The current desktop application is generic for all states - and a user has to spend time filtering through a set of boards, mediums, classes and subjects every time they land on the app to get content that is relevant for them. Since a school is usually associated with only one board, the person setting up the app needs to input the preferences just once. Post that, teachers/students who are accessing the app just need to select their class and scroll through to their subjects to find relevant content. This saves the teacher/student time as they're shown content relevant to them.
On the onboarding screen, the user has to fill their preferences in the order of Board → Medium → Class.
This ensures that they easily find relevant content in their library.
Srl. No. | User Action | Expected Result |
1 | User installs and launches the app for the first time | They are shown a popup which forces them to enter their board, medium and class While a user can select only one board, they can select multiple medium, and multiple classes This is a mandatory step that the user has to complete before moving forward |
2 | They enter their board, medium and class information | They are taken to the library page where the filters reflect the choices made by the user i.e.
The "recently added" section is not updated based on the filters |
3 | The user is on the library page | They can change their preferences of board, medium and class at any point of time to get the content from all subjects that are relevant to their selection |
Insert the JIRA Ticket ID created for this story here. Click the + sign on the toolbar, select JIRA Issue/Filter from the list and either select a JIRA issue from the list or create one.
In order for state administrators to drive consumption initiatives for their respective states/districts, it is essential to capture the user's location details at the time they install and launch the app.
S.No. | User Action | Expected Result |
1 | User completes onboarding after installing and launching the desktop app | They are asked to input or confirm their state and district (This is blank if the user isn't connected to the internet, and is defaulted to a state/district if the user is connected to the internet) |
2 | They input a state and district and confirm | They are taken to the library page |
Overall business logic as per: Location Capture :: Device and User
UI Element | Description | Language(s)/ Locales Required |
Board Medium Class | Onboarding field names - self explanatory | All languages supported by app and portal |
State District | Location input fields - self explanatory | All languages supported by app and portal |
Title and instructional text for both popups | Explaining purpose of inputting this information | All languages supported by app and portal |
Event Name | Description | Purpose |
Onboarding viewed | Event that informs the system that the user has viewed the onboarding popup | To measure drop-off owing to onboarding screen |
Onboarding completed | Event that informs the system that the user has completed onboarding (along with the values input by the user) | To use in reports to understand further usage divided by board (for. eg what is the play % of users who have onboarded to the desktop app with board =X) |
Location popup views | Event that informs the system whether the user has viewed the location popup (with extra information around whether it was prefilled, and with which state/district) | To measure drop-off owing to location capture |
Location submitted | Event that informs the system that the user has submitted his/her location details (with the values input by the user) | To further dissect reports by state/district |
Performance / Responsiveness Requirements | Load/Volume Requirements | Security / Privacy Requirements |
Both popups should load and be actionable within 3-4 sec | ||
Srl. No. | Metric | Purpose of Metric |
1 | No. of unique devices completing onboarding | To measure the overall drop-offs in the installation and trial experience |
2 | No. of unique devices submitting location | To measure the overall drop-offs in the installation and trial experience |