
Local notification purpose is to notify users to sue the mobile app for better learning experience.
Here user will get notification on timely basis, and the notification will be purely locally generated. For this, when the user installs the application and run it for the first time,  based on certain  configurations a notification event will be set on a particular date* and time*, which will be triggered at specified time with some message*.

Proposed Design

We're proposing the data structure for configuring the local notification.

Solution 1:

A notification will be triggered on every Tuesday at 7:30 PM (19:30) from the next coming Tuesday onwards.

And will be repeated 4 time only, after which there won't be any notification.

     time: "19:30",
     day: "Tuesday",
	 repeat: 7
     occurrence: 4,
     title: "{\"en\":\"Message\"}",
     msg: "{\"en\":\"Description for Notification\"}"

PropertytypeValue (Example)Description
timestring20:15time in 24 hours

any day of week ["Moday", "Tuesday"... "Sunday"]

Note: either of day or date


date of the month [1-31]

Note: either of day or date

repeatint5number of days notification to be repeated
occurrenceint10number of time to repeat the notification
Tittle for notification
Description of notification

Solution 2:


A notification will be triggered on every month 20th at 7:00 PM (19:00) from the next coming date.

And will be repeated monthly, till the given date in `endRepeat` i.e  

  time: "19:00",
  date: 20,
  repeat: "monthly",
  endRepeat: {
    date: "20/05/2019"
  title: "{\"en\":\"Message\"}",
  msg: "{\"en\":\"Description for Notification\"}"


A notification will be triggered on every day at an interval of 5 days at 10:00 AM (10:00).

And will be occurring for next 6 weeks, after which notification will stop.

  time: "10:00",
  interval: 5,
  endRepeat: {
    weeks: 6
  title: "{\"en\":\"Message\"}",
  msg: "{\"en\":\"Description for Notification\"}"

PropertytypeValue (Example)Description
timestring20:15time in 24 hours

any day of week ["Monday", "Tuesday"... "Sunday"]

Note: either of day or date


date of the month [1-31]

Note: either of day or date

repeatstringmonthlyrepeat pattern



Tittle for notification
Description of notification
object with some properties

For repeat object:

PropertytypeValue (Example)Description

after N number of months should stop notification

Note: if given then day should be a date of a month,

example: 20


after N number of weeks should stop notification

Note: if given then day should be in weekday,

example: "Tuesday"


after N number of days should stop notification

Note: if given then day and repeat should not be provided


should be repeated for N number of times only

Pros and Cons

1Simple logic not too many conditions for calculating date.While setting passing the values we've to calculate the number of occurrences based on when and how long we want to continue the notification.
2Has just have to pass the values it'll automatically calculate the occurrences and stop if required.Logic will be complex and have to take care of each every value which needs to be passed.

Using In App Notification Payload

After the discussion, we'll be using the same payload structure as described in In App Notification.

"id": 1, // id of the notification will be integer, which will be unique
"type": 1, // Notification type will be integer - Their can different notification types, like DOWNTIME, GREETINGS, NON-DISPLAY and OTHERS
"data":{ // action data contains all the information related to type of the notification, start, msg, notification title
	"en": {
	"title": "Title text",
	"msg": "Descriptive message"

PropertytypeValue (Example)Description
id of the notification will be integer, which will be unique
Notification type will be integer - Their can different notification types, like DOWNTIME, GREETINGS, NON-DISPLAY and OTHERS
dataobjtranslationsObject specifying the language, Example en
objintervalInterval specifies the time interval difference between 2 notification. Example, for weekly once value should be 7.

Date and time from when the notification will be triggered for the first time.  

Format "14/05/2019 12:00" or "Tuesday 12:00"

objoccurrenceNumber of times the notification should be triggered, if null then notification will be shown infinite times on the specified date and time

Translations object contains object with these properties with key specifying language code

PropertytypeValue (Example)Description
enobjtitleTitle of notification, should be string

objmsgDescription of notification, should be string
hiobjtitleTitle of notification, should be string

objmsgDescription of notification, should be string