Question types feature parity
Request traceability [Finalise the strategy and during the testing cycle] [? days]
How to generate request id?
What happens if one these params for eg. req id is not present. Will the API fail?
API automation
Migration of test cases from V1 to v2
Strategy for test data deletion
Analysis and resolution of vulnerabilities
Removal of Hardcoding
User Deletion
Simplify installation of inQuiry (as per of Sunbird ED)
QuML Spec for the following attributes
Primary Category based configuration for attribute behaviour
POC - Primary Category based configuration for attribute behaviour [1 day]
CSP changes [3 days - dev + testing]
Request traceability [Finalise the strategy and during the testing cycle] [? days]
How to generate request id?
What happens if one these params for eg. req id is not present. Will the API fail?
Backend unit test cases - Improving the coverage [1 week]
Analyse [Editor, Player] - [Confirm on the pending tasks Sajesh Kayyath Rajnish Dargan ]:
Streamline BB code/ remove deprecated code etc.
NPM package release automation (Needs DevOps support)
Analyse how APIs errors are consumed by Editor & Player
List down all the error messages
Review & refactor the error messages
Documentation updates [Needs clarity Sajesh Kayyath Gauraw Kumar ]
Configurations of contributed features/properties
Demystification of SB BB & documentation
Scala version upgrade
Migration Script [2.5 weeks]
Approach [1-2 days]
QuML Migrator [1 week]
Event generator [3 days]
Re-publish [3 days]
Backend unit test cases - Improving the coverage [1 week]
POC - Primary Category based configuration for attribute behaviour [1 day]
FTB Implementation
Discuss in the working group connect
Catchup with Mathew / other relevant folks.
Analyse [Editor, Player] :
Streamline BB code/ remove deprecated code etc. to ensure a clean offering that is fully understood by the team that owns it.
Code review, remove unused code
Check for any code inspection tool?
Hard coding of content organisation and target frameworks in editors and other components to point to a specific framework has to be removed
Web component to Editor & Player
Documentation updates
Configurations of contributed features/properties
NPM package release automation (Needs DevOps support)
Finalise the strategy
Implementation design
Analyse how APIs errors are consumed by Editor & Player
Backend is sending API error and Editor & Player are displaying different error messeges
Pending Discussion
Ed Team
Request traceability - Expectation / priority / proposed design ?
Simplify inQuiry Installation
Feature parity b/w ECML & QuML
Finalise the strategy for NPM package release automation
inQuiry upgrade to v2
QuML Compliance changes
FTB Implementation
Pending bugs
Editor Web component
inQuiry MS > Schema deployment - documentation
Update the steps in confluence for future reference
What are the list configs, we need list in confluence/ microsite for reference
How to deploy steps document. So, anyone from the team can deploy in the absence of core member.
List Jira tickets, create Confluence pages, and update the microsite
QuML Compliance
FTB Design
Question reusability: Create within a QueSet, use in another (Visibility private (P3), Old ECML (P3)). Review question lifecycle.
Attach or record audio (across all question types)
Functional Testing Automation: Today the coverage is x/total APIs and x%. We want to achieve >90% coverage across all APIs.
Performance Testing & Benchmarking: Today we don’t know this. We want to achieve <5% error rate. Expected scale: 25k TPS.
Health monitoring: Today there is no health monitoring, we want to provide monitor-ability.
Debuggability: FAQs to help adopters to debug any issues.