Contains QuestionSet Editor library components powered by angular. These components are designed to be used in the sunbirdEd portal and coKreat reference web portal to drive reusability, maintainability hence reducing the redundant development effort significantly.
For help getting started with a new Angular app, check out the Angular CLI. For existing apps, follow these steps to begin using .
npm i @project-sunbird/sunbird-collection-editor-v9 --save npm i common-form-elements-web-v9 --save npm i ng2-semantic-ui-v9 --save npm i ngx-infinite-scroll --save npm i lodash-es --save npm i jquery.fancytree --save npm i angular2-uuid --save npm i @project-sunbird/client-services --save npm i export-to-csv --save npm i moment --save npm i @project-sunbird/ckeditor-build-classic --save npm i @project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9 --save npm i @project-sunbird/sunbird-epub-player-v9 --save npm i @project-sunbird/sunbird-video-player-v9 --save npm i @project-sunbird/sunbird-quml-player-v9 --save npm i ngx-bootstrap@6.0.0 --save npm i ng2-cache-service --save npm i fine-uploader --save npm i ngx-chips@2.2.0 --save npm i epubjs --save npm i videojs-contrib-quality-levels --save npm i videojs-http-source-selector --save npm i jquery --save npm i express-http-proxy --save npm i mathjax-full --save npm i svg2img --save npm i font-awesome --save npm i @project-sunbird/sb-styles |
Note: As QuestionSet Editor library is build with angular version 9, we are using ngx-bootstrap@6.0.0 and ngx-chips@2.2.0 which are the compatible versions.
For more reference Check compatibility document for ng-bootstrap here
Create a editor-cursor-implementation.service.ts in a project and which will implement the QuestionCursor
and EditorCursor
abstract class. Refer: editor-cursor-implementation.service.ts
Remember EditorCursor
is to be imported like this
import { EditorCursor } from '@project-sunbird/sunbird-collection-editor-v9';
Create a data.ts file which contains the questionSetEditorConfig
Refer: data.ts
Note: questionSetEditorConfig
in data.ts contains the mock config used in component to send it as input to QuestionSet Editor. We need only questionSetEditorConfig
Create a latexService.js in root folder. Refer: latexService.js
Create a proxy.conf.json in root folder. Refer: proxy.conf.json
Create server.js in root folder. Refer: server.js
Copy the assets from: assets
{ ... "build": { "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", "options": { ... ... "aot": false, "assets": [ ... ... { "glob": "**/*", "input": "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9/lib/assets/", "output": "/assets/" }, { "glob": "**/*", "input": "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-video-player-v9/lib/assets/", "output": "/assets/" }, { "glob": "**/*", "input": "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-collection-editor-v9/lib/assets", "output": "/assets/" }, { "glob": "**/*", "input": "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-quml-player-v9/lib/assets/", "output": "/assets/" } ], "styles": [ ... "src/assets/quml-styles/quml-carousel.css", "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sb-styles/assets/_styles.scss", "src/assets/lib/semantic/semantic.min.css", "src/assets/styles/styles.scss", "node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css", "node_modules/video.js/dist/video-js.min.css", "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-video-player-v9/lib/assets/videojs.markers.min.css", "node_modules/videojs-http-source-selector/dist/videojs-http-source-selector.css" ], "scripts": [ ... "node_modules/epubjs/dist/epub.js", "src/assets/libs/iziToast/iziToast.min.js", "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js", "node_modules/jquery.fancytree/dist/jquery.fancytree-all-deps.min.js", "src/assets/lib/dimmer.min.js", "src/assets/lib/transition.min.js", "src/assets/lib/modal.min.js", "src/assets/lib/semantic-ui-tree-picker.js", "node_modules/@project-sunbird/client-services/index.js", "node_modules/video.js/dist/video.js", "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-video-player-v9/lib/assets/videojs-markers.js", "node_modules/videojs-contrib-quality-levels/dist/videojs-contrib-quality-levels.min.js", "node_modules/videojs-http-source-selector/dist/videojs-http-source-selector.min.js" ] } } ... ... } |
{ ... ... "scripts": { "ng": "ng", "start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json", ... ... }, ... "dependencies": { ... ... }, "devDependencies": { ... ... } } |
Import the required modules such as below:
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; import { CollectionEditorLibraryModule, EditorCursor } from '@project-sunbird/sunbird-collection-editor-v9'; import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; import { QuestionCursor } from '@project-sunbird/sunbird-quml-player-v9'; import { EditorCursorImplementationService } from './editor-cursor-implementation.service'; @NgModule({ ... imports: [ CollectionEditorLibraryModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, RouterModule.forRoot([]) ], providers: [ { provide: QuestionCursor, useExisting: EditorCursorImplementationService }, { provide: EditorCursor, useExisting: EditorCursorImplementationService } ] ... }) export class AppModule { } |
