Design: Wireframe → Final Design
Tech design: Architecture → Implementation design
Question types to be supported:
Multiple - Single select (radio button), multiple select (checkbox), slider, date, matrix, number only, text.
(Pre-requisite) Home Page > Observation > Select / Add Entity > Select / Create Observation instance
Launch Observation player (Portrait mode, Respond to rotation settings of the OS)
Observation name with Program name (insert design)
Progress bar should show Sections (not Questions) so that I can navigate to any section
Section + Question shown using different icons
Show Questions for current section, keep other sections collapsed
Only Sections or Only Questions shown
Current position indicator should show Current Section out of Total Sections (not Questions)
Tip (description) at Question Level - shown below the question (always visible)
Hint at Question Level - accessible via idea icon
Hint at Option Level - Must have for Slider
Icon next to each number / stop in the slider
Answer, bookmark and share feature aren’t required.
Timer isn’t required
Mandatory question needs to be indicated at various places - Current status, Question page, Progress bar, Question map
On Question map, selecting the particular question should take me to that question on the question page. (scroll to the question)
An icon for question map so that I can access it anytime while attempting the question.
Question map will include only attempted and non-attempted marking only (since there is not right / wrong)
All mandatory question need be answered to submit. Progress bar shows a section as completed if mandatory questions have been attempted.
The end screen to have submission confirmation message (No requirement of score and time taken). E.g. Your observation has been recorded. You just completed ‘AP HM Form’
The end screen will have option of 'View Reports'
‘Save and exit’ option required to save the responses in draft.
Location should be captured Geo-tagging
Evidence & Remark addition wherever enabled
Icon/label for adding evidence files and remark should be there
Add remark should pop up a screen for adding the text
As a creator I should be able to create Create observation/survey
While creating observation, I should be able to
Select Entity type (dropdown of 3-4 values)
Select Theme > Criteria (Tree structure)
Under create question set, all the response type should come
Advanced setting(Details)
Solution Name
Solution Description
Entity type for which the observation is being created (State, district etc)
Language (1 or 2) [accordingly, the question lines should appear for multi language input]
Enable Point based scoring-(yes or no)
Recommended for-Roles
Created by
In the sidebar
Section name and questions of that section
New Question and New section option at the bottom of the side bar
Copy question option next to each question
In main section
Space to write Question(Same as now) [Audio required in the question]
Response section(Same as now)
Add response option
Add hint option(Below each response)
Add score option(If enabled)(below each response)
Option to change the response type
Mark as mandatory (same as now)
Option to move the question between sections
Section name?
Enable Remarks and evidence
Evidence file type to be selected. Multi select options. (Eg. - pdf, jpg, png, docx)
Multiple language input for responses according to the question.
Select as parent question. Option to add child question under the parent question