Focus Areas (Jan - June '24)









Vulnerabilities can result in data leaks and eventually data breaches. To prevent attacks & minimise the risk of security, the potential security weaknesses/vulnerabilities have to removed.

inQuiry BB should have no vulnerabilities

  • Analysis on the vulnerabilities in inQuiry

  • Removal of vulnerabilities in inQuiry


Capability Enhancement

Registered users of Sunbird who owns assets in the platform, do not have the agency to delete their account and erase their learning history. The assets owned by these users have to be transferred

Admin / support team should be able to transfer assets from one user to another user

  • Job which takes two ids as input and transfers all assets owned by one user id to another user id.


Capability Enhancement

Following question types are not available in inQuiry :

Arrange Sequence

Audio Response


FTB with Options

Image Responce

Matching Pair

Unseen Passages

Text Response

Text Question with Keywords (automatic answer review)

Video question / answer

inQuiry supports Arrange Sequence

Audio Response


FTB with Options

Image Responce

Matching Pair

Unseen Passages

Text Response

Text Question with Keywords (automatic answer review)

Video question / answer

Tech Debt

Ease of debuggability:

  • Implementation of request traceability for faster debugging of issues

Angular migration from 9 to 14

Completion of API automation

Java upgrade 11 to 17

Code Cleanup - primaryCategory script cleanup

The flag for enabling and disabling the creation of print version of question set

Rollback web compponent to angular library

Merge C4GT Contributions - Audio and a mode of solution for questions


Documentation - inQuiry Backend Repo documentation update - Local installation and data seed update

Microsite Documentation - Re-organizing the documentation for easy discovery in the microsite



V3 Roadmap / Focus Areas (June - Dec)


  1. Simplify SunbirdED - What is required from inQuiry?

    1. Installation

      1. Automate installation? Installation scripts

    2. Ease of Upgrade

    3. Ease of Maintenance

      1. Error traceability, proper error codes, doc for debugging etc

      2. Automation testing

  2. Sunbird Training & Certification

  3. Adaptability

    1. Flexibility

      1. inQuiry should be made easily pluggable

    2. configurability

      1. inQuiry should be made configurable

        1. Remove hardcoding present in the code

  4. Scalability

    1. inQuiry should enable ED to run on minimum scale and to have the capability to autoscale as per the adopters usage.

V3 Roadmap (June - December)

V2 Roadmap

Created |

Outcome & Benefit

Action Items


Contributor (Who?)

AMJ '23

JAS '23

OND '23

JFM '24


Enable course assessment through ED (for any training use-case) to provide enhanced capabilities to existing and potential adopters.

Today Course is one of the leading use-cases for ED adopters (DIKSHA & otherwise), but the assessments in a course are powered through ECML which has its shortcomings.

  1. Ability to create and consume FTB (P1) & MTF (P2)

  2. Question reusability: Create within a Question Set, use elsewhere.

    1. Question lifecycle changes as per tech review,

    2. Out of scope: Visibility private (P3), Old ECML (P3)

  3. Attach audio in a question

  4. Support 25k TPS scale




Value Proposition

Become more specific about who will find it more valuable, what will be their reason to believe in the benefits offered and thus having clarity on the right to play. Identify value propositions for independent software vendors (or IT teams in organisations).

  1. Engage with ecosystem actors in two phases through conversations rooted in this hypothesis & research plan.

  2. Round 1: NIIT/StackRoute, Tarento (Pulse), Manipal (Edu Next), Infosys.

  3. Round 2: Quizizz, DoubtNut.



Ease of use: Simplify and self-serve installation

Gives the ability for anyone (including ED) to leverage inQuiry with minimal support.

  1. Installation process is completely open-sourced

  2. Simplify installation: Local & Server installation Script with proper documentation

  3. Make it cost-effective for any one to use




Operational Monitoring: A self-serve tool to monitor the health of inQuiry micro-service.
•Saves the team's time is debugging issues.
•Helps in Faster Resolution

Today the team spends time assisting adopters debug issues. Mostly the issues are in the complimentary systems around inQuiry.

  1. Enable health-monitoring for adopters

  2. Tech FAQ and document steps to debug incase of commonly occurring issues


Experience and learn inQuiry. Help users imagine and visualise the possibilities using inQuiry.

  1. Prototypes in experience centre, Microsite upgrade, completeness, and simplification

  2. Reference solution packages for Test prep, Assessment, and Quizzing/Practice use-cases.



Scale performance benchmarking

Today we do not know if inQuiry works at large scale (e.g. 25k TPS). It has neither been used or tested at such a high scale. We rely on it purely based on our design & development practices.

