
The admin is able to manually send actionable progress based messages to creators & reviewers

Challenges in the current solution flow:

There are 3 overarching use cases for which Prashnavali is being used for creation of good quality questions:-

  1. Assessments

  2. Practice Worksheets

  3. Question Banks

The mentioned use cases require a quick turnaround time and close monitoring on the progress of the status and regular reminders to users to complete the assigned task. Just to add some colour:-

Currently, to send reminders to each creator & reviewer, the admin has to do these steps:-

  1. Login to the contribution portal

  2. Go to ‘My Projects’

  3. Open the desired project (approx. 46 projects in chapter worksheets)

  4. See the overall progress status of the project

  5. Open the desired question set (approx 15-30 question sets per project in case of chapter worksheets)

  6. See the progress in that particular question set

  7. Send a reminder/nudge to the creator & reviewer

Steps 3-7 need to be repeated for all projects & all question sets in that project

Functional solution:

The admin is able to send reminders/nudges to users (creators & reviewers) based on their progress in a project

The proposed solution is:

  1. Login to the sourcing portal

  2. Go to  the ‘Organisational Reports’ section

  3. A report ‘Contribution portal progress report’ is available for download

  4. Admin is able to send reminder/nudges to creator & reviewer based on the progress

Slide 25-28 attached for wireframes of the solution

Technical solution:


  1. Adding Checkbox to enable Reminder

    1. There will be one checkbox added to the UI of the project creation page by updating the sourcing project creation page.

  1. Have to add an system environment variable: isSendReminderEnable, this key will have a boolean value. By default, isSendReminderEnable: false.

    1. Depending upon the system environment variable, the checkbox will be blank in the beginning. SourcingOrg Admin can enable it, if required.

    2. The updated value of the checkbox will be stored in the config of sourcing project.

  1. Adding a button “‘Send a Reminder”

    1. Only if isSendReminderEnable: true in the config of collection, we’ll show the button “Send a Reminder” on the nomination page.

    2. On click of this button we’ll open a modal which will have UI as given below:

  2. Fetching User Details

    1. To have a list of users, we’ll have the data from following API on click of Send Reminder button.
      Nomination list(Existing API):

      1. API: program/v1/nomination/list
        We are already hitting this API on opening of nomination page.

    2. This API has Key: result[0].rolemapping, which will give us the userIds of contributor and reviewers.

    3. For the complete details of users we will hit following API:
      API: program/v1/contributor/search
      With the help of the above mentioned API we will show the name of contributors and reviewers on UI.

  3. Sending Message

    1. On selecting at least one user(contributor/reviewer) out of all users in the list, a button to send a message will be enabled on modal.

    2. On click of that button a template mail/SMS will be sent to selected users and the SMS/Email API will get hit.

    3. Send SMS API:

      API: user/v1/notification/email