimit with Max time, Warning time

  • ShowTimer: not required, no default