Add the questionset editor config in component
... import { questionSetEditorConfig } from './data'; @Component({ ... ... ... }) export class AppComponent { ... public editorConfig: any = questionSetEditorConfig; } |
<lib-editor [editorConfig]="editorConfig"></lib-editor>
From the root directory - go to server.js
Update the host variable to which env your pointing. example if you are pointing sunbird dev instance update variable like below const BASE_URL = '' const API_AUTH_TOKEN = 'XXXX' const USER_TOKEN= 'YYYY' |
Note: You will need actual API_AUTH_TOKEN
If you are pointing to sunbird dev (
), create a Question Set in sunbird dev, copy the questionset_id from the browser url and set the do_id of Question Set in data.ts
export const questionSetEditorConfig = { context: { ... ... ... }, identifier: 'do_id', // identifier of questionset created in sunbird dev ... ... }; |
From the root directory - Start the server (Open terminal in root folder and start the application) as:
npm run start |
The app will launch at http://localhost:4200
Run Node server to proxy the APIs (Open another terminal in root folder and run the server.js ) as:
nodemon server.js |
Fork the project |
Go to the root directory
cd sunbird-collection-editor |
Install dependencies
npm install |
Build the library
npm run build-lib |
It will create a /dist/collection-editor-library
folder at the root directory and also copy all the required assets.
A sample angular application is included as part of this repo
In another terminal tab -
From the root directory - Start the server
npm run start |
The demo app will launch at http://localhost:4200
From the root directory - go to server.js
Update the host variable to which env your pointing. example if you are pointing sunbird dev instance update variable like below const BASE_URL = '' const API_AUTH_TOKEN = 'XXXX' const USER_TOKEN= 'YYYY' |
Note: You will need actual API_AUTH_TOKEN
If you are pointing to sunbird dev (
), create a Question Set in sunbird dev and set the do_id of Question Set in data.ts
export const questionSetEditorConfig = { context: { ... ... ... }, identifier: 'do_id', // identifier of questionset created in sunbird dev ... ... }; |
Run Node server to proxy the APIs (Open one more terminal in root folder and run the server.js ) as:
nodemon server.js |
Questionset Editor is an angular library built with Angular version 9, and it exports some modules and components.
Component: editor
This is the main editor Component that accepts some configuration (here editorConfig
) based on it loads the editor.
Let's deep dive into the player input configuration:
export interface questionSetEditorConfig = { context: Context; config: Config; } |
This Required property from the questionSetEditorConfig
provides the context to the questionset editor mostly in terms of the telemetry.
Along with this it also provides the channel level config, if available.
export interface Context { programId?: string; contributionOrgId?: string; user: User; identifier?: string; mode?: string; authToken?: string; sid: string; did: string; uid: string; channel: string; pdata: Pdata; contextRollup: ContextRollup; tags: string[]; cdata?: Cdata[]; timeDiff?: number; objectRollup?: ObjectRollup; host?: string; endpoint?: string; userData?: { firstName: string; lastName: string; }; env: string; defaultLicense?: any; framework: string; cloudStorageUrls?: string[]; additionalCategories?: any[]; labels?: any; targetFWIds?: string[]; } |
Description of the properties for the context
Property | Required | Description |
programId | false | program id in which questionset is created. |
contributionOrgId | false | Organisation id of the contributor. |
user | true | User object which contains users id, fullName, lastName, orgIds. |
identifier | false | identifier of questionset |
authToken | false | Authentication token |
sid | true | session id of the requestor stamped by portal |
did | true | uuid of the device |
channel | true | Channel which has produced the event |
pdata | true | Producer of the event |
contextRollup | true | Context Rollups upto level 4 |
tags | true | Encrypted dimension tags passed by respective channels |
cdata | false | Correlation data |
timeDiff | false | Last player duration |
objectRollup | false | Object Rollup up to level 4 |
host | false | Host URL |
endpoint | false | Telemetry API endpoint |
userData.firstName | false | User's first name |
userData.lastName | false | User's last name |
env | true | type of editor , in case of questionset editor its |
defaultLicense | false | default license of questionset |
framework | true | Organisation framework id |
cloudStorageUrls | false | Array of cloud storage urls |
additionalCategories | false | Array of objects of additional categories |
labels | false | Additional labels to be used in editor |
targetFWIds | false | Array of target framework ids |
This Required property from the questionsetEditorConfig provides the configuration for the questionset editor to enable/disable some functionalities.
