This page details the functionality to seek content from a restricted set of contributors.
Currently sourcing projects can either seek contributions from public (any contributor) through nominations-approval flow, or can be restricted to contributions by the sourcing org only.
However there are scenarios where a sourcing organization has a predefined list of contributors (mostly organizations that provide content) from which it would like to seek learning assets, without going through a nomination-approval process. This functionality is to enable this flow.
When a project is created by sourcing org admin, there is an option to choose “Open only for restricted contributors”.
When the user choses this option, system provides an option to select one or more contributors from which contributions need to be sought.
The option shows a list of contributor names, of all the contributors already enrolled as contributors on the system (can be individuals or organizations).
There is an option to search based on contributor name and filter based on the contributor type (filter options: Individual, Organization). The system also show the email id/mobile number (masked) that is provided as part of the registration.
The list will only show the individual contributors and contributor org admin details. Contributors or Reviewers of a contrib org are not shown.
The list of contributors will not show the default contrib org of the same sourcing org. It will be automatically nominated and approved.
User can select one or more contributors from the list and save it.
When user reopens the list, it shows already selected list of contributors and user can modify and save it.
User can also select “Skip two - level Review”. The text should show “Select this option in case you do not want to have review done by your organization or by the restricted contributors while contributing.”
When project is published and is ready for getting contributions, nominations are created and automatically approved for the selected set of contributors. Notification is sent to all the selected contributors - same notification that is sent when a nomination is accepted for a project.
The project is not open for nominations from any other contributors - except for the selected set of contributors and the sourcing organization itself.
When a contributor (individual or admin of a contrib org) logs into contribution portal, the “My Projects” page shows the project to which the contributor is added as a contributor.
The project is shown in “Approved” status
Contributor can open the project and start contributions. The flow is exactly same as any public project for which the nomination is accepted.
In case “Skip two - level Review” is selected when creating the project, the contributions from any of the contributor will not under go a review process by the contribution organization. The contributions are directly sent for approval for sourcing organization.
Review flow is enabled for all contributing orgs if “Skip two - level Review” is not selected in the project.
The review flow is same as that of a public project.
When sourcing org admin opens the project, the nominations tab shows the list of contributors added as part of the project with an approved status.
Reviewers can be assigned to the project like any other project.
Reviewers can login, open the project and review the contributions.
A project that is published can also be modified.
When a project is modified, sourcing org admin can add new contributors to the list as long as the contribution date is not crossed.
When the project is saved and published, the contributors are automatically nominated and can start the contribution process
Note: once the project is published for contributions, contributors cannot be removed from the list.
A project which is for invite only contributors is also by default available for the same sourcing org for contribution - similar to a public project (open for nominations).