Default - Visibility value for the question set is set as ‘Private’. Admin can choose to edit and directly create a project that is public paper (e.g. - practice paper, Question bank/library).
- In the case of other collections, the default value can be set as public, which can be edited by the admin.
A single project can have multiple collections/question sets. The visibility parameter for each of the collection/ question set can be differently set.
Admin Publishes the project.
All the new questions/content created new within the question set/collection will have the visibility inherited from its parent
Adding an existing question/content from the library → All the questions that are ‘Public’ will be shown in the search result when the admin adds a question from the library.
- A public content/question can be made part of a private collection/question set.
If a content/question is private it will not get listed in the Add from Library
After the project is created, in the project details list view → where all the question sets are listed and shown. The visibility parameter for each of the question set is shown to the user.
In-case of private ( a private tag is shown), in case of public nothing is shown. On mouse hover on the name of the project (visibility value is shown)
At any point, the admin will have the provision to edit visibility from private to public
Case1: A question set/collection that is still in draft mode on VDN.
How to:
On VDN → Admin goes to the project, sees the list of question sets/collections, and converts a collection/question set from private to public
The question set/collection and all the questions/content created under it are now made public.
The questions will start showing in the Add from library search
Case2: A question set/collection that is published on Diksha as private
How to:
On VDN → Admin goes to the project, sees the list of question sets/collections, and converts a collection/question set from private to public
The question set/collection and all the questions/content created under it are now made public.
The questions will start showing in the Add from library search
On Diksha, the question set/collection will become searchable and visible (under the Others tab) and via the public URL of the resource.
Case1: A question set/collection that is still in draft mode on VDN.
How to:
On VDN → Admin goes to the project, sees the list of question sets/collections, and converts a collection/question set from public to private
The question set/collection is now made private
When the question set/collection will be published to Diksha it will be published as private
New questions/content that will be added will inherit the visibility of private
All the existing questions/content which were added as the public will remain to do so.
In add from library, → All the public questions will show up, while the private ones will not show up
Case2: A question set/collection that is published on Diksha as public
How to:
On VDN → Admin goes to the project, sees the list of question sets/collections, and converts a collection/question set from public to private.
The question set/collection is now made private
The question set/collection will no longer be visible On Diksha publicly.
All the questions/content within the question set/collection remain to be public
While doing Add from the library the questions are visible to be searched and re-used
If a question is already re-used in another question set/collection they remain to retain their public visibility
On Diksha, the questions will become searchable and visible (under the Others tab) and via the public URL of the resource.
However the question set will cease to be visible.
Mockups of Enabling Modification of Visiblity of a Question Set on the UI -
(Refer to Slides 22, 23, then 75-80)
The 2 problem statements are -
Providing access of DIKSHA Question Sets to External State Applications (Avsar, E-Samwad etc)
Updating visibility status of question sets and questions from private to public
Tech Implementation Design -
Approach 1 -
Org admin will get an option to publish a QuestionSet/Question to DIKSHA in “Private mode”.
In private mode questionset/question are not searchable through normal search APIs.
To access questionset/question we will use “Private Search APIs”
Once the exam is over the org admin can republish the questionset/question from Vidyadaan and it will update the status to “Public”.
Sharing of Question Sets with External App:
There will be a questionset ID in a mobile app and using this id we can request the question list details using the private search APIs.
These APIs need authentication so we will hardcode the auth token and organization id in our mobile App.
Add the Import button in the project to publish content.
Need to check whether questions get published in private mode.
Issue in this approach
Anyone can extract the token from the app and use all APIs externally.
Approach 2 - Unlisted Publishing of Question Sets
Org admin will get an option to publish a questionset/question to DIKSHA in unlisted mode. In this mode the questionset/question will not be visible in any search APIs, it can only be discoverable through it’s do_id.
Other external Apps already have these Id’s so they can directly call the question detail API using the do_id to get all the details.
Once the exam is over the org admin can republish the questionset/question from vidyadaan and it will update the status to “public”, now the content is available for search and reuse using add from library option.
Add unlist publish support in the existing import API if it is not there.
Add the Import button along with the option to publish it as unlist/public in the project.