config: { mode: 'string', //ex: 'edit'/'review'/'read'/'sourcingReview'/'orgReview' editableFields: { sourcingreview: string[], orgreview: string[], review: string[], }, maxDepth: number, //ex: 1 objectType: 'QuestionSet', primaryCategory: 'Practice Question Set', isRoot: boolean, //ex: true iconClass: 'string', //ex: 'fa fa-book' children: { Question: [ 'Multiple Choice Question', 'Subjective Question' ] }, hierarchy: { level1: { name: '', //ex: 'Section' type: '', //ex: 'Unit' mimeType: 'application/vnd.sunbird.questionset', primaryCategory: 'string', //ex: 'Practice Question Set' iconClass: 'string' //ex: 'fa fa-folder-o', children: {} }, level2: { name: 'string', //ex: 'Sub Section' ... ... }, level3: { ... ... } }, contentPolicyUrl: 'string' //ex: '/term-of-use.html' } |
Note: If any of the property is added in object-category-definition of questionset. It will take the config from there, otherwise questionset editor will take the mock config passed as input to the editor.
Description of the properties for the config:
Property | Default Value | Required | Description |
mode | true | Defines the mode in editor is to be loaded loaded. | |
editableFields | { sourcingreview: [], orgreview: [], review: [], } | false | Defines which fields is to be enabled when mode of questionset is review / sourcingReview / orgReview |
enableQuestionCreation | true | false | It enables or disables the creation of question in questionset |
assetConfig | false | asset Config sets the max size limit for image and videos to be uploaded in question in questionset. | |
maxDepth | true | Defines the depth to which the questionset is to be created. If the depth is 1, hierarchy should have level1 described. | |
children | true | If maxdepth is 0 this children inside the root node defines the template of questions. | |
hierarchy | false | If maxdepth is > 0 then hierarchy should have definiton of the levels. | |
objectType | 'QuestionSet' | true | Defines the object type |
primaryCategory | 'Practice Question Set' | true | Defines the primary category |
isRoot | true | true | Defines the node is root node. |
iconClass | 'fa fa-book' | true | Defines the icon of root node |
showAddCollaborator | false | false | This is to enable/disable the functionality of add collaborator in questionset. If it is true add collobrorator button will be enabled and created can add the collolaborator to collaborate in questionset. |
questionSet. maxQuestionsLimit | false | It defines the limit of total number of question to be created inside questionset. | |
contentPolicyUrl | true | It defines where should the content policy link will be redirected. |
mode: edit (all the fields will be enable to edit for questionset creator)
mode: sourcingReview (all those fields will be enabled whatever will be present in editableFields.sourcingreview)
Note: In above case editableFields.sourcingreview: ['instructions'] so only instruction field is enabled for sourcing reviewer while reviewing the questionset.
Its object for different types of mode based on which some fields get enabled.
editableFields: { "sourcingreview": [ "instructions" ], "orgreview": [ "name", "instructions", "learningOutcome" ], "review": [ "name", "description" ] } |
In sourcingreview, we have “instructions”, so when the mode of editor is sourcingReview in that case instruction will be only enabled.
When enableQuestionCreation: false “Create New” button gets disabled
assetConfig: { "image": { "size": "1", "sizeType": "MB", "accepted": "png, jpeg" }, "video": { "size": "50", "sizeType": "MB", "accepted": "mp4, webm" } } |
asset Config sets the max size limit for image and videos to be uploaded in questionset and the type of image and videos.
maxDepth defines the level of questionset i.e at which level question to be created. If maxDepth is set as 0, “Create New“ button get enabled to question at root node.
Note: children
at root node is to be defined which defines the type of question can be created at root node. Here is the default value for children.
children: { Question: [ 'Multiple Choice Question', 'Subjective Question' ] } |
If the maxDepth is set as 1, we need to define hierarchy
Here is the default value of hierarchy we are using, you can change the name of level also
hierarchy: { "level1": { "name": "Section", "type": "Unit", "mimeType": "application/vnd.sunbird.questionset", "primaryCategory": "Practice Question Set", "iconClass": "fa fa-folder-o", "children": { "Question": [ "Multiple Choice Question", "Subjective Question" ] } } } |
Note: If you add more depth you need to add more levels in hierarchy.
This defines the icon which comes in the node and levels, you can set your own icon here by adding the class of icon, in root node for iconClass: 'fa fa-book'
icon is shown as:
When showAddCollaborator is set it to true
it enable the add collaborator option in questionset. With which creator can as select the collaborate to contribute to same questionset.
