
The user deletion requirement in inQuiry has been originated from the below requirement.

PRD: [PRD] Delete Account functionality

BE Design Lern - [Design] Delete Account Functionality

FE Design Lern - /wiki/spaces/SUN/pages/3359146039

What is changing?

The user can request for deletion of their account in Sunbird, this means two primary actions to happen.

  1. User's Personal Identifiable Information (PII) needs to be removed

  2. The assets (like questions, questionSets, content etc) that was created by this user needs to be transferred to an identified user.

Scope for inQuiry

Inquiry in its question bank stores the users name and id as part of question and questionSet meta data.

Apart from the User Name, there is no other identifiable information of the user that is stored in the inQuiry data stores.

The user name is stored in the data stores as below,

Changes in inQuiry

The events are user specific and not in bulk form.

createdFor is an attribute that stores the organisation name. It is confirmed that the users in the scope of inQuiry, i.e; creator or reviewer, will always have an organisation.

Impacts if any

No impacts detected,

Discussion items

Technical Design

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