Many of the states working on ETB program have a lot of exiting content in the form of videos or pdfs. They prefer to reuse it for linking to the QR codes in their textbooks. This greatly reduces effort and time required in finding content for ETB. It also enables reuse of existing curated and quality content for ETB. This story details enabling of bulk upload of existing content by states through online portal.
Use this section to elaborate on:
In order to ensure effective scale rollout of ETB and associated programs across states, it is critical to make states self-reliant to execute most of the ETB activities themselves. One of the major activity for which state is dependent on Diksha implementation team is bulk content upload. In this PRD we are going explain process, workflow and upload format for bulk data upload on Diksha by states.
Actor: Content Reviewer
Detailed Process Flow:
Validations at the time of bulk sheet upload (Results in Validation Errors):
Validations while processing each row for creating each content (Results in Content Failure):
Replace the text within < > in the heading above with the name of the use case and provide a high-level overview of the use case for the JTBD or Initiative
Replace the text within < > in the heading above with the name of the use case and the name of the first user story. Provide a high-level overview of the user story here. Each user story is further elaborated in its sub-sections. The principles to bear in mind while writing a user story are: 1) it comprehensively captures a unique feature or functionality that a user can accomplish using the system 2) it encapsulates a single unit of functionality 3) it corresponds to one JIRA story 4) it is accomplished in one release. If, in a rare case, the functionality of a user story needs to be developed iteratively, the story should contain the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) content within the 'Main Scenario' section. All functionality to be developed in future releases, should be part of the 'For Future Release' section. Whenever the functionality is taken up for a release, it should become part of the 'Main Scenario' section. The 'Main Scenario' section should always be in sync with the current system functionality if the story is released. Scenarios detailed for the User Story are part of the acceptance criteria of the story.
Replace the text within < > in the heading above with the name of the main scenario of the user story. Describe the typical usage scenario, as envisaged from a user perspective in a sequence of steps in the following table. As mentioned, the main scenario must necessarily cover the MVP and must always be in sync with the system functionality. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
Srl. No. | User Action | Expected Result |
Replace the text within < > in the heading above with the name of the alternate scenario. Describe one or more alternate methods that a user can use to achieve the same functionality. Use the following table to elaborate on the alternate scenario. Repeat this section as many times as required for the number of alternate scenarios described.To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
Srl. No. | User Action | Expected Result |
Describe a list of exception scenarios in the following table and how they are handled. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
Srl. No. | Error / Exception | Expected Handling |
Attach wireframes of the UI, as developed by the UX team for screens required for this story
An optional section that describes functionality that may not be completed within a release
Insert the JIRA Ticket ID created for this story here. Click the + sign on the toolbar, select JIRA Issue/Filter from the list and either select a JIRA issue from the list or create one.
Repeat the entire Section and its corresponding subsections to elaborate the next user story in the use case. Repeat the section as many times as required.
Use this section to provide requirements to localize static content and/or design elements that are part of the UI in the following table. Localization of either the framework, content or search elements should be elaborated as a user story. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
UI Element | Description | Language(s)/ Locales Required |
Mention the UI Element that requires localization. e.g. Label, Button, Message, etc. | Provide the exact details of the element that requires localization. e.g. User ID, Submit, 'The content is currently unavailable' | Mention all the languages or locales for which localization is required |
Use this section to provide requirements of the events for which telemetry should be captured. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
Event Name | Description | Purpose |
Mention the event that will generate telemetry and which needs to be captured. | Provide event details. e.g. clicking upload for textbook taxonomy | Provide a reason why the event telemetry should be captured. |
Use this section to capture non-functional requirements in the following table. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
Performance / Responsiveness Requirements | Load/Volume Requirements | Security / Privacy Requirements |
Provide the perfomance or the responsivenes required from the system to ensure that the Use Case is effective. | Provide the load or volume required from the system to ensure that the Use Case is effective. | Provide security and privacy requirements for an effective Use Case |
Use this section to capture the impact of this use case on other products, solutions. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
Product/Solution Impacted | Impact Description |
Specify the name of the product/solution on which this use case has an impact | Explain how the product/solution will be impacted. |
Use this section to capture the impact of this use case on existing users or data. To add or remove rows in the table, use the table functionality from the toolbar.
User/Data Impacted | Impact Description |
Specify whether existing users or data is impacted by this use case | Explain how the users/data will be impacted. |
Specify the key metrics that should be tracked to measure the effectiveness of this use case in the following table. To add or remove rows, use the table functionality from the toolbar
Srl. No. | Metric | Purpose of Metric |
Specify the metric to be tracked | Explain why this metric should be tracked. e.g. tracking this metric will show the scale at which the functionality is used, or tracing this metric will help measure learning effectiveness, etc. | |