This defines the maxiumun number of question to be created in a questionset.
questionSet: { "maxQuestionsLimit": "500" } |
Suppose if "maxQuestionsLimit"
is set to “5“ then while trying to create new question it will give error maxlimit message as:
It defines where should the content policy link should be retirected.
contentPolicyUrl: "/term-of-use.html"
in diksha we are using this config as it redirects to (
{ "code": "string", "dataType": "string", // text, list, number, boolean "description": "string", "editable": boolean, // true/ false "inputType": "", // text, richtext, textarea,keywords,nestedselect,select,topicselect,checkbox,timer, "label": "string", "name": "string", "placeholder": "string", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-2 required" }, //sb-g-col-lg-2 required, sb-g-col-lg-1 required "validations": [ { "type": "required", "message": "string" } // required, maxLength,compare ] } |
text: “string”
list: array[]
number: number
boolean: true/false
We are using required, maxLength,compare
required: for making the field to be required you need to add the required validations as:
"validations": [ { "type": "required", "message": "Any message to be shown below the field if field is not filled" } ] |
maxLength: for adding restriction of length on field text, textarea, richtext.
"validations": [ { "type": "maxLength", "value": "120", "message": "Input is Exceeded" } ] |
compare: for comparing one field with another.
In the case of timer warningTime should be less than or equal to maxTime so in warning time we can add the compare validation as:
"validations": [ { "type": "compare", "criteria": { "<=": [ "maxTime" ] }, "message": "warning time should be less than max timer" } ] |
We are using text,richtext, textarea,keywords,nestedselect,select,topicselect,checkbox,timer
{ "code": "name", "dataType": "text", "description": "Name of the Practice Question Set", "editable": true, "inputType": "text", "label": "Name", "name": "Name", "placeholder": "Enter name of the question set", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1 required" }, "required": true, "visible": true, "validations": [ { "type": "maxLength", "value": "120", "message": "Input is Exceeded" }, { "type": "required", "message": "Name is required" } ] } |
{ "code": "description", "dataType": "text", "description": "Description of the content", "editable": true, "inputType": "textarea", "label": "Description", "name": "Description", "placeholder": "Description", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1 required" }, "required": true, "visible": true, "validations": [ { "type": "required", "message": "description is required" } ] } |
{ "code": "instructions", "dataType": "text", "description": "Instructions for the question set", "editable": true, "inputType": "richtext", "label": "Instructions", "name": "Instruction", "placeholder": "Enter Instructions", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-2 required" }, "validations": [ { "type": "required", "message": "Instruction is required" } ], "required": true, "visible": true } |
{ "code": "keywords", "visible": true, "editable": true, "dataType": "list", "name": "Keywords", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1" }, "description": "Keywords for the content", "inputType": "keywords", "label": "keywords", "placeholder": "Enter Keywords", "required": false, "validations": [] } |
{ "code": "additionalCategories", "dataType": "list", "description": "Additonal Category of the Content", "editable": true, "inputType": "nestedselect", "label": "Additional Category", "name": "Additional Category", "placeholder": "Select Additional Category", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1" }, "default": "", "required": false, "visible": true } |
{ "code": "board", "default": "", "visible": true, "depends": [], "editable": true, "dataType": "text", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1" }, "description": "Board", "label": "Board/Syllabus", "required": false, "name": "Board/Syllabus", "inputType": "select", "placeholder": "Select Board/Syllabus" } |
{ "code": "topic", "visible": true, "editable": true, "dataType": "list", "depends": [ "board", "medium", "gradeLevel", "subject" ], "default": "", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1" }, "name": "Topic", "description": "Choose a Topics", "inputType": "topicselector", "label": "Topics", "placeholder": "Choose Topics", "required": false } |
{ "code": "showSolutions", "dataType": "text", "description": "Show Solution", "editable": true, "inputType": "checkbox", "label": "Show Solution", "name": "Show Solution", "placeholder": "Show Solution", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1" }, "required": false, "visible": true } |
{ "code": "maxTime", "visible": true, "editable": true, "dataType": "text", "name": "MaxTimer", "renderingHints": { "class": "sb-g-col-lg-1 required" }, "description": "MaxTime for the content", "inputType": "timer", "label": "Max Time", "placeholder": "HH:mm:ss", "required": true, "validations": [ { "type": "required", "message": "Maxtime is required" }, { "type": "maxTime", "value": "05:30", "message": "Maxtime should be less than or equal to 05:30" }, { "type": "minTime", "value": "00:01", "message": "Maxtime should be greater than 00:00" } ] } |