Following in the behaviour of version 2 of inQuiry APIs, Editor and Player
(a) Follow the QuML Spec 1.1 and
(b) Support backward capability to Version1 and QuML Spec 1.0 and perform on-demand migration.
Update of Q 1.0 question/question sets using the V2 APIs will migrate the question/question sets to Q 1.1 and save the changes
Reading of Q 1.0 question/question sets using the V2 APIs is supported, which will not perform any alteration on the question/question sets
Publish / Review of Q 1.0 question/question sets is not allowed using the V2 APIs
A question set created in the Q 1.0 format may contain questions with visibility mode parent
as well default
. When an update is made to the question set using the V2 APIs, the question set should be migrated to Q 1.1 ie all the question in the question set will be migrated. The questions with the visibility mode parent
can be migrated on-demand, whereas the question with default
visibility mode having scope outside of the question set, cannot be migrated as part of the question set migration.
User opens a Question set created as per the QuML 1.0 using the V2 Editor
Allows reading of Question set created as per Q 1.0. No updates on the Question set or Question
Display Pop-up saying The question set contains question created in the older format. Would you like to migrate all questions to the new format? Yes/ No
Migrate all the question with visibility as parent
to Q 1.1
If there are questions with visibility as public/default
, another pop-up will display with an alert saying The question `name of question` does not belong to this question set. You can either migrate this question (individually) or remove this from the question set.
Option 1 : The user removes the question(s) from the question set, repeats 1.b.i.1
and all the questions and the question set will be completely migrated and saved in Q 1.1
Option 2 : The user migrates the default
questions to Q 1.1
[Note] This cannot be done within the Question set (using the question set editor ) since these questions be present in other question sets and is has scope outside of the question set and repeats 1.b.i.1
The capability will be introduced in the question editor, to migrate question to Q.1.1 on demand.
User tries to edit the question set and Save as draft
/ Send for review
Scenario 1 : The Question set API contains question in Q 1.0 format. Upon attempting any update, the screen will freeze and pop-up will appear with the following message:
The question set contains question created in the Q 1.0 format. You can either migrate all the questions to Q 1.1 or remove the questions from the question set.
Option 1 : Migrate all the questions to Q 1.1 - YES / NO
Follows same steps mentioned in 1.a.ii.1