We need to explicitly establish the scale benchmarks for inQuiry.

  1. Performance Testing & Benchmarking: Today we don’t know this. We want to achieve <5% error rate at expected scale or 25k TPS.

  2. Load testing scripts and reports will be published as open-source assets.



Testing Automation

Promise that it works with minimal time/effort spent every release by implementing test automation for all components

  1. Functional Testing Automation: Today the coverage is xy% (i.e x/total APIs). We want to achieve >90% coverage across all APIs.

  2. Current status of code coverage is

    1. Editor: 61%

    2. Player: 87%

    3. Micro-service: 84%

We want to achieve >90% unit test code coverage as well.




Easy to ensure QuML compliance (Validate & Generate).

Ensures that inQuiry follow the QuML spec and hence allow reusability, interoperability and longevity of its assets.

Today people need to deeply understand QuML specification to implement it. inQuiry makes it easy for people to implement and adopt QuML spec.

  1. Fix the QuML compliance gaps.

  2. Need to put a check so that it is always compliant in future as well and makes it easy to validate & generate QuML spec-based questions & question sets.




Light-weight/low-code inQuiry package

Today, by design, inQuiry is more suitable for high-scale usage. We need to offer a Starter Kit to small & mid-scale usage adoptions.

  1. Lower cloud infrastructure to make it cost efficient

  2. Simpler tech stack to make it easy to operate & maintain

  3. Easy to swap-out/swap-in dependencies (i.e. Knowlg)



Out-of-the-box capabilities for visibility of learning outcomes.

One of the primary reason for people to use question/sets is to get insights from the data generated by user’s/player’s response.

•This will generate necesssary information for questions and question set's analytics and hence make maximum use of the generated data
•The users will be able to make informed decisions based the analytics data

Out-of-the-box analytics for question usage, performance, and other question/question set related metrics.

  1. Define the metrics that matter

  2. Pilot/PoC using Sunbird cQube & Obsrv for data analysis

  3. Publish event schema so that anyone can understand

  4. <this items needs to be fleshed out further>



Activate Community engagement

Today there is much active interest around inQuiry from education & learning related projects, yet their active contribution in shaping the roadmap, contributing functionality, and accelerating adoption remains low.

  1. Co-created roadmap with the 4 active projects

  2. Regular community huddles to evolve the roadmap

  3. Design thinking or Brainstorming sessions on certain specific topics


V1 Roadmap

Last updated |




Contributor (Who?)

AMJ '23

JAS '23

OND '23

JFM '24

Functional Testing Automation

Promise that it works with minimal time/effort spent every release by implementing test automation for all components.


Performance Testing

Ensures scale-ready with quantified benchmarks for microservice.


QuML Compliance

Ensures reusability, interoperability and longetivity of assets (question/sets) by complying with QuML specs (strict compliance).


Expand the available Question Types

Reduces the feature parity between ECML and QuML hence facilitating the switch from ECML to QuML

Ability to compete in the market : By giving a wider variety of pre-built question types to the users, inQuiry is providing features at par with the competitors and hence driving adoptions.


Installation process is completely open-sourced

Gives the ability for anyone (including ED) to leverage inQuiry with minimal support


Local & Server Installation Script & its documentation

Adopter is be able to easily install inQuiry independently


Create a Tech FAQ and document steps to debug incase of commonly occuring issues

•Saves the team's time is debugging issues.
•Helps in Faster Resolution


Market study

Understand potential inQuiry adoptions FTSO creating products/solutions.
•Will give the ability to target the the right market
•Will be able Guide the product in the required direction


Out-of-the-box analytics for question usage, performance, and other question/question set related metrics.

•This will generate necesssary information for questions and question set's analytics and hence make maximun use of the generated data and inQuiry's capabilities
•The users will be able to make informed decisions based the analytics data


Multilingual Support

•Enables the creators to create questions in different languages and also create multilingual questions ie same question in different languages
•Also enables players to choose the language in which they would like to play
Hence making inQuiry accesible to a wide range of audience and also be able to power a variety of use cases


Identify items to be corrected and improve the inQuiry microsite

Will allow any potential Adoptor (or anybody else) to easily understand inQuiry. Inturn this should help in driving adoptions and also less effort to be spent by the team in explaining inquiry and what solutions can be implemented


WYSIWYG Creation

Allows users to easily edit and visualize the end user experince


Reusability of question by implementing visibility

Creators and organisations find it cost-effective to reuse questions. Currently questions created within a question set are not reusable across other question sets. Here are visibility functional